HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 596, July 7, 1942NO ''?o
rtoccedings a, f , ' 1. )-', ' f�- � �� � ; ! ' 'T,'- '.- � city of Paducah MY 7th. lullp. I
cj 7,.n�jqnrI7 - o. , the board of romilacloncrs hell, .In tare
-a.]ucnh, Yantuelly, on Jiily 7th, 10.1-' at 7:30 ololoc%' L1.11.
---y -roiCrled and iinorl call or ne roll the folIo%-.,in,,,, answored to th-ilr nnnea;
-r7orirzn, Johnston, .1alliam, '..,a,7ner and l,'a,.-or iac.,:oy
::Inuten of the previous meotln:7 wore adopted as rend:
7 Cor-miss.1onor Dorian offered notion that the City .'ana�cr be authorized
'.a rent on 7,,-•np
erty used as a colored recreational conter at Tenth Z-.
--tt, tho rent to be paid at tl,c rate of 115.00 per month for the ronaindor of
:-Ir 1242. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston,
Inn, '.7arner and Layor ineltey (5).
7orvnlnnloner Dorian offered notion that the City of Paducah donate the sun
nor month for payment of rentals on property used by the recreational ce;lLer
-Ittleville, such rental pn;mejlts to be
made for the remainder of the year IN2.
.3-) on call or the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliagi, n,�nor
nn7 -&yor Lackey (5).
lomnisnionor Johnston offered notion that the zonrd of Commissioners
J r c I -:e an; '13-c the letter of lined % Read, Attorneys fo- the United 3tated :fidelity
rorl..iany, in which they advise that said compan'r has . aCrood to •.rnive Its
ti -:at an action be instizwed in the Circuit Court to obtain Its rc'case upon
ane Co..
10 nF consented that a notion be adapted. by the -bard rd ri-I
r—er,:'.n- I` of liability, as of the date on which the bonds expire. iwlaptcd on
'nil, Yens, Ca7.-.iC--iOner0 Dorian, Johnston, sullian, '.7a,,nor and T.Ayor
Commissioner Johnston offered ithe follo,.,ilnr_ notion: It anpanrin:-, that
1 etas
Casualty & Jurety Company has been acr.opted as Surety in lieu of the United
ted 1.1011ty ';aranty Company, nllretY On the followin- described bonds:
vr: 37jenter 30222-07-116-39 5-23-42 Expiration Date
•"n.•; -an 30222-07-129-39
-n CStns. Ci:ann ion 30222-07-1,17-30
tho Aotnn Caniialty ;jipoty ronpa-1
y is
a. -a r
the p..�Ovo named o� -, 1,! 1 nrj1
r -.-"n 'In. -I after the O.-.n1!-atIon crates net Out
y orined to . .. ... ch
i'�rl ity
Proceedings of ^'? ^L::sieners City of Paducah •jely'Irh, 194
Con.^assioncr '::a^nor oi'foc'c7'. the fo'_lozan;• motion:
•• ^rtmea
✓ I move thnt the rrnort of the Fire Department for the month of June 1952,
Lo received. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yaas, Cor._hiasionarn Dorian,
?n:ll.inm, -aVner ane ?'nyor Lackey (5).
Fa;a•oll ?.r;;t
`/ conmiscioner '.•nrnor offered motionthnt the rayroll for the last half of
j June, 194x0 be nllorice in the amount of •,3903.16, and that the City 'ree 8u2•ar Le
authorized to pay the nano ly checks drawn on the General Yund. Adopted on call
of the boll, Yeas, Commiasionors 1,Brian, Johnston, Pulliam, ::a,,ner and ':a;or
q ,Lackey (5).
Cemetery ant]
Commissioner "agncr offered motion that the followin0. reports for tee!
City Physicians
reports for
month of June, 1942, be recaived:
Juna 1942
Cak ('rove Cemetery
D•.. ':';. J. Pass, CtJty Physician (white)
Dr. S. L. Poll,, City Physician (colored)
Adopted on call of the Roll, 'fear, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'a,t.
I{ and Myer Lackey (5).
;. A.,-n^.ent
Commissioner '.--Ener offered the following motion: I move that a 30soiution
entitled: "A 12SCLUT-"C:. U'1"r:07....=:Y: 'i'fih CITY .,_ ....,., .. . AND TiROUCE FI.'RCE ...
:GILI f7E3 COS;PS.' i A,:
..-:R, 'f0 P '. _:: rr; :;, .;. ."��S .. 'i:::.: ..I; U"i:'i ii^
.. .. ... _. .. Cii ..._ .,. ..... ... _..`9' _. C! 0. 0. ._.. ... C _::DT::GS _'i D -
ii.:...._':'..0:: 02 ,:r' C:._.... _ ., L,r;C'cTiIC ii^x!:-I'1
01' t...: CC'......_ .. ...."....., 0., ALL .... ...., Ui1ilM :;l!:'J:�.C'�:0;: (c)
..� ._ ..... .....T.0..:, .0 t.ECO....,...:_'. _., ,d.D CG.PPRACT", be ndopted. .,:.Med
on call of the roll, Yana, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '.a;.ner and
.. :Mr Lac'scy (5).
i.=st::alf of
Commissioner Dorinn ot'!.^ro,i the follorin,^ motion: I move than r:,. orciinanco
k3nensnint on
.iTlth rjrh .,t
^_r.+.itle;?: "A:: O'MTNASCE -. ...: `1::_ d3J91TING C! v:: :.G1'i-E ,;ID4� ".' 'J ::i S.i:...iT
... ... : ... ._........, ._. .
r ::i. C .... ......... .... .... .... ..
Proceedings -ALti''n„,L, _CjjyqfPaducah, 1942
UTLD LV "'i;3
_.D _
L .'.12
Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Conniailon-7ra Dorian, Johnston'
l a,-.ncr and "ayor Lackey (5).
Cor-ii3slonor 'tallinm offered the follo,,'Ln.-- notion: i invo that an ordina:--c(
t......i:.::; 0:';:?Afl. T: U V-i TI, R 0! i; P I
7014:. A,; TO CAU3_' AGE TO
".1i 7: to adopted. ADCPT.T) an call
f 12sionors Johnston, Pulliam, tumor and �:ayor Lac'-oy
Coc-.r:_17r.nnor ".,*a,ner offered motion that the copy o." the Ar.re.cyrint entered
Into the i.:intucky Utilities Company and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, dated
;n tt, the Kentucky Utilities Company,
-Sigh, 1942, ni7nea by President of
and by Pierce E. Lacicey, !,*.ayor of the City of iaducah, !;a received and filed, and that
':Ity -,lerk deliver to :.'11. R. V. Green, District ,tanager of the Kentucky lit-lities
--:-.-any the orlr,inal oxecuteO copym)f said arrocmant. Adopted on call cC the roll
1 Comj-._!:isioners ✓orian, Johnston, llullian, '.'.acnar and I.Iayor Lackey 95).
':a,,,or Lactzey offered notion that the letter of L:r. Albert I.arnec, datod
ndin no, tloment of the anit instituted by the City of Paducah
t t! ^nrbonic (;or:ioration, be received and filed, and that fr. Karnes
accept for the city the alun of '75.00 in settle-Innt of sale, cult
s-nta of court are paid by the defendant. Adopted on call of the ro I
Dirinn, Johnston, Fulliam, ..'a,-iicr and "n:!or -na!:cy (5).
:::";Ion that E.
ItIddleton, Jpcclal 'Tax Attarney,
*viw'. the now3rr4 per ndvortln9,ont of properpropertywhi 11
r i ro,irt ron(lored in tho action of City w' rvducrh
":,:I;own. doptod on call of the
and 1'ayor lrkc:toy (5).
an ord-Ina.,no on-Itl d-
Proceedingsof °ard of Uoraala�laneis City ofPaducafi J'ily 7th, 1912 i
to the Con-dsoioncrs of .;ator -orks t)te sum of '::r+nr,y (.,,-r).00) Dollars, cost of
ta?rin- the ^:is inch main,
I, "_'33i: :'0;;.:, movo that said petition to recoivocl and filed; and that the
Corrti:,aionora of '.:ater ^oris be authorized and ncrmitted to brant the auth•:rity to
l acid petitioners anfl to allow said connection to `ao made; and that bhe Corrnissi-)ncro
bea•n:,orizocl Lo water service, subject to all the conditions and limitations
jset fo: th ins aid petition, and applicable to •.-iater service furnished to persons
rosidlnC outside the City Limits.
v It is understood and aCreed that nothing in this order nor in the -rnr.tin,7
o: the request sou`ht in the petition, shall be construed as an obli atlon on tho pal-
aro_ the City of Paducah, or i -s Comiisa.lonors of '.rater ,iorlcs, to purchase nny part of
the pipe line poticioned for.
G Tnere is nothin;^ in the rrantin-_ of this potltion to o'olil;oto the City,
ro:• its Commissioners of .;ator '.,orkn, to provide t'.:o nater or any liven pre::suro,
and the City shall not be liable for lack of pressure or failure of service.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiasloners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, m.-ner
and 7:ayor Lnckoy (3).
1,:a::or Lackey offered motion that the action ta`.cen Ly the Eonrd of
Cormissionerz authorizing the City 'treasurer to advertise property for sale in the
so -no manner as she has advertised in prior years to revo_ced, and that the City
Treasurer to directed to advertise raid property for sale in strict compliance with
the provisions of the Statute. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Com•aiasioners
a arlan, Johnston, Pulliam, •:'agner and Vayor Lackey (5).
Jailer Commissioner Pulliam offdred the folloaing motion: move th..t as o;•dinarc
Repealed entitled:- "AN OS IlAI:CL R31' ALIiI., A4, ORDIILI::Cr: IiTIT1,I:.9: u. :.,,.
FOP ,..:OI*"T-'-`I:T OF A CITY JAILhR, PR a.1CIt i. ...,. Him 7jUT+E3 A.,.. 'i'..- .,I.'_+1::.. c.
'? :..... ._; CC::=C'P }lEl: iiI`i7I whir,ti was adopted ty tl.e ::oai•d of _u:i:.aualoners
on ::arch :;rd, 1Q42", be adopted. Adopted on call e" the 1:e11, Zeno, Co ;a, s.iarers
rian,Johnston, :'uIlium, ,aiywr and :.:n,•or Lar,:cny (5).
Cora:�::ic::'•r Yulliam offered. tho foll,)w1nr I :nose that an orainanc
.. .. _. .. ._.. ".. ._.,. ., .. ._ .-",.. ...., .. ... ...._... . , ri=.1 e, to