HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 590, June 23, 1942Proceedings of " ° "or•,;r:I:: ion^r❑ City of Paducah June ^3rd • 1992 At a F;0�7uiar D'ectinf- or: the Board of Comtaioaton-ra held in the Chanber at the City Fall In Paducah, Kentucky, on Juno 23r:, 1042„ otclocic , 7aycr Lackey presid.cd and upon call of the Roll the fn11ouI.,; I cn.=.;:tired to their names: Co:,Lnianionors Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :Varncr and Lackey (5)., lanutes of the previous meetin,s wero adopted as road: Commisoioner Dorian offered motion that the report of the liousing etu•eau . aa• Yr Report :'or the period from '.'ay 5th to June 9th, 1942, Inclusive, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorion, Johnston, Pulliam, :7agner :�•: 7ayor Lackey (5). ^Tree- Com^lssioner Johnston offered motion that the ori anal agreement entered __t v, �'.vcd a into between the Kentucky Utilities Company and the City of Paducah, elated June 13th .,.'.led 1942, extendln;- until July 13th, 194E the time for arnointment of appraisers to g value the electric utilities system of said company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the -•oll, Year,, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :;afnor and :.ayor -ackey (5). ronminsioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of J.T.Lytal, Agent Login Coo �✓ i':ard of The Aetna Jacualty and Surety Company, requestin^ cancellation of the bond of the cd F ".'hard street Loan Company be received and filed, and that the City Clerk, be ai;thorize to endorse on the mari-in of E-ond No. 34-3-3443 executed by the Third Street Loan Company and by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company the following release: - "I ino Third Street Loan Company having suspended its bualneaa as parmbr okor on April 3rd, 1942, the liability of the principal and surety on this bond is cancellers as of ,+pril 3rd, 1942, but this release shall not discharl-e the principal or surety from y llnf.:lity imposed upon them prior to said date p - nptcr 29C of the Acts of the General Lsaembly o:' ,. •ntuclty of 1878. ti:� ^•lrc •!ay of Juno, 19.12, an Clerlt r.:' a,drenh pursuant to a motion adopted _na2'd of Cornmisaioners nt n rerulnr macting, Junc . rd, 1042. l;ncr ltrT- a t t tv 1, aa, ^.orai:13iono ra Dor inn, JoIna tnn, Fnl:+.n, Vaterenrra :cr .a'e.^r oYfcred riot ion that the binrneinl ;to .ort of tis' 'Rerort May 1942 I'n t er, uter x'r for ti-,, 1, of 'cy, _042, be received and .111_d &,;opted on ca ^ rte ib, ••eaa, �'c _.._ .;n•)ra orinn, Johnston, Pulliam, 'k -,n3:• ar.l I{ ayor Lac•cey " f5). o-leaiorer ' r r elf .r ^.n,.tnn that the :mitten offer- a ir, it 'J :ilsq for the ('urthane of a lot o n d :•y t..ty -;1' rt •,;J. rn ..,•.r.:: ween a8th 11111 awl 29th „treets, l;einr F.ot 15 In 1onk. ..a. 1, tF^at the torperatinn rounae1 ^e^are For :,ntrori,;rtir:r. nt t! ... ..,t .,t j an 6rC2tsrnce a:sthcrSz:n,- the sa`e en^, canereynnaa at" said proper'... CMA deration of his a;meezent to paJ ^� nU In enah see the rami,!: j 3cd.. Sni+lil 7 'tnat*lSmarts 2f 05.(4 each, to tenant. eun sixty an'•' j WW *at*- Of the execution or the a .092l. :$�-t)rt ed or call of '. . i 4q�ner and Valor i i I NO. 1 Proceedings of LLEd of Co: :i,nioners City of Paducah June 23, 1942 Rolnct Bela ,i!' ;amyor La ckey offered the following motion: ':lhoroas, the City V.ana;;or j on r ltsvi.n., offered for snlo at putlic auction on June 16th, 1012, all properties purchased ::y it at sales heir. by the Vsstor Cotmnlsaloner of the "c4racken Circuit Court, h ich. proacrties arc described in the :!otico of sale hereto attached; and, :?0R:AZ, the City i.;anaCcr received offers for the purchase of only eleven (11) lots or pnrccls of land o -.-mad by the city, Lite property on which Lida yore i submitted nrd the amount of said bids being as follows: 7ormer Owner Location _iddor Amount a!Lid Paul Lynum Corner Cth`':lay J. '.a'ttors :5.00 : I. C. eyerly L 1 B -1 KyAve 26-27 taskin 75.00 J.,.;:eatherington L 10 Blk 12 Ky Ave 23-24 Homer Jones 220.00 Irvin :otter L 6 1, 28,� Clay 8-9 J. PL. Watters 20.00 ;I C. D. Jennin"s 1018 South 5th J.:7. "In tters 130.00 Ro.