HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 630, October 27, 1942NO-- 830 Proceedings of Board of rommissionora City ofPaducah October 27Yi1x_1942 At a ROgular Mooting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.m. on October 27t)_t, 1942, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Minutes of the prevloVs meeting were adopted as read. waterworks Lj Commissioner 7agner offered motion that the Financial Report of the Report Sept. 1942 Paducah Plater works for the month of September, 1942, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll,. Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Water Commissioner Wagner offered the following motion: The petitioners, extension rairo Rd A. P. Huddleston and wife, Cora Ray Huddleston, Vonie Shaw Roberts, Jake Huddleston and wife, Sulvia Huddleston, Levi Tanner, Thomas E. Fields, and C. L. Heron, having petitioned the Mayor and Board of Commissioners and Commissioners of water Works for the privilege of connecting a one inch water line at a two inch pipe line privately owned by petitioners, Heron, Fields and Tanher on the Cairo Road, between Julia Street and Estelle Street, and extending the pipe line petitioned for, thence 'Westwardly a distance of 204 feet, for the purpose of providing water service for the residences of the petitioners, Jack Huddleston, A. P. Ruddlestpn and Venie Shaw Roberts, fronting on the Cairo Road, and it appearing that said petition has been approved as ti form by the Commissioners of Water works, and that C. L. Heron, Levi Tanner and Thomas E. Fields have agreed to and approved said petition, I, THEREFORE, MOVE that said petition be received and filed; and that the i Commissioners of Vlater ;;arks be permitted to authorize said petitioners to tap the privately owned water line of Fields, Heron and Tanner on the South side of the Cairo i Road and to ,day and construct a one inch pipe line, as petitioned for, and for the purpose set forth in said petition. I move that permission to make said tap be granted, in accordance with the conditions net forth in said petition; and that the Commissioners of wator Works be authorized to furnish water service in accordance with the rules and regulations now I Torre, or hereafper adopted, regulating water service to persons residing ouiaido the I City Limits of Paducah. T_t is understood that neither the City of Paducah, nor its Commissioners I of hatter Warks, egroe or oblignto the City or its water Works to provide pressure or "'oter nervica; and that said nervice may be discontinued at any time when, in the j Ja•t,^r:.:nt r,P the ;Yard of Co-unianionors of the City of Paducah or the Corsn13a10nern of '"ate:• "c^k3, thq air, plyin;, of water tr said petitioners through said privately owned watt -r :1.^.e may lntorfnre or effect, t;;e &,Ffjquato supply of water to residents within t: -.c ^ity Limits. Adopted on ca11 of ttn 14,11., Yeas, rommissionors Dorian, Johnston;, llryor Lar,'soy (5). -13s1� :'in nem o^fere;? th,^ followin„ motion: Nit ter: retlticrad t.i., and Pnsrd Of Crmarlsntoners and the CS - :.,, .. fear the privil.a a of C connecting ^ ... as _7:rr ser ^asir;n: ea r..,natructe,l on Lot !to. 12 I n .nwco A':ec,: w lroota outside, the City of NO Proceedings of laard of comm_ la lonora City of Paducah Octobor 27th. 1842 --- Paducah, said connection or tap to be made from a privately owned pipe line now extending along Elmwood Avenue and owned by Earl Penix, W. S. Weatherington, J. M. Thomas, L. H. Tomlin, and R. N. Allcock, which last named privately owned pipe line is connected at the intersection of Julia Street and the Cat.to Road, with a privately o«mod pipe line owned by Charles Leslie heron, Levi Tennor and Thomas E. Fields. The petition of R. N. Allcock is approved and aigned by all of the remaining owners of the two privately owned pipe linos, here referred to. I, therefore, move that'aaid petition be received and filed and that the Commissioners of Plater Works be permitted to authorize R. Ii. Allcock to tap the privately owned water line at a point on Elmwood Avenue, opposite�Lot No. 12 in Block No. 6, for the purpose only of supplying water service to the residence of said S R. N. Allcock. The privilege of tapping said privately owned water line for the purposes here stated, is granted under the condition that the City shall not be liable to furnish water at any specified pressure and in all respects subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the petition and order filed and entered by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners April 25th, 1941, as appears by said order. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 17agner and 'Mayor Lackey (5). Fred LeverCommissioner :Magner offered the following motion: I move that an deed to Lest 14, Blk ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE AND CONVEYANCE TO FRED LE VER 3 Little Avenue I OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED ON LITTLE AVEIRIE, BEING LOT NO. 14 IIS BLOCK NO. 3, IN '111E CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED 1 g u OF CO2dvEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTX", be adopted. Adopted an call of the Rall, Yeas i Cormissloners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, laugnor and Mayor Lackey (5). Schultz R1; -;a Mayor Lackey made the following appointment: Appointed ' City Plann- WHEREAS, under Section 3235f-3 of the Kentucky Statutes it is provided ins, and