HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 590, June 23, 1942Proceedings of " ° "or•,;r:I:: ion^r❑ City of Paducah June ^3rd • 1992
At a F;0�7uiar D'ectinf- or: the Board of Comtaioaton-ra held in the
Chanber at the City Fall In Paducah, Kentucky, on Juno 23r:, 1042„
otclocic , 7aycr Lackey presid.cd and upon call of the Roll the fn11ouI.,;
cn.=.;:tired to their names: Co:,Lnianionors Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :Varncr and
Lackey (5).,
lanutes of the previous meetin,s wero adopted as road:
Commisoioner Dorian offered motion that the report of the liousing etu•eau
. aa• Yr
Report :'or the period from '.'ay 5th to June 9th, 1942, Inclusive, be received and filed.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorion, Johnston, Pulliam, :7agner
:�•: 7ayor Lackey (5).
^Tree- Com^lssioner Johnston offered motion that the ori anal agreement entered
__t v,
�'.vcd a into between the Kentucky Utilities Company and the City of Paducah, elated June 13th
1942, extendln;- until July 13th, 194E the time for arnointment of appraisers to
g value the electric utilities system of said company, be received and filed.
Adopted on call of the -•oll, Year,, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :;afnor
and :.ayor -ackey (5).
ronminsioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of J.T.Lytal, Agent
Login Coo �✓
i':ard of The Aetna Jacualty and Surety Company, requestin^ cancellation of the bond of the
F ".'hard street Loan Company be received and filed, and that the City Clerk, be ai;thorize
to endorse on the mari-in of E-ond No. 34-3-3443 executed by the Third Street Loan
Company and by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company the following release: -
ino Third Street Loan Company having suspended
its bualneaa as parmbr okor on April 3rd, 1942, the
liability of the principal and surety on this bond
is cancellers as of ,+pril 3rd, 1942, but this release
shall not discharl-e the principal or surety from
y llnf.:lity imposed upon them prior to said date
p - nptcr 29C of the Acts of the General Lsaembly
o:' ,. •ntuclty of 1878.
ti:� ^•lrc •!ay of Juno, 19.12, an Clerlt
r.:' a,drenh pursuant to a motion adopted
_na2'd of Cornmisaioners nt n rerulnr macting,
Junc . rd, 1042.
l;ncr ltrT-
t t
1, aa, ^.orai:13iono ra Dor inn, JoIna tnn, Fnl:+.n,
Vaterenrra :cr .a'e.^r oYfcred riot ion that the binrneinl ;to .ort of tis'
May 1942 I'n t er, uter x'r for ti-,, 1, of 'cy, _042, be received and .111_d &,;opted
on ca ^ rte ib, ••eaa, �'c _.._ .;n•)ra orinn, Johnston, Pulliam, 'k -,n3:• ar.l I{
ayor Lac•cey
" f5).
o-leaiorer ' r r elf .r ^.n,.tnn that the :mitten offer- a ir, it 'J :ilsq
for the ('urthane of a lot o n d :•y t..ty -;1' rt •,;J. rn ..,•.r.:: ween a8th 11111
awl 29th „treets, l;einr F.ot 15 In 1onk. ..a. 1,
the torperatinn rounae1 ^e^are For :,ntrori,;rtir:r. nt t! ... ..,t .,t j
6rC2tsrnce a:sthcrSz:n,- the sa`e en^, canereynnaa at" said proper'...
CMA deration of his a;meezent to paJ ^� nU In enah see the rami,!: j
Sni+lil 7 'tnat*lSmarts 2f 05.(4 each, to tenant. eun sixty an'•'
WW *at*- Of the execution or the a
.092l. :$�-t)rt ed
or call of '.
. i
4q�ner and Valor
NO. 1
Proceedings of LLEd of Co: :i,nioners City of Paducah June 23, 1942
Rolnct Bela ,i!' ;amyor La ckey offered the following motion: ':lhoroas, the City V.ana;;or j
on r
ltsvi.n., offered for snlo at putlic auction on June 16th, 1012, all properties purchased
::y it at sales heir. by the Vsstor Cotmnlsaloner of the "c4racken Circuit Court, h ich.
