HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 593, June 30, 1942X93
Proceedings of ionrd of Conrmisslonero CityofPaducab June 50th, 19•_2 J
Al; a Regular ',."eotln; of the Lonrd of Comslnnionabs hold in the Corraissioncra
�Chanb�n, nt the City hall in Paducah, Kentuciry, on Juno 50th, 19=2 at 7:50 o'clock P.;:.
�j ;'.ajor Lackey n!•osided and upon call of the roll tho follow in:- anavorod to their names:
Commissioners Dorian Johnston Pulliamf r_ r r,;or Lackey (5).
as rend:
Street 'l:pt.a
j ...mutes of the Prov{ous m.iet. _.
Cemnissloner Dorian otfered r:>..>.cn C'.. i .�•. !'oport of the 3troct Lepar.tnent
RepReport fob
1992 '•
for the north of ay, 1942 6c received. Adopted on ca'.1 of the +bll, '!ons,
ro=i:•sioncrs Dorinn, Johnston, Pulliam, ":arner and Mayor Lackey (5)•
Letter of
Carc"issioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of !.ir. P. V. +soon,
�'a l'. •c: ,�
strict anaror of the Kentucky Utilities Oonpany, in which he advises that the _
Kentucky Utilities Company had no interest in the metal frame -wont on the old street
railway b!d.'.Co adjoining the Sixth Street Concrete brid;;e, be received and filed.
Adopted on call of the Roll, *Leas, Commissioners lorian, Johnston, Pulliasl,
an,'. 1-11yor Lackey (5).
.-,.-. ros
Commiorionor Pulliam offered motion that the report of P. A. Lsadloy,
_ V. on f
Railv:ay v !j City En,!ineor, rocorunondinrr the acceptance of the bid of Tick rothers in the sure o;'
1.0.00 for the privilege of wroeking and salvaClnS the metal frame work of the old
street rail,>ay bridge, adjacent to the 5th Street concrete brldre, be received and
filed, and that -the r,oard approve the acceptance of said bid. Adopted on call
of the Roll, Yeas, Cormiissionors Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :.D;=nor and *.:ayor
Lackey (5).
—__ - / ro:rninsioner Dorian of_rared notion that the petition n1DrJod by Fr .
Ra;rsrond Guill, and others, roquest.nt, the t:ayor and _card of Commissioners to
dumpinZ on the ^round on South lith Street, be received and filed, and that Vic mn!t..:r
be re erred to the City L:anaror ;+ith Cho request that he tale anoropr:ato actton to
prohibit the use of south 11th trect as a dump.tnc froupd, or a.lvice the intornatod
.artier concernin; their ri •hts in the natter if he is riot auteorizod Ly lai: to pinto
the n•Jicrnce eonplainrd of vy ti.e:n. Adopted on call of the !:ell, teas,
Oommlasioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '.:c:;.n^1• nrd I.,ayor Lacl<oy (S;.
Coa+^misgionrr J: hnst.rm n�'!'ore,l 0,o follo:%ill^ n_ti, T rio':o t1-.ut a..
erdiy .?r.a entitled:
.._.... OF r-.-..,..,_, .,.:1.��Ti^tf 1,C .,..., ., fiDAL.. .,,.. ... .:'!'.. .. ,i'.. _,.,i .•� .... ._.... ...,.... ,
..._. LOT 71C. 13,
ad-ptnd. ,adopted on .'n' LhC ::1711,
an.. Vayo;•
... matie t O f','..l )•:)i •'a .. ... ..: '1': r.:
ap,oint ... ... Cave, ..�. --.. .. ..._.... .. -n ..,. ..
of seduaah _n'. Control .... n
• •...
-+. 94 Ly the '..'finr'. :1' Sgi%:vi.aninit I 1: ., ..•. .. , ,. ...
m4 ,
Proceedings Of. .' Cn-ld:nIon'rF7 city of Paducah J';11" 1942 — I
I.ar':oy offered motion that the letter of '-,xccutiv(.'
o' tl,c '.7nnufacturara p:;soclation, roquostln- withority
11ted _tate,, -.-. -!noers to tale about rV.000 yards of earth from it pice
t:-, o,. Pliducnhdor.m in the Lower and of the city alori,,j Lila
lled, and that the
o1lio River, be received and I I
the condition that the United metates En,,-,inaora comply with
. nts of the City FlIZIllocr. Adopted on call of the 'toll, -fees,
Jr-sioners -orion, Johnston, -ulliam, ,'zx,7ner and Nayor Lnclkey
"ayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of I.:r. OcorFo It. Goodman,
of the Office, of Price Adminiatrntion, rcq,ient1nr an apl)ropriatlon
defray the a;-.penses for a local price administration offlee, be
filed, and tYat the city appropriate for that purpose, the -ilm of25.00
nth provide,; an eqwil amount is a-.propriated by the 11cCrac!con County !-'I a cal
r.zrt for such time as remains until completion of KcCraelcon County Court House, It 1.9
�n3erst.-od o'fico space for above purpose :.All thon be provided there. Adopted on
call of the Poll, Yens, Cor:Nio3ionars Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, .,aCner and Eayor
_'Ic'cey (5).
1.ayor Lackey offered the following nzotlon: I move that a Resolution
ad-. "A R!::30LUT10:: A R.E_)L,;TM! ;::•!T1MED- DIRECTING THE
JULY ljT, 1992, ^_:M PA'iYT-11T Oil a:!D.3 I,: A;;•fAIMINT ,O;i VHL'
ITALiLE AND P;-.0P73R P,-,CVI.,1O:T 'F?ANZ7'01rzl ,
C G: JUNE 247.1, 1942", be adopted.
o- of t:v-, Yeas, Comilisa-lonor3 Dorian, Johnston, ru'lliam, ..'a(,ner
r 7'ayor T.n,':cy offered the folloviln[: motion: .,*!;,-,,.z,,:;, In the raced under
conveyed t- the City it was
7 ;"(.1- ;',nymolit a," 1,11.3 public
t: p1l'ol1c in.11rovenont aqooi:;.iontn Coi-
1,431.09 not !nc!'01n. r , it to
.:l,) lQ,.Ialativo body a:* th-i Ity in
z' 'alt of the clt,y Ly ru,%in7 :)rnvl. on ;'or thfj
and ponaltias In thc :v;il of 21.".;.24
nt the total aiz_-, a-F'nd'
Ll,c city in tho win (f
tilincrc In,
tn.n'. Ir,
y a liability wou,1
Proceedings of City of Paducah ,fino ,;nth. 19•!2
-1 therofore move tha:: the City o_^ Paducnh submit to the bondholders a
^roponal to pay In the year 1942 a sun equal to one-fourth (1/4th) of the original
improvemcnt asodsomorta levied against said property amountin^ to (.4,•,31.69, such
pam_nt to be mado by the City i nnnCer from any unused appropriation which has boon
made in the year 1942, and that this board ro on record no favomn^ in each of the
-.earn 10,13, 1944 and 1045 an appropriation of the same amount in order chat naid
.:bonded indebtedness may be retired in full in the year 1945. Adopted on call
of the Roll, Yeas, Comnirsionors, Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ela;ner and tia;,•or
,Lackey (5).
Soliday Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the City �aployocs be ,;ranted
Jcly ,, 1P4? i
full day holiday July 4th, 1942, v1 th the exception of the police and fire dopart•oent
d personnel. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas; Comms-loners Dorian, Johnston,
Pulliam, '..agner and Lsayor Lackey (5).
it On motion Vie meetin5 adjourned.
1942 A'PROUD f «,"..� _.• �G.cl—� o