Zcning ',j that the city member of the City Planning and Zoning Commission Initially appointed Cocnisaion shall hold hheir offices, according to designation in their appointment, one of them for a term of two years, and the others for terms of four years each, and thereafter, ; upon the expiration of their respective terms, the succossor of each shall hold hie Office for a term of four years; and, r/HEREA3, the members of said board first appointed on January 11 th, 1929 were F.rl D. Ifannnr., a;,pointod for a term of four years, Ann 1. Faker, appointed i for s term of tour ynora, and !11 Thurman appointed for n tarn of two years; und, I rr1::i:E6;, since the Initial appointment of nembors to serve on said toard, :t:e records of the "ity of iaciurah show that at various timos certain of the memt,ers renlr7ned, ott-:,r pernnna were ap,,,1atea it, their pince anal stead, and from timo to time new a•• -.;int -ants were T• +e, but nc�r t•nr,nr•in c1u not d!scloae the length of the p,.,rlod i n y::loh any -.rarer wcai n;.pointef1 to ;,orvc after January 11th, 1929; and, ,.t.,, rarnrds are In such a stato of ronfualon that It !s 0-e of the tor,,, of offtco of anr of the mamtera w1:7 'nave t.eer, arpolntcd ainr,a Jnr:uary 11th, 1929; und, NOti—___6�8 Proceedings ofpoard of Coimnissioners City of Paducah October 27th, 1942 WHEREAS, the last appointment was made on March 19, 1940 when the Payor the members of the Board of Commissioners appointed Ed D. Hannan, A. E. Colo and lid Hancock to serve for a period of four (4) years each; and, Y-HEREAS, Ed D. Hannan has since died; THEREFORE, in order to complu with the provisions of the statute and to definitely fix the terms of office of said board, I hereby re -appoint as members of Cit; Planning and Zoning Commission A. E. (Jack) Cole and Ed Hancock to servo for a period of four years from March 19th, 1940, the date of their original appointment, and I appoint Schultz Riggs whose term is to expire March 19th, 1946, and said City Planning and Zoning Commission as now constructed shall consist of the following members: - Pierce E. Lackey, Mayor, Ex -Officio member Glenn Houser, Acting Cit;; Engineer, Ex -officio member CITY MEMBERS A. E. (Jack) Cole, whose term expires on March 19th, 1944 Ed Hancock, whose term expires on March 19th, 1944 Schultz Riggs, whose term expires on March 19th, 1946 COUNTY UELBER E. U. Evans, whose term o9pires on March 19th, 1944. County Engineer or Acting Engineor, Ex -officio member. Signed Pierce E. Ladkoy —t ayor, 'Z�f�a uca S. R!;•rs Commissioner 1.9agner offered the fallowing motion: I move that the Board AppointTent Approved of Commissioners approve the action of the Mayor re -appointing as members of the City by Board Planning and Zoning Commission A. E. (Jack) Cole, and Ed Hancock, to serve for a period of four years from March 19th, 1940, the date of their origihal appointment, an appointing Schultz Riggs whose term is to expire March 19th, 1946, and said City Planning and Zoning Commission as now constitutdd shall consist of the following -.embers:- Pierce E. Lackey, Mayor, Ex -Officio member Glenn Houser, Acting City Engineer, ox -officio member r, IT! ME",ER3 A. E. (Jack) Cole, whose term expires on torch 19th, 1944 Ed Hancock, where term expires on March 19th, 1944 Orhultz R!Fsa, whoae term expires on March 19th, 1946 County Ehnlneer or Acting Engineer, Ex -Officio Member r(;,tt;i iY MFL'BE'R �• 3;. :vans, -hear, term expires rn March 19th, 1944 Ad,)Pted on ra:l of tEn ±toll, Year, Com:.±.ealoners Dorlan, Johnstun, Pulliam, r.agner enl Vayor Lackey (5). Mm or wri•.n ^,or+.i.ra±:ner itil"am of:crod motion tt:at tt:e Mayor lie t requested to write a 1ps♦ t.� .'�^}-art :et+:er to Y. e l;o. --ady ". Stewart, J�:c3,_e of the McCracken County Court, roqueatiny, Ck:.r._... I l:±^: t') fly, a t,•y..y a..i .; 1.3 C9 ff.•. a4 o: t n meTiesrs Or Lha ;>lrcal Count wit; the i .:a^d of C.r= ±eslcnera for t'a r'rrosa of diseursing the 1Lnblllty of tt:e County for , �.ntcr:a•.^e of t:.l a.rk. _„J. w... _..di nt parSGra in th, city and arrangenonts =dor -::: aea..`-.e c : ."'not u rt cr the '*W' :!cn of taking core of charity rases. F.epre.a :,., cn:l :•:,� ..,_�, •l as, ^.rnr,„^ins!ennrs-orian, Johnsto n, 1^ulliam :'ia.jror e^2. Yajfcr Lackey ; NO- 633 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Clfy of Paducah October 27th, 1942 Zurek" Fire Hose v' %ayor Lackey offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and Bld accosted file the bids of Henry A. Pettor Supply Company and the Eureka Fire Hose Company for the sale to the City of 2500 feet of fire hose; That the bid of the Eureka Fire Hose Company submitted through Hank i� Bros., of Paducah, Kentucky, for the sale of 2500 feet of 2,,, inch Multox 2 Ply Multiple Vioven fire hose at the price of $1.02, with a 2j; discount if the purchase price therefor is paid within ton (10) days after delivery, be accepted upon the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract for the sale of said hose, and that the Corporation Counsel have prepared for introduction at tLe next Regular fleeting an ordinance authorizing the expenditure of the funds necessary for the purchase of said hose, said ordinance prescribing the terms and conditions under which said sale is to be made. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 3agner and Mayor Lackey (5)/ On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED �� ^�_ 1942 APIROVED a"'4 mayor �R317C� r1