-oro A ,luck George Jtreet t;. W.ltogors 25.00 J. •'lof fman 7th =1IDno tt-Flournoy J. 7d. .:a ttcrs 50.00 E. Samons Adams Let. 28-29 V.V.'.lise ,inttic terry Pc Daniels 515 S 8th Street J. W. Batters 1GO.G0 I. 0. :'0. Davides Lone Oak Road Albert Farnea 25.00 I' L. D. Sanders 12 Lots Albert Karnes 20.00 ' I now move that each and all of the aforesaid bids be rejected and that the GCity F.anarer be directed to offer for sale privntoly the above described property, to;-etl:er with all of the other property described in said notice of sale, and that he r submit to the board his reaommenddtrions upon any offer received by nim. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisaionors vorian, Johnston, Pulliat„ Wagner and }'ayor Lackey (5). L^tier of .:: i<ayor Lackey offered motion that the zoard of Conti:+s loners ,,ecolvo and file .att received�� the letter of ..:.:'att, President of the {entueky Utilities Compahy, in which ho prom es that the cit;; abandon the initiation of proceedin^-s for acquisition of tho company's properties as set forth in cite resolution :,..opted .,'ebruary 1;Sth, 1312, the company a�reeir, to waive the provision of subsection (L) o" <!ectlan 7 with res:'ect to :he proceedingn initiated on said date, and that the Co:^poration rounnel n •, era for introduction at the next meattn;• a rcaolut!on author IzinC the 9!Ev or to .:i n ."or t!ic r.Lty on a"reencnt accoptini; the companyrs preposnl. Adopted on c all a-,' ti 3011, fens, romriaaionars 1,orian, Johnnton, Pulliam, .Iagner and 'ayor Laekey (5). :nyor Lackey node the followln;� a?:roint'mnnt: on the 23rr1 da;; of Novomber 1936, the Foard of CommloaLoncrs :- _ coloredpnrlc board to hold, mann-e and o ntrol the put9 is j erica catabliancc .. ._. recreation, ploanurc and uo.lfarc �1 the colored ;'ovulation of -I. :;te of the hate of i;entucl:g w_.< n0t t!:on ;:r0:id^ file .. .. ... .-. S,oard in citi.os of the sc!c�nd cissa, nru' :eons th0r or, saki ward served washout .. .'.y .. _: - I:, the L^: -i. ....cure at its l) -,C ,rutin? Cut the a; point.. ni. . --v -ae I f, 2Z Proceedings Qf--­'­ � Z —City of Paducah for the pu­.-,ose o4 cvriplyin-, .%*ith the 7roViOlonc; of the 'n 1,oreby nppoint ad Hrrdis, A. Z. harinock, Tha,-vzon Jacicoon, to serve is ncm6ero of the lionrd'of Park Commin3lonorn (colored) for a n-,' five years baginnlno- on June 12, 19403 the data on which acid the alforezalli Pct. Z;irned Pierce E. LacIltoy Payor 6. rormmls3loner Pulliam offered motion that the ward of Commissioners proved al7prove the action of the 1:Ajor in appolntinf7 Fred herde, A. Z. Hammock, Thaw.9on by Foqrd inc',son, ':ill Ford and linskel Grornn As members of the Board of Park Comalsaionera (colored) of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, said board of park camminsioncra to serve for a period of five (5) years boninnin7 June 12th, 1940, the date on which the City c Paducah rias authorized 'Ly an .;ct of the LeZi3lature to appoint a colored park board to hold, nnnn7c and c=trol park property established and maintained for •the recre- ,-',n, n1vanure and welfare or the colored population. Adopted on call of the Roll, Comr.l.naioners Dorian, johnnton, Pulliam, •arrner and T.ayor Lac,-cy (5). "a, offered notion that the City Treasurer be v.,ithorized t6 yor Lac.:oy of 'Intely proceed with the sale of 511 property whose oviners have Permitted their to become (!Qlinau,-nt in the •,,nor 1951 by publi3hin7 in the newspaper a sale notice in the :3nm- form used by her in prior years. Adopted on call of the Fall, ii 'ccs, Cox^irsloners Dorian, Johnaton, Fulliam, .,n,-ner and Layer Lackey (5). Adjourn Y" 1.:ayor Lacicey offered motion that this re,7ular.moetint: or the -card of 'rnlonero :Ie adjourned until June 24th, 1042 at 9:00 A.!.:, Adopted on call T!111, Ccns, Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, -arner and Ttayor Lackey (5 1942 L:ayor— . t?.c of the City In "y -Ino 104 y cn 1­2.fd _n:j upon eta 11 -01-lan, Johnaton, ji !Tr7:, motion: I T.jova 'j. 0, 1 J. 1,;!" 'L4"7, 70 Aliollted oil Call of L" _Z c