proacrties arc described in the :!otico of sale hereto attached; and,
:?0R:AZ, the City i.;anaCcr received offers for the purchase of only eleven
(11) lots or pnrccls of land o -.-mad by the city, Lite property on which Lida yore
submitted nrd the amount of said bids being as follows:
7ormer Owner Location _iddor Amount a!Lid
Paul Lynum Corner Cth`':lay J. '.a'ttors :5.00
I. C. eyerly L 1 B -1 KyAve 26-27 taskin 75.00
J.,.;:eatherington L 10 Blk 12 Ky Ave 23-24 Homer Jones 220.00
Irvin :otter L 6 1, 28,� Clay 8-9 J. PL. Watters 20.00
;I C. D. Jennin"s 1018 South 5th J.:7. "In tters 130.00
Ro.-oro A ,luck George Jtreet t;. W.ltogors 25.00
J. •'lof fman 7th =1IDno tt-Flournoy J. 7d. .:a ttcrs 50.00
E. Samons Adams Let. 28-29 V.V.'.lise
,inttic terry Pc
Daniels 515 S 8th Street J. W. Batters 1GO.G0
I. 0. :'0. Davides Lone Oak Road Albert Farnea 25.00
I' L. D. Sanders 12 Lots Albert Karnes 20.00
' I now move that each and all of the aforesaid bids be rejected and that the
GCity F.anarer be directed to offer for sale privntoly the above described property,
to;-etl:er with all of the other property described in said notice of sale, and that he
submit to the board his reaommenddtrions upon any offer received by nim. Adopted
on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisaionors vorian, Johnston, Pulliat„ Wagner and
}'ayor Lackey (5).
L^tier of .:: i<ayor Lackey offered motion that the zoard of Conti:+s loners ,,ecolvo and file
.att received��
the letter of ..:.:'att, President of the {entueky Utilities Compahy, in which ho
prom es that the cit;; abandon the initiation of proceedin^-s for acquisition of tho
company's properties as set forth in cite resolution :,..opted .,'ebruary 1;Sth, 1312, the
company a�reeir, to waive the provision of subsection (L) o" <!ectlan 7 with res:'ect to
:he proceedingn initiated on said date, and that the Co:^poration rounnel n •, era
for introduction at the next meattn;• a rcaolut!on author IzinC the 9!Ev or to .:i n ."or
t!ic r.Lty on a"reencnt accoptini; the companyrs preposnl. Adopted on c all a-,' ti
3011, fens, romriaaionars 1,orian, Johnnton, Pulliam, .Iagner and 'ayor Laekey (5).
:nyor Lackey node the followln;� a?:roint'mnnt:
on the 23rr1 da;; of Novomber 1936, the Foard of CommloaLoncrs
:- _ coloredpnrlc board to hold, mann-e and o ntrol the put9 is j erica catabliancc
.. ._. recreation, ploanurc and uo.lfarc �1 the colored ;'ovulation of
-I. :;te of the hate of i;entucl:g w_.< n0t t!:on ;:r0:id^ file
.. .. ... .-. S,oard in citi.os of the sc!c�nd cissa, nru' :eons th0r
or, saki ward served washout
.. .'.y .. _: - I:, the L^: -i. ....cure at its l) -,C
,rutin? Cut the a; point.. ni. .
--v -ae
I f, 2Z
Proceedings Qf--' � Z —City of Paducah
for the pu.-,ose o4 cvriplyin-, .%*ith the 7roViOlonc; of the
'n 1,oreby
nppoint ad Hrrdis, A. Z. harinock, Tha,-vzon Jacicoon,
to serve is ncm6ero of the lionrd'of Park Commin3lonorn
(colored) for a n-,' five years baginnlno- on June 12, 19403 the data on which acid
the alforezalli Pct.
Z;irned Pierce E. LacIltoy Payor
6. rormmls3loner Pulliam offered motion that the ward of Commissioners
proved al7prove the action of the 1:Ajor in appolntinf7 Fred herde, A. Z. Hammock, Thaw.9on
by Foqrd
inc',son, ':ill Ford and linskel Grornn As members of the Board of Park Comalsaionera
(colored) of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, said board of park camminsioncra to serve
for a period of five (5) years boninnin7 June 12th, 1940, the date on which the City c
Paducah rias authorized 'Ly an .;ct of the LeZi3lature to appoint a colored park board
to hold, nnnn7c and c=trol park property established and maintained for •the recre-
,-',n, n1vanure and welfare or the colored population. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Comr.l.naioners Dorian, johnnton, Pulliam, •arrner and T.ayor Lac,-cy (5).
"a, offered notion that the City Treasurer be v.,ithorized t6
yor Lac.:oy of
'Intely proceed with the sale of 511 property whose oviners have Permitted their
to become (!Qlinau,-nt in the •,,nor 1951 by publi3hin7 in the newspaper a sale
notice in the :3nm- form used by her in prior years. Adopted on call of the Fall,
'ccs, Cox^irsloners Dorian, Johnaton, Fulliam, .,n,-ner and Layer Lackey (5).
Adjourn Y" 1.:ayor Lacicey offered motion that this re,7ular.moetint: or the -card of
'rnlonero :Ie adjourned until June 24th, 1042 at 9:00 A.!.:, Adopted on call
T!111, Ccns, Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, -arner and Ttayor Lackey (5
of the City In "y
-Ino 104
y cn 12.fd _n:j upon eta 11
-01-lan, Johnaton, ji !Tr7:,
motion: I T.jova
0, 1 J. 1,;!" 'L4"7,
Aliollted oil Call of L"
_Z c