HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 63, June 8, 1938NO. Gu Proceedingsof-of " City of Paducah DO G, - q -c,nzlir m-!, tln- of tba zioir,_, of in the Co-•17:,,ionera Chan"L�°r at `•Ii(, ','Ity Kt•!], influcah, Kentucky, at 2 o1olool-- on the oth Ar%Y Of illne, 1938, ;-:i.-,or prc-i,.icd and upon w� 11 of the roll , .. - ailoi,.In, nrwwAred to t:v Ir nnmes, Conmisslon-?ra 7:ank, I:clton, Pulliam,-;tubblcfir,l--I zii(. :.-)yor -:a3hburn (5). !:inuten of the previous moctlnTs worn adopted as read. rp,ffic 1 -1 -ht to 'so T-'.ayor ,.ashlyurn offered motion that the communication from the Church of Christ �nrtrllcd at 19th & - tray a3"In- for a traffic ll,:ht at the intersection of 19th I: Lrcadiray be rocclvcd and. filed and t1int thoir rcruc3t be -ranted and the City 17ana,er authorized to install tr,,ffic li-ht at the earliest data possible, hdiptcd on call of t1lo roll: Con--ionlon-rz hank, Pelton, Pullin, Stubblefield and I.-.ayor �.ashburn (5). ':,tyor Washburn offored the follo,.*.,in7 notion- I movo that this re7alar 1.,lnc al;,)-.irnc,.', until June 8, 1039 at the hour of 2 olcloc!c P.m. Acclontel on c.111 of tho Nv 1,1ro7].: Vcrz, Com;i1rrionars Hank, .',lton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and !,:nyor .;a:,.hburn (3). Vlcl 7' Ail, ROW GAI �rf �CLIEEPIIf" ii At an adjourned re,-.ular m-etin, of the !-ril of Cortwtizo loners held in the. GConunrionersl rhant-or at the City Hall, FrOucah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.!.', on the St', IldRy of June, 19Z3, :-Ayor lIavhlyjrn presided and u,)on call of the roll the follot.-'rin-7, to their names: Co7nisnionors Han!c, Yelton, Fullian, :;tub:.leflel(I. and I:ayor ;arhburn (5). Co=-ninzionor 11rnk offered the folIoT,,,!n7 motion: I move that 1:oric.n ..,nl, linna, Lee F. ::eilcr, Donociint, Dr. J. 1% 2-7%,,bllcan nn8 r r:-,. oe !,,.ync, t, be D-,olnteO., ratified nnil cnfirqn-, I as of U 0 : r.nIcIrnl 1. !'or -r-.n Cfi7, of :'n`,ue-nh, nn,, Lhnt their tern of ofClcc and n—oint-,:-nt date ;-(IOPOO on -111 of the roll: "cars; C-o!=L:,si,ne)rs Hank, i -n, (4). !-nyor '4auhbhrn prl.Ir:nt"�-,A. not votln7. :-,yor ,aoliburn offe od the Collo,.-,,In,- m.oI.lon- I 1^ovc that the City 'z.an;;cr be r i 2,,,, nnl instructed to pinco in the bwl,ct ',)I, y,,.r 11e njLn of the u,,,e of the Greater ")r h(, pur,-osc. Of 'i 11100, manufactures nnA coLz-.-t-I, -.n ccll of the rol I: Teas; urn t thl,'] o ;;or '-,r_,qhburn W.