HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 608, August 4, 1942NO
Proceedings of City of Paducah
of the
in;til, l:
. - .�:iided and upon c:,. ' o,, t!i•i roll tho fallo"+lr ,
rs Dorl-in, Johnston, :',il1i%cl, ;-nor find Mayor
,rovious zv:c1_lnl - 'i:U!•J a -'.opts: d an road.
Dorian offered thio folloxin, 7: ol*ition:
. .. ....✓
.. ._ ... .. ion of the :'ollowinr Renolution:
_u:• ;Ity 'n-inoor and Chief Draftcmnn,
con alloy, have boon caller; into
o .. -. _..,Yip .,1.•i:c:i„ 'orep.^, or the Dnitod :;t-atea; and,
by reason a, ti-.oir loyalty, faithfulnesa,
nn: imluatry a omPloyC�cn '," the City of 'aducah for More
tiim,, twenty years, it is a.e^ropriate that they should he
.:a^, -,red t,y an official exnranoion of gratitude for thoir
^.^lislMeats In the offices :vhieh they have hold.
. , .. . �.... .. _ ..
-_c r; ty o: Padu^'ai - _ to Lr. Tom-radley
., •adlcy it.-. t:h.^.:a;a :.. a%prec'ation for the
s rendered 'cyy. 1n the en lneerin4t
- ., „•cially fortl:- rent contribution of
-. • . ; anr! venourcefulneaa in the construction
oven fits and the dovelopment of •aorth-
^: nre no,.,! so-rer.tly a;)nreeiaterl by the
:;i -nod Pierce -. Lae%ay, 11.ayor
, Comminsioners !)oriari, Tohnaton, PulliaM, '..arnev
offered notion that the City t....•:a'-cr1a ?attor
... .. ..
.. .. nn lnrrcanc In tho ar.:.. 0. ::abort '.:cod, Anolotmit
... ,...�....
,...-.:.._, ... .:.•sewed and ,:.li:ri. ..1!•.. that the salary oC L11e ..nld n^oLert
._ _ .00 to ,:100.00 per .. u:'... " . cc rive Au.•u: t 1: t, _. , , and
... _ncror.se be chorr'cd s'.n :nst tho n-rj:-. ;o;•indult to m:its and
annronriation In tho Grlonted
_., co:^^iasloncr•a : a Inn, Sohnntnn, iu! 11.;.::, • a r and
Vu _ afrorotl tho1'n].ln::'in" rlaticn: 'i•'.._, 1,0
_ .. -....._ ...' City of radmal'1
Proceedings of %oj, 1 City qfPaducah iLnt
the f:)Ilo,.-.,In- vr�olnt:
n:... j ::,:i, no ti on adopted 1th-a on rd of corar,i 1 n^
c.1 r. , o!' n -:!tvd of !onTvii;,1.1i onern (whi to`.',, I bore!,, zn!,po in'.
Ton "tend to nerve for 5 years, Luther F. Carson for 4 youru, -;-,nL :alt,;
or y.-n, H. S. le for P years and ?-re. Lula ]-,. Z;twavrt for 1 yoar, t 11,:, L*r
'loo to , c7.'n on Aurunt 11th, 19,;2.
31 Pierce ---. Lackey, *.';ayor
iner Pulliam. offered motion that the -onrd of romrilozitonors 1)7,rjrov
r. n1a
0..-. 'a;,;or appointin- as members of the Zoard of 1,Arc COL, nul
follo,::in^ persona: Tom ':eod to serve for 5 years, Luther P. Cars= for 4 year:,
.nlby for 3 years, ::. 5. for 2 years, and 1,:rs. Lula 5. Srozarrt for 1
r on office to bc;In on August llti-, 1942. Adopted on nnil o!' the :Zoll,
-n, Doi-inn, Johnrtan, Fulliom, �•ignor and Kayor Luckey (5).
:'mr ' nor offered notion that Door! ..-ranted to Loll: Archie for Lot 1:0.
in -loc% .5 In Cal: Grove Comtery, Paducah, .c 7'
. rtucky, unon proper payment to
City reamiror be approved. Adopted on call of the 2011, '-.'eos, CommicnIonors
Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, and Vayor Lac!lcy (5).
Cormin3iovni, Johnston o'.`Ir^c] tillo fn'.'.o1n- riot Lon: T move 1:�Gt a '.Wcolutlm
'n -n cd:"A -.-EiCLUT.[01: 7 TO R 1" 1D.; 0:-, RE.2"IZ,
r,-7,r 710133E U01.' C be adopted.
on call of the 1,oll, 21,n_ '-c i'_ Dorian, JoNnston, eull"m,
::,or Lackey (5).
a -or 7 offorod inof;' on that the Laurance 500 "nilon i'Irc PtLmpor Inkl
y 31zcah Ic node Irmcclin tely available to the Kentucky Ordnarlc
el f
-or! to t*ne officer In c1mi-Ce and maintalned Vni, izno In :i: 7r,
- ven at the crdnnnee until It., return to the -Izy lo
7.:, 17 nnm' no I criers Monted or. !I a! the ':011,
FullInrl, .,qnor n:
oil :qil
!,n ^zi.!Inance
11, at A
!or illw;;s ch!±S'n
Proceedings Of Cily of Paducah
nerve"I. Aj.)PLed on call 0: Cho -(Oil, el)a3,
:ior and
r�, yor Lan;v3y (3).
:Ion that 3,xbjoct to the approval a. the iMlrd
'ad a
._,oyloo Lis a mamber of tie - uanh. 1 Unic'lr- I
—cancy created by
the ren Nn.1
'r. "n the -.012, _,.as, Con-ilr.sionqrs -oi-ian, Johnston, Pulliam. ..n;rwr and
Pullinra offered
rcsln� ation C-.
to jj:jt 11of the
tF.a a
iris �r a- ointed. Adopted on call oi the loll,
:In�z -
or, lan, Joluic-ton'ulllntn, -n-ner an: :,U,for lackey (5).
:7-, -or Lac!.oy offered motion that the Board of CovL, rias loners receive
_otter of the City _-nCinecr in which he estimites the cost of conztructin,,
r;i,Icv;alk an the South side of +kntucky venue zu,',uttinG the property of t
7ity M.anaCcr be requested to confer s: it
:,n Llvad Company, and that the
0. -,:-i-iny with the view of worklng out a plan for the construction of c
in cc badly needed at that location. Adopted on call of the Fol
L11,lan, Johnston., Pulliam, '.7.'af:.ncr and i.ayor Lackey (5).
n�%ior o_'f6rc4 the foliowin:.- motion: 1 Hove t! n t i an
2 0:7DI::;_:r. L:.D: 11";
17th, �,I:cd on (:nl! 3., ti...
L !'rl r Soil L 11