HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 577, May 12, 1942NO._�77 Proceedings of Doard of Commissionors City of Paducah— May 12, 1x92 At a RogulaO.Moeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commisatoner Is Camber at the City Hall in Paducah, Kentucky, on May 12th, 1942 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (Q ;Commissioner Dorian was absent when the meeting was called to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as road. Cemetery Deed 11 Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: I move that a to Henry Sonter , deed granted to Henry Senter for Lot 110. 572 In Block No. 10-A on e:eil Avenue in Oak i Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Kentucky, upon proper payment of x75.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisaioners Johnston, Pulliam; Wagner and Mayor Lackey (4). Accept offer f% Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the City accept the offer of of M. Burton ii ^50.00 lot ons?;. Burton in the sum of $50.00 for the purchase of Lot No. 9 in Block "E" located Flora St. y ii on Flora Street, said sum to be paid in cash, and that the Corporation Counsel be V authorized to prepare for introduction at the next regular meeting of the Board an ordinance authorizing the execution of a deed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (4). Accept offer Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the City of Paducah accept the of Roscoe Meadows $50. offer of Roscoe Meadows in the sum of .;50.00 for the purchase of Lot No. 17 in Block Lot on Flora St "n" located on Flora Street, said sum to be paid in cash, and that the Corporation ,I Counsel be authorized to prepare for introduction at the next regular meeting of the board an ordinance authorizing the execution of a deed. Adopted on call of the ,I Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, ;agner and Layer Lackey (4). 4th it. Blvd. g Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the Board of Commissioners Clark to IGGG� i:usbands K receive and file the letter of u'. h. Bryant, Chief of Police, dated ?.Tay 11, 1942, in which he recommends that 4th Street from Clark Street to Husbands stroot be i declared a boulevard, and that the Corporation Counsel have prepared an ordinance !� undor which that portion of 4th :street shall be declared a boulevard, this ordinance to be introduced at the next regular meeting of the Board of Cor..•mIns loners. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoaa, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, ':;agmar and i_ayor Lackey (4). Parklnr Meter Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the City Manager be requested City [rr ✓ :nvestirato to irvestir to the advisability of the city putting in Larking 13eters. Adopted on Gall of the Roll, Yeas, Cornissionors Johnston, Pulliaq, and Mayor Lackey (3), Nays, Cocrasnlonera Dorian and Wagner (2). ^rent 'e ?art- ?' Com-isaioner Ylagner offered motion that the report of the Piro A/:ri l-42 DopartrNnt for t'ra month of April, 1942 be received. Adopted on call of the i call, 'Seas, Cc-mislinnura ;xirinn, Johnston, Pulliam, Flagner and i:nyor Lackey (5). "arrat •:':use ^cm:-aaaion•:r V.'twnor offered motion that the supplomental roport P.n^ort prepared Ly ?.`ri. xss S. l:uaF�m, f:1.ty Tronauror, setting out the amount of rontala vac!^,a s;,acos in tim narke:t hruno b,: r,00Lvad and filed. Adopted on ca:l of t -e Cess; ^.emaiasiot:ers ':.orinn, Joi,naton, HL1!Sa^., V,'Q9 or and 2: o•«' t.!ra�o: fore ..^., .. rl !r,-. that Lire :ra:•d of romml:3a!oners � n9.'e1' Re:eiva a 1:'I ragort of the ^Sty sl'etrlcal insl,ector, .coy Clark, In which ege s:^ea i,e ata -ea _::at Sa ..r:utin to fin: any taz:.r;,;ia enrditlon exlatin,., anyNI-ero Sn Ii:e c:tg c, ....:s Inveatl ation of the hi;rh . ,itc^e linos o:' the Kentucky Ltllltioa raw any. all of t?,e ::..1, -!..'eaa, .,. =rs ::orlon, Jor•a :n, } Pal? s.=, "F"7.er anl Y,nj,r Laccsy (5). NC 573 Proceedings of 9oard of Commisa.leners City of Paducah May 12th, 1042 ensI—Z ✓ Conmissionor forian offered notion that the Board of Commissioners receive Fn.•eau 7:A 1ZOPOrt and file t'e report of I'loyd D. 3peery, secretary of the Greater Paducah Association, In which he sets out the expenditures in connection with the Housing Bureau for which the City has donated the sum of ;;500.00. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Dorian, Uobnston, Pulliam, ".agner and L:ayor Lackey (5). Oth Street Commissioner 77agnor offered the following motion: I move that m ordinance ;— Assessment v' Ordinance entitled: "AN (RDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON cOTId SIDES OF 97H STREET 1st Half' FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THE SOUTH PHOPERTt LINE OF ADA1,13 STRM- T, 'EXCLUDING I14TERSECTIOII AT CLARK STREET IN TIIE CITY OF PADUCAH, idCCRACK.EN COUNTY KENTUCKY, FOR THE PORTION OF Ilii: CO3T OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID STREET AND IMIROVEMENT �TC:REOF, BY THE PLACING THEREIN AND THEREON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE TOGETHER 'NITH ALL I NECESSARY CURBS, GUTTERS, DRIVEWAYS, MANHOLES, IIITAKES, CATCH BASINS, SEVIER AND DRAIN PIPES AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, EQUIP:. IT, ADVERTI3ItdG AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN COIRIECTION THERE7/I1T1! UIIDIZi TINE PROVISIOI1 OF AN ACT OF 71iE GENERAL AS3EMBLY1 t,' OF THE COM"ZON71EALIH OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION III 193B PROVIDING FOR TH § IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC 71AY3 IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE WORK PROJECTS iAD:dINISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERN;1ENT, AND AT THE EXCLUSI E COST OF THE O'fNERS OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SUCH IMPROVEMENT ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ;STATE FOR THE FAYMENT OF THE COST A33ESS13D THEREON, WHICH COST SHAi,L BE THE DIFFERENCE BETiIEEl THE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID •IMPROVEIZITT AND THE TOTAL A:SOUNT OF 'BIE COIITHIBUTION OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADMIKISTRATION OR OTHER AGEI'ICIES OF' T.:? FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENT ENGAGED IN MAKING SAID IMPROVELUidT, AND WHICH TAX SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER IN THE CITY HALL IN PADUCAH, ' ONE-I:ALF TIEREOF NHEII THE '.ORK OF CONSTRUCTION BEGINS AND THE REMAINDER THEREOF 'WHEid O:IE-HALF OF SAID IMPROVE3MENTS SHALT. RAVE BEEN C(MPLETED, WHICH TIME SHALL BE DETERMINEDI BY THE BARD OF COMMISSIONERS WITH THE ADVICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER; AND ALL THE n EIIGIilEF_RIIIG 30RY. HAVING BEENCOMPL3T£D AND TIN; ESTIMATT;D CO3T ASCERTAINED, AND IT BEING :27VIR,:1I.NED :nett SAID E3TIMATE3 AFTER DEDUCTING THE AMOUNT TO DE CONTRIBUTED BY THE 17ORK . •.r, J = ADMINI: TRATION OF THE UNITED STATES 'THAT TIN: ALlOU11T FIE^UIRED TO BE CONTRIBUTED . .,...:: PROPI=RTL 07"HERS OII 9TH STREET 13ET1.11EEi: KENTUCKY AVENUE AND WA:iIdINGTOtl 77 :!?--T 1S ;2.05 PER FROIIT Fr:OT FOR STREET PAVING; BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET AND ADAMS :.✓' aONT I::^CT ?CR STREET, PAVING; ALL CURDS SHALL a p.30 PER LINEAR "rOOR; 7. _IiiEAT FOOT; DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE >.12 P: -I SQUARE :BOOR; AND1 .,EAD'f TO COMMENCE WORK ON SAID IMPROVEYF.NT A3 OF 'iHE I OP.DINA::r,E", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, _^as, ^cr-:Ss:s S�sn^Ts rinn, Jof~�st^n, tvlliam, ..afner and Mkiyor Lae4ey (5). d !:.eyor, Larkey v.. real ,oti^n thr,. L1ra. "Jaaham+s letter datod L:ay 12t'.:, 1942 in re^.crt, the Loma of Conndasloa,rn tt:at t1woo (3) notes held by the ;nv!noa Lank an,^un-l.^. t'r:e r,;• rr;`r.Le sum of •I5, n7q.00 have i are nr, o`hrr outatandln;; nntna at: sr.Id bank, he roeeived _l of the -olZ, ?pea, Crr: NO._ <'79 Proceedings of Tloard of Commissionors _CJty of Paducah !?,y 12th, 1942 ___ t:.r. Robert Trenknmp, Chief Rent Attorney, for his approval. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :7nrnor and PAyor Lackey (5). Curb !'.arket Mayor Lackey offered motion that the City ;:anaeor be requested lnvestignto ' to confer with Dr. C. E. Reddick, McCracken County Health Officer, for the purpose of finding out the requirements which must be complied with in order to bring up to standard the sanitation conditions on curb market (lower !Cy ave) and that the City klanagor be further requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners the action which should be taken to bring about the compliance with such requirements, and also to reco:mnend the action which the board should take to prevent such law violations in other parts of the city as complained of by Dr. Reddick. Adopted on call of the 1 Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Adrian, Johnston, Pulliam, t7agner and "payor Lackey (5). Reserve prop-' Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of the LleCracken orty for Ilea- lth Center ✓ County Health Department requesting that the city reserve certain property owned by yyyJJJ it for use in the construction of a health center be received and filed. r I further move that the City Manager be requested to omit from his advertisement of sale the two lots located at the northwest corner of 19th & ':ashin3tor Streets, being Lots Hos. 7 and 10, formerly owned by allie Blanche Freeland, and that said property be held by the city until arrangements can be made for the I �I financing of a health center through the PWA. Adopted on call of the Zoll, Yens; Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '..agner and Mayor lackey (5). Joel, Cole Mayor Lackey made the following appointment: 71HEREAS, on March Appoin ed memry member of N 19, 1940, i"s. Ed. D. Hannan, :.1r. George Alliston and lir. Ed Hancock were appointed as City Planning & Zoning 4 members of the City Planning and Zoning Commission for a term of Pour (4) years from Commission that date; and, d"I 'ilHEREAS, Air. George Alliston has since dies and it is necosnary to N appoint another city.menber to serve in his place and stead daring the remainder of his torn of office; I therefore appoint A.E. (Jack) Cole as a member of the City Planning and Zonin Commission to serve for the romntrndor of Mr. Goorgo Allistonva term, nrd said City Plannin- and :ronin^ Commission no now constituted ahall conslat of the �I followinf m•m tiers: 1 Fierce L. Lackey, Mayor, Ex -Officio romber ? T. A. ilradloy, City an--lnr.er, Ex-Ofi'tnio :gcr..cer 8 ru.. annan tlx.t.2. ( Jack) Cole Mr. Ed. Hancock Co.nty rrrineer or Acting County En-�inaer, Ex -Officio member Ccunt':emcera ,•r. ... .,.. .^;ars An! all p:' sal9 ity t' ..r, r:, shall serve until ,:arch 19, 1944, or until th-,Sr sa-^e^mfrs have Nin a-, ;in+.ea nn;i que.lt'4ed. --•- - '1ayor -ankoy o^ferefi notion t!'at t! -,,j caanl of Cnru;laaloners rocelve fl.a .:x :ettor of kr. i`. i',.,met. In w•.lnh h, re t;osts t?:nt !t',a :'bard of rr-.^.slder the ...tt,,:• e:' a;.�.olntLn� hip a meni.er oi' tho Airport rorr-alasion t*at Yr. ;;a .'. anked fr•r i.ic o-'fer t , nerve f,n a ricnbor of snid mf„naat:.n, c:n i t!:ot Otto „r,hfrs c:' the Gc,ard ;;ivo his request -..._. ..-_•.,.,...-, ,•... .oa:i Adopted on call of tt:o Holl, an ',layo. Laci:ey (5). NO .S 0 Proceedings of `card of Conriasionero City of Paducah Yay 12t 1942 _. Arce t bends Myer Lackey offered the following motion; I move that a Resolution etc. from barks in,'entitled; "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY TREASURER OF THE 11ou o: persona'_ CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO ACCEPT FROM THE CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK. AT PADUCAH, AND bends THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANk. OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, BONDS OR OTHER 3ECURITIES IN LIEU OF PERSONAL 7,01MZ TO 37-CUr.E THE DEPOSITS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH IN SUCH BANKS", be ndoptoc Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 13agner and "ayor Lackey (5). Accent offer, / Mayor Lackey offered motion that the City of Paducah offer to accept of :::asht. E3pt. Church from the flashington Street Baptist Church the sum of 455.01 for the sale of a lot for lot. owned by the City directly across the street from said church, the consideration to be paid in cash, and that the Corporation Counsel be authorized to prepare for Introduction at the next regular meeting of the board an ordinance authorizing the execution of a deed, provided it is used for church or recreation purposes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and h'.a.yor Lackey (5). ,Zr. Siith's Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of Mr. James P. Smith letter- continue to in which he advises the i•ayor and the Commissioners of the City of Paduca)} that he serveas City ?'rr. i will continue to serve as City Manager of the City of Paducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Gagner and Payor Lackey (5). r.it :'•:th- Commissioner 7.agner offered notion that the sum of '',75.00 be donated by 75.CS the City for payment of the expense for furnishing electric current during 1042 on the play-Erouhds of the Trinity Methodist Church, the appropriation made hereunder to be charged to the Contingent Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, JOIgnston, Pulliam, 'Gagner and I4yor Lackey (5). n; Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution an- !' t1r^ "A RESOLUTION AUTiiORIMIG Tlili CITY OF PADUCAH, BY AND THROUGH PIERCE E. LACKEY, ._... . A"OR, T1 ZRTE;2 INTO AILD EXECUM BATH THE KENTUCKY UTILITIES CO.MrANY AN AGREETMENT F:RTFER cXT^tiDi:l•; THE TIME FOR THE APPOINTMIENT OF A BOARD OF APPRAISERS TO APPRAISE :. ..... ........... A:?D PROPERTIES OF THE KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY A3 REQUIRED by ;iVE:I SAID COMPANY ON FEBRUARY 13, 1042, AND PURSUANT TO THE PItOVI3ION3 F'AIJCIiI3E", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Holl, 'fees, .... .i r,ai•: r. :.^ `orion, Johnaton, Pull -lam, l7akner and Mayor Lackey (5). Gn motion meeting adjourned. ADPPB; < r, y 1312 A PROVED % t