HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 605, August 4, 1942Proceedings of -` -7 City ofPaducah -il,14, 1 L2 I
presided nn,l '1..Don ^Zt'j —1.1 0",
Connilasionori -I,.- -1-r,
n;, n, ',il,7 r:'re ado:)tovl v- x-cnd.
r 1..n tli- follwvinr, TM1: ,littiri
, I
":-o inn 0Y V.:,- 011ow-Ing, !4e.nolutlon:
thc I'ayor and i.oard of
o,.t�nd their 7:)-o;',)und 3yn7)at'ay t, n CM1,1roll
of ::rn. Lanloc Lutnel whose 7,
Is a source of real &w��rox to th,; -,hu vorvon!
no falt4fully.was an earnest iu,l 3,r,.t vior:cv- In
the various activities of the Hacreatiou,l -partnLrit of
"ie thr-,o ne,, i,ocreat-lon Cantors planned and inau:,,iwnted
Icy Kro. Batsel, the Community 1:ouso in Littloville, tho
:,rojoct at M '.:.adiuon .3rect an,i the rsicar Slihobl Center
for the colored people are rinnwn-.ntr, to Ir.- initiative and
interest in h-cr chosen field of work.
Her16as to the Community is a very real one because by
ros 3 on of ';ier unusual talent, her specialized traininc.,
she wa.3 able to reach the hearts or.� nold thou-ats
of those whom she served. The devolowliont of character
is the most vital worlIc of any community Cod her ccntributlon
in this line of rjorlt fm outstnn0In,:.
We cw,-loncl 1".rc-avod family to the Caro of the 1,11 pine
Creator '.' one nlsnn L:io hur--an mind Is porrerlL n 1;n v I:l-.r sherd.
.:c `nov,, -"c doc ch a.'..1 thin,:: wall -nrl this blo::., ... ::.:::.n1once
ri,..gt remain t',c1l, -ui0o on:: comfort.
Ron olved: '71!nr a copy of these Ties 3lut ions -nted to
U.:c family of 7'rs. Eatzol awl be made a ,art :ilwitcs
of thin mcotin�.
A,Ionti':d oh call of !;he itoll, _'ons, Conni-1,91orwro '-olllan, Joij.;-,
Lac'.0", (5).
Corr-qlan-loncr Jolmatorl offcrod motion that t*,ia Honorable J. L -t
7,onn1dson, State rom;,itasionor, Le roq—,ated to Conrtrixt
'-th 3root from Jefferson ;troot to Pll)-': .vcillle, and f-th :,,ti—t
-nlro -;Ind, and to (3.,,nr: wt, cath blrck-top Z!ndl ;;Ltcct vi.
uto boln - n
'love U:at the 11'ayoc- -'r.
% on
'.,arnor or.:!
Proceedings of :-:' Ci(y of Paducah ?(;!I'
motion the t the ...'.o :l :i". : or 1
-ted on ca21 of the -•011, "'OLE, _..mi-oners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :.a or
`lay; r=ac'tey (5)
_r J Condsaioncr agnor offered notion that the sun of ;15.00 be contriLutod
",rrnc':en Cunt;; :'lar Anaociation for an ad in ita racin_- prorran, the a:aount
cd to :e vhm—Zi to the Contin; ont ?'und. Aflopted one all of the
...3 ionro Dorian, Johnston, Pulli a -_-,nor and 1 a_ -or Ladr-oy (5). 1
t j o::: tr ✓orien o"^ez'ed the follo a .'otion: I move that an
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:.. .:C rl-'LEJ O? T':E SriCOi:_ r-- —.., EY ASD W 'N— ..OR:: iiOJ.:C ...
.. , :3 OF THE O -MAL O'( J'PATE ',OVER12: _i T, ... D AT
.. - - CT, :."L i ARM J THIAY A. .i
.. .. .. ..
VA 'C.;1 .
Proceedings City ofPoducah "Uh, 1, "
motion that the actton of the
ronraioalon-r :.tl. 'farad
r., ZIn'in-:rs. Ora - ,�-ad to nuccd T'rv- L. on an a mon,,or of tho
-,on,.•d Of runteen of the public library be arv' that the mild :-v-n-
oqrvc, th the other oombars of naid oard, - Vr. A. I-37oro,
:,olzc, 7r. vrod :.,oirlan, ancl. T.'r. '1-rh—t .:a' lcraLoin until ; arch 1*01, .1.,
on call of the %oll, Yeas, Conminnionors Dorian, Jalms ton, ?,0 linta, w -nor
On:: , qyo*., Lac',cy (5).
-ayor o*-forod motion ',hat the ;.onrd of Cormi3sion^.ro a ---
ap,'icatLon submitted 7.r. Janes P. Lmitti, City ::tanager, to ti,
fpr a preference i-atln7 in Order that the city may be In
n% 2 o'
. I Inch Douala Jacket Fire nose. Adapted on o all of tho :.all, Yoz,a,
cn^rs i;orian, Johnston, Pullicn, ->aCnor and •..ayo7- -acicoy (5).
Ynyor acl:cy offered motion that the letter of the City Vnna!,.or dated
—tst 4th, be received and filed, and that ho proceed kith the 17:a1 -11j_
a, t:,o !'nillzot :souse ns he has nuf:gcstcd in his letter. Adopted on call of the
Roll, 'Leas, Comnlanioncri Dorian, Johnnton, Pulliam, m-r.,or and Laror Lackey (5).
l,a,*;or Lac!,cy offered motion 1 -.at the ror oration Counsel be req,.iested
to prepare for Introduction at +_1:c n -^x% .-D,-ulrr ci-otinf an ordinance under .Lith the
City 1,:nnaz:Gr be wlt':Iorize;; in o .-in In the e:re 1,opart,ent who do not have
nn,. -i than a Sixth Oracle ntod on cal: of the -o'.I, 'Z -:aa, ro!rmijsIoncj-.-
Johnston,, fullinn,.:n,-nor and r, a,,or Lackey (:5).
1.'.ayor Lackoy offered motion that the oar of romt.A.nionery r"olve an,,,
if Oil CompLnies for the sale of azinlino an.a oil to the city for a
0 lays, thoza bids havin„ been submit ted by the follo-xin.- naned
11 ccny
!'or furt:,e.r conoiderali.,11 L'n,
I'n tj:o Loni'd
Adptod on can I o!' t'.e all,