HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 626, October 13, 1942NO -- Proceedings of City of Paducah At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock Y.M. on October 13th, 1942, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Mayor Lackey offered motion that on account of the absence of the City Clark, Sarah 4hurs,an Rudy Stewart, that firs. Sarah Thurman be appointed to act as Clerk at this meeting. Acting Clerk Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Whgnor and Mayor Lackey (5). Resolution v Commissioner Dorian offered the following resolution: I move the adoption Hod Carr- iers of the following Resolution: i Whereas, the Local Union of Hod Carriers' and Common Babor #1214 represented � by their president, Mr. John 4laynic1;, has volunteered the services of this organizations I to remove the street car rails from the streets of Paducah for the benefit of the war work of the United States Government. Be it Resolved that the Mayor and City Commissioners extend to this organization and to all the other Labor Organizations who likewise volunteered their services for this important work, a vote of thanks for their splendid manifestation of interest in Paducah and their love and devotion to the government of the United States. P7 .nol,;tlnn ✓' D. t Fannon The Y.ayor and City Commissioners also express their profound gratitude to Colonel S. B. WirCins and his chiefs of staff of the Kentucky Ordnance Works for their very generous aid offered in the proposed wort: of removinr. the rails from Poducah's streets. Their offer of skilled personnel of supervising the work and of adequate machinery for doing the work effectively is post gratefully acknowledged and fully appreciated. Resolved that a copy of theso Resolutions be'preaented to the Presidents of the Labor Unions and to Colonel S. B. 71igglns of the Kentucky Ordnance works. Resolved that a ropy of those Resolutions be published in the Sun-Domocrat. October 13, 1942 Mary 14. Dorian Adaptod on call of the Eoll, Yeas, Commisslonors Dorian, Jhhnnton, Pulliam, P,'agner I ant! !:aynr I.ankoy (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution entitled: "A REZOLUT_T09 UPGJ THE L:FE A';D CHARACTER OF ED D. HA`UAN", be adopted. "BE :T nouvED Hf TitE BOARD OF CC:2-1169IORERS OF �![E CITY OF PADUCAH, t�.at we deeply de,lnro the 'loan which the City of Paducah has sustained by reason of the death of one or Its most unefui., trustworthy and prominent c.itizons, Mr. Ed D. Hacnsn. Vr. Haman was elected a councilmon to aorvo during the, ada,inistrntlon of Kaycr :ax5;i M. Dsng frow. 11398 to 1902, er.d nerved us or. uld,,rman from 1902 to 1908 d.:r:.r;r thn aemir.istrat:cn or Mayer L. A. Yelncr. lie woo prcsidettt of the board of Al�!ormcn �isr iru ti:e .,-L.ir.!strat'rn of Mayor Jnmee P. ::pith from !OW to kill, and was serving as Aas:star.t .,_':y i'.ar.ager at the time of his death. Mr. Honnun woo chiefly' .ntr:restal is the iQarcvement .f livint, er,rditions and the t.aauti:'ice,tlon of the city. E NO, 627 Proceedings of Doard of Commissioners City of Paducah October 13th, 1942 His interest in such work was shown by his diligent and faithful services as chairman of the City Planning and 'Zoning Commission from 1924 to the date of his death. For a period of 52 years Yr. Hannan gave cheerfully of his time and energy to make the Uty of Paducah a better place in which to live. As a citizen and also as husband, father and friend, he will always be hold in the highest of esteem in the memory of the people of this community. Resolved further that these resolutions be spread upon the records of the City of Paducah and that a copy be furnished to the newspaper and to the family. Pierce 1�. Lackey Mayor Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Vayor Lackey (5). City Manger L/ Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: It appearing from the letter of request bids f for fird hose the Eureka Fire Hose Company dated July 27th, 1942, that said Company is able to aupplyi fire hose to the City of Paducah without a special priority rating provided no III couplings are required to be furnished; and, It further appearing that under an Act of the Legislature of Kentuckyadopted at its 1942 Session, being Chapter 76, page 456 of the aforesaid Acts, a municipal corporation of the second class is not authorized to 'purchase equipment under a con- tract involging $500.00 or more without first advertising for bids; I therefore move that the City Manager be requested to advertise for bids for the purchase of 2500 feet of 2-i inch double jacket fire hose without couplings by notices posted up at the City Hall door and by inserting notice of the request for bids in at least one issue of the Sun Democrat, said notice to be published at least seven (7) days prior to the opening of bids. The City Manager is requested to advertise for bids in the manner required by law and to report to the board his �I recommendations after receiving such bids. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Purchase /j Mayor Lackey offered motion that the City Manager be requested to proceed Crank Case for Zesgrave with the purchase of a crank case for the eagrave Fire Truck Pumper at the price Fire trunk to be approved by him. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Fulliam, Humor and !.Payor Lackey (5). 'us Frnnchisn ✓ Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING 1R.In CITY MANAGER OF THE CT'fY OF PADUCAH, KENTCCKY, TO SELL A I FRANCHISE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASER TO MAINTAIN AND OR:RATE MOTOR PA::SENGEM BU:iES 0'/ER AND UPON THE CaTR ETS, AVENUES AND PUBLIC WAYS Iti T9E ClT7f OF PADUCAH AND FIXING 1I -- r CS T N21 {E 'lERt.:3 ;,.. DIT_C... OF TiIE EXi71CISE OF SAID CRAi:T", be introduced at a regular Denting of the Board of rommins loners and remain on file for not leas than $no (l.) week for putlie insrArt:cn in tho completed form in which it shall be put upon its flaal passase, oral If adopted to be j � I,.. in Dula force and affect tan days theroaPtor. I Alcpted on call cf the loll, 'lean, COmm111aIOGera Y-'KXUx, Johnston, Pulliam, .:agoor or.d Mayor IAckey (.), Comr_Ssainner Dorian pansad. '_ilua;r:rt u !layer DAckey offered motion that. the (ward of CommlDalonors receive file ma,h.Ine and "':1F{'WAn the ir.tters cf Anthony Johnacn, Drafting Instructor of the Tilghman 'bade School, and j ^;-add ......,.. o= Y='a. Y. E. Rurray, ,acrevAry of the Eh,71necrin�z Department, with reference to the request of t o "rade .ciccl for the use oP the old bluo;,rlr:t machine owned by the City, No—_. -.fi28_— _—_ 3tI Proceedings of�9ard of CpnmisaiQnpra Crry of Paducah Ootobor 1h, 19 _ 42___ _____ __. _._ I further move that the City permit the Trade School to use said blueprint machine until requested to return said machine to the City Enrineerfs office. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayer Lackey (5). Selllot Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance to L.C. Donaldson entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING INE SALE AND CONVEYANCE TO L. C. DONALDSON OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED ON SOUTH 8TH STREET AND KNOIYN AS 7515 SOUTH 8TH STREET IN THE CITY" OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK. TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). ThankCommissioner Dorian offered motion that the Board of Commissioners express Committee ✓ on success its thanks to the members of the Civilian Defense organization for their services and of Scrap Drive cooperation in the recent drive for scrap iron, and that the Mayor be requested to write a letter to the Chairman of the Scrap Drive Committee, Mr. Harold Sullilan, expressing the appreciation of the City for all of the work which was done by his organization. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Ragner and Mayor Lackey (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTD �.©'k 1942 APPROVED AYOH CI ' CLFSt}C-