HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 566, April 28, 1942566 Proceedings of Tn^^d of C-1.11ionena City of Paducah April 28th, 1942 _ At a Regular 1Cocting of the Board of Cormnisaioners hold in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Y,entucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1•Y. on the 28th day of April, 1942, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll, the fallowing answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 1.7agnor and Mayor Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. peperts of �� Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the reports of F. 41. Gholson Fire Dept. Feb & 1'.arch Acting Fire Chief of the City of Paducah, for the months of February and lurch 1942 be 1942 received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). 1.7arket Hou Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the rT ort of Mrs. Bess B. se report "I - 141 "asham, City Treasurer, in which she complies with the request of the Board of Commissioners for a statement of the financial operations of the market house for tlio year 1941 and for the months of January, February and March, 1942 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Paducah Water Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the financial report of the !;orks report;-' for March Paducah Mater ":ovks for the month of March, 1942 be received and filed. Adopted 1942 i on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Vlagner and i g Mayor Lackey (5). r ..x Bills Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: 1 move that Exonerated exonerations Hos. 7800 - 7826 inclusive be received and filed; and that the amount of 6167.26 be exonerated on the tax bills as shown on said exonerations: Barred by 3tatutes of Limitations ........................y 62.62 ry Double assessment ........................................ 1.50 Deceased ... 1.50 Unknown, cannot locate, non-rosident�..................... 101.64 hExoneration #6509 cancelled ............................ 11.85 a Jam_ a These have been checked, and are clue to be exonerated according to my kno'r+ledZc and belief. Bean B. .iaaham 'City Troanuror Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Comminnionoro, Dorian, Johnston, .u:linn, :"agnnr orv! 1lnyor Lackey (5). port of ��Co _,Isnianer :;ogner offered motion that the Annual Report of the j ire '!•ar 1'341• ;nelcah :ire 'w•nrtmeat for the year 1,941 be received and filed. Adopted on I ^.n11. of the A011, 'Ilan, Corraisslarern norinn, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor +, ;.n ^, Otey (`u}. • FnTrrl: Cc,-�aea"_oyer ..ac-ner offered motion that the payroll for the first tl �t.aif ._ f.;^i', 194^ be allcwed or, ti'.. a^r.trr:t r,f 4,3,424.59, and that the City P ! 2`eGaurer r!::a to rf,y nacA :j check drfan on thr, ;er,orol fund. Adopted or. call I thr• :r,_;, :as ^s ^a 1nt.nnon, .11ie,n, a,;net nr Lackey (5). Lss: F.aae-a- . _-.... .. «z.. .....rel the _inwinr• r...,+.trr.,• - ..,. `..'+' an I .t Crs r- ._._.. �� .. ... ... .,....,n C n. '; I:a 567 Proceedings of Eoard of Commissioners City cf Paducah April 28th. 1942 C0.'d110'GVEALT'H OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION IN 1938 PROVIDING ?OR THE DIPROV0101T OF PUBLIC WAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE 'WORK PROJECTS I AMINISMATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE UOVERNUENT, AND AT THE � EXCLUSIVE COST OF THE Ol.NERS OF REAL ESTATE A13UTTIIIG ON :JUCII 114PROVE14ENT ACCORDING l N TO THE IIUNDER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX 3HALL BE LEVIED - UPON SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE FOR T71E PAYLIENT OF THE COST ASSESSED 7HEREO!I, ;lHIM COST SHALL BE THE DIFFERE?ICE BETIVEEN TIIE TOTAL r'OST OF COIdPLETING SAID ILiPROVE- :.ENT AND THE TOTAL AILOUIIT OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADLIIIIISTRATION OR Oaf ll -AGE; CIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNI.tENT ENGAGED It. 'JAKING SAID IL!PROVE- 1:ENT, AND WHICH TAX SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER IN THE CITY HALL IN PADUCAH, AND ONE-RALF OF THE WORK HAVING LEEN COMPLETED AND ME ESTILIATED COST ASCERTAINED, AND IT ::EING DETERMJINED FROL1 SAID ESTInATES AFTER DEDUCTING THE MOUNT TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY THE WORK PROJECTS ADIIINISTRATION OF THE UNITED "STATES THAT THE AMOUNT REQUIRED TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY TIME ABUTTING PROPERTY 0-.7171ERS ON JOSEPH ROOF LANE BETWEEN OHIO AND TENNESSEE STREETS IS,$1.25 PER ABUTTING FOOT" be.adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston Pulliam, 1%gner and 1,%yor Lackey (5). Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Occupational entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ALSENDING SECTIONS 73, 74 AND 193 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: License ,'A; ORDINANCE FIXING AND REGULATING THE LICENSE TAXES, AND LIANNER AND FORLI OF GRANTING Amended A'.ID ISSUING SAM ON THE VARIOUS LINES OF BUSINESS, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, TRADES =',!M CALLINGS III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR NON-PAYUENT T.'-IE?.EOF, AIM FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AIM TZAKIHG IT UNLAWFUL TO ENGAGE IN Ally :;UCH LINES OF BU3IMMS, OCCUPATIONS., PROFESSIONS, TRADES AND CALLINGS :JITIIOUT FIRST PAYING THE jl LICENSE TAX AND PROCURING LICENSES AS PROVIDED HEREIN', 1WIICH WAS ADOPTED BY THE LOARD OF COL.T.'ISSIONERS ON DECEIMrR 3OTII, 1940", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, Yens, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, `,agnor and Ilayor Lackey (5) 'aeigt+mastor II Commissioner Eiagnor offered the following motion: Crdinance dI move that an ordinance i amended entitled: "AN ORDINANCE A7,101DING SECTION 2 OF All ORDINANCE EITI'IZE'D: 'AN O!IDINAXCE I REGULATING 711E RATES OF PAY TO TRE:'iRARF1-TA3TER AND :1'EIGMIASTER OR KEEPER OF THE CITY i SCALES', W!iICH ;VAS ADOPTED Bi THE BOARD OF COl-1H GiSIONER3 ON JANUARY 18TH, 1934", , be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coca:iasioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, '%Jagner and ;!ayor Lackey (5). Itayor Lackey offered the following motion: I r.ovc that an ordinance entitled: -rla pt. .,:iC T:OIN 2 OF AN ORDINANCE „fin?, '• ...'•..•• ... - RDI_NANCE ENTITLED: 'AIN O1:DIl;AIlCE 3C IIE1Mc T: CIL: OR 7111E POLICE DEPARTL:ENT 0? 7110 CZ'TY CF PADUCAH, AND RiiPEALiaG :i7!ICH VAS ADCPT,�D r. Tr.f. _OA U) 0r' COl^:1:;.iIONERS -•• ::�tii, L9 °", to adopted. Adopted on call of the !Zoll, Yens, Johrntr,n, "111.1am, tYugrer and Vayor Lacicey (4), 'Jaya, Coraminalonur :;Gr1ar.. oI M ;:ror �rty "a Gr '.ac;_e offerarl motion thn n or '+ i Y 3 t the City of F:ducah accept tite ol'1'or of b'. I Cs M, i.,L tGn ? i. rtcn In :.. s;u 50.i 6 Guah for t.Y,r,a •c n t.ase of Iota :Nos. ;, un<I G In Mock "Y" or. . lora ;t.-". �, anl.i I.rapwrty fnrm: r1 oared b , Y Fanr,lc !. ath, and tf.at tY.o ^cr rsratic^ �nrel to 7 r®.,:es:nd 'I an urdtnanco eu.rtl:orizing thu aalo and rcnvr.yar.^c .t aa!d pr::crrty. pt,nr: ^ail „ tru iyesC I i s, of 1 sienorl r/ar,, Jo:rmt6r., i u111em, "a; r.+a. ar.+ i 0� -- Proceedings of Beard of Comniasionors City of Paducah April 28th, 1942 `:stional ,, i".ayor Lackey offered notion that a Resolution adopted by the Paducah ::aritine ,Tn- ion renber of the National S:aritino Union in which the Board of Commissioners of the City of Faducah are urCed to protest against the Smith Bill now pending in the United States .;Senate be received and filed, and that the Y.ayor of the City of Paducah be requested to write letters to our Senator and Representative urging them to approve and support the President's forty hour week law, and to vote against such legislation as the Z math mill or any other which will disrupt national unity, and undermine public confidence in Fresidont Roosevelt's victory plan. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ',lagnor and liayor Lackey (5). National /�j Mayor Lackey offered motion that a Resolution adopted by the Paducah Maritime Union Membership of the National Yaritime Union requesting the cooperation of the City of ' Paducah to bring about Labor Unity be received and filed, and that the Mayor of the City of Paducah confer with representatives of both the A.F. of L. and the C.I.O. for the purpose of appointing a Victory Committee in the City of Paducah, and to insure unity of action as requested 1n said resolution. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yea Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and l..ayor Lackey (5). Sell Real f Yayor Lackey offered motion that the members of the Board of Commissi ::state pur- chased at tai era appraise all of the real estate which the City of Paducah has purchased at sales sales r hold by the ilaster Commissioner for the satisfaction of liens for taxes, and after i ' jfixing the price at which each lot and parcel of land should be sold, that the City t t%nager sell said property to the hiChest bidder at public auction in accordance with a resolution heretofore adopted by the coard