HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 601, July 21, 1942Proceedings of
" - ", �!', 0' - �--' "- r, '- �'� �"� City of Paducah_
- -r- n•rn h"'I'l in the
01,ambor at I in 'ndhicnh, "Ont-11CY, on J111Y 104", 'L
!."ayor and upon call ofa 1:011, the 1' 11un"In-
nnnon: Co:--,-i1s.q1onern Dorian, Jo:Lnrton, Joullian and 1,:uyor
"fey 'earner aboont.
1.1nuter of the previous nectitiL adopted an road:
Coi=rilasioner Johnaton offered motion that the payroll for the !*lrzt half
half 11
10-12 of J,,!y 19.12 be allov.*cd in the amount of ,;10,003.02, and that the City 1:1ronourer be
"authorized to pay the 3arto by checks drown on the 'onrnl Yluid. Atloptc(. on call
of the ",oil, leas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, oillism and :.ayor Lackey (-1).
Comminsioner Pulliam offered motion that tlj^ of the i,,Ilvo
rorirtrent for t:,.n firat nix montho of the. year 1042 be received. Ado-
,)IcJ on call
of the 12o"l, ycs--, Conmls.-Ionors Dorian, Johnston, Pullinni and '..ttyor Lnc�cny
APPO 11117:' .T
Y:nyor Laclkey nado the folloviln,C appointzimts:
711,c term of offirc of the ,,resent nerabora of the City of Paducah Kunici-n!
Coz-Mliozion hv.vin7 empirod on Jane 14th, 10-12;
1 hereby w.m:,oint, n*zbjoct to the a �proval of the moraborn of the Conrd of
co.,.ninaloncrz, 3. J. Znoo'.:, to ncrvc as a neriber of cnid *-zoard for a term of one (1)
y --r; for two (2) yearn, J. L. 1:unsil, Jr., for three (3) years, and
,,ev. rriah for four (4� years, their tcri-is of oMce to ll'or,Ln on Jily :'2nd,
Si:yied: Pierce 3. Lnc'rp^
--11 joiijenh,
I k�%mFC7
'�:rd —Isnionor ?ullinn offered cotton that the rionLorn, of the :oar
7:,IIone: n nii rove the aroint:aent of 3. J. .;nook, ';. -Andy 3rilth, j.
rAnh an -1 of the riuy of .'ndllctlh 1:1 aipA1 ;o'n,-
I've rn n. :-;rribor or as il i-.onrd ono. (1) '.r.
:,I,. '111nal to t}mve -v. -Vo
-iri on jily an call
.'N'.01VO an,1
on to
of tl:c 7 ;1r.1c :r -f'!
-o nuid
Ptoccedings Of " ` ' : L !' "r City of Paducah Jul.' " . 1:':2
T"I ivucIvor n -or.. Ihn :. !..!.orclqon cantly
c h rbort
e of !.'rq. 10
gn nal.1 ov the Roll, 'leas,
!arol, lackey (4).
Cn :-- !,'I -hc nccctln- ,..IJLii,,ncd.
--;6 S 1-\ ;