HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 611, August 18, 1942NO.
Proceedings of City of Paducah
..t a :.o�-�ti,,r !'oLtln- of the - oard of Co=lsslon-irn li�' ' 'n
i �=Azjloneral Chanber at the City dull In Paducah, or, joL, 18th, 1042
at 7;30 o'clock P.:'., j'.!ayor Lackey p,-,,!.-Ided and upon call of the Voll the
answered to their names: Co=aioslonarz Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '..-aZ:nPr and
:'inutos of the previous noitin- i-.-erc adopted z -.z read.
Corzr.irsionor Dorian offered motion t'. -:at the iL,wior be recoistod tc,
aidoon, !3[-.)wmm
.;;terz)n ay Coiucioner of the, State of ::antuc.,y, and i -,-.e that
,,n r :,r1ation '--a -wda for the construction of a nov. hard uurfaco on P,.ric Avenue
.i and 9th Streets in order to r.+ovlda an alternate traffic route 011L 0tLe
bqz!ncnz section of the City to the Minkleville Road. Adopted on call o," tl:c Roll,
feas, Cor.nd-,nioncrc Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '.7aZncr and ''ayor Lac%cy (5).
,'Ire 7ortCor.m.isc-16nor
Johnston offered mDtlan that the report of the 4 -ire
--'Ire Hazare,
)3,nrtmcnt, to: -ether with the report of zard Inspectiona for the month or
July 1942, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comiiiii3ioncron Dorian,
Johnston, Pulliam, '.',sgner and 11avor Lackey (5).
Cormds3ioner *.IaCner offered motion that Lila re^ort of riverside
Eor!7ital v
lloa.nital for the month of J;ly, 191.2 be received. .,doptcd on call of t} -.e :sz)131,
Y=as, Co=izoloners Dorian, Johnston, Pullian, mCner and !.*ayor Lac;cey
C orl-tia 3 loner -a7iler offered motion ti -.at the dead under i,41lich !.rs.
e,nv!ycd to 7..ro, Edna R. Uller a lot in Oak Crove Cc!ictory, bele- 11
Dt, the '-orth hald of 'at '!o. 0 In 'iectlon 43, bo unproved ant ';:.,,t tip,
y to ma':o 'roper notations on ti!:i ruerrcli r,'. -t.ji -
property. Adonted on en"Ll Ycnr,
Johnston, Pulliam, 7hat:nor and
Cc-1:.1ioa-loner -at-nar Offered riotirn for
be in t). of t±lo City
'.y "Wan'. od on 1
('0M`:'j:!'0:1L 1-," J')j1c:jj :.'I 'Ir �Z p.,
Into tj-.o r-
r'q L'I Cnmpuny of a a')wl
a r t
ratified. Au"�pt o,' I call a,
a-ner an.- i'-%yor
In co-nTct- 7,
Proceedings of City of Paducah
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