HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 575, May 5, 19420 No 575 Proceedings of r >a^ri nr rnmmianianor. City of Paducah— May 5th. 1942 a At a Regular ".'.eating of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioner 'a Chamber at the City Hall in Paducah, Kentucky, on may 5th, 1942 4� at 7:30 o'clock P. Y. Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Holl the following answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Yayor Lackey. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Cemetery Decd Commissioner Pulliam offered the following notion: John '.7. Cradley J.'1.'. Ph y111s and his wife Phyllis Bradley of Paducah, Kentucky, having presented to the board of Bradley Commissioners a deed ofconveyance executed and delivered to them by l,ary H. Tago, Mrs. Earl Pugh Hasenwinkle and her husband Ralph IIasenwinklo, dated Aprul 28th, 1942, under the terms of which there is conveyed to them all of the Grantors right, title I� and interest In and to part of Lot No. 4 in Section E in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, ,I Kentucky; 1 move that the conveyance of said cemetery lot to John 1.1. Bradley and his wife Phyllis Bradley, of Paducah, Kentucky, be approved, and that the City Clerk be authorized to make proper notations on the Cemetery Register showing said { conveyance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 1.7agner and Mayor Lackey (5). Reports CouLnissioner :4agner offered motion that the following reports for the April -1942 i month of April, 1942 be received: Oak Grove Cemetery, Street and Sewer Departments, City Physician (white) and City Physician (colored). Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 7;agner and Mayor Lackey (5). PayrollCommissioner Wagner offered motion that the payroll for the last half Lest Half April -1942 of April, 1942 Le allowed in the amount of B,421.63, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by check drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas- Commiasionors Dorian, Johnsont, Pulliam, 1'.agner and ttayor Lackey (5). Paxton Park / IJayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of Boas B. ',.asham, City Cewer Bill to be paid Treasurer, reportinE the amount of tax bills on the sewer account oCainst the property by city which has been transferred to the City for use as a part of Paxton Parc be received and filed, and that the City Troaauror be authorized to pay these accounts amounting to x4.86, charging the amount so paid to the Contingont Hind. Adopted on call of the roll, Yess, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, l'ingnor and 1layor Lackey (5). :e11 proper- IZayor Lackey offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN (R DINA;CE to to s. P.urton on AtjTii^RI'L'':�^ Flora Zt Ti?.: .;A7. AIiD CONVEYANCE TO M. bUItTOIf OF LOTS NO3 5 AND 6 IN BLOCK "E" I.G.CA'I". L Oil FLORA .;TR::ET !N ME CITY OF PADUCAH, FE-MCKY, AIM Au'rHORIZIIIG T173 1AA1OR A'i D C VJ"i CL::'V! TO :J.I:CC^'E A DEED OF CONVEYANCE TO ;AID PROPERTY", be adopted. i A3apted on ^.all of the Roll, Yaws- Cormissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, angnor 1<aerr Lac'rey (E). City Nrr.+a / '•,yor :ac Cey ofrnred the fol,low.in C motion: I move that the Roalt-ration Rofacted ( ar Go r,:!•,cLot] on•l that he bo urged to continue as on t•ecord as offcrin;: whole hi,artod i..•nl manaFemrnt o1' tha City of Padr;cai:Ia ,..:'r,irn. A1o'n '. oia, 'ton", Cor..nissionera Pu111am xs.;... %n4 rfi�:cr I.ae.!9y(3;. Maya, Coe: iaalrnara Ivorian and Johnston (2). NO— — `-6 Proceedings of ronrd of ronnlnntonorn City ofPaducah May 5th, 1942 On Motion meotinG adjourned. `. AD0?TED 1942 i Cit Clerk APPROVED MAYOR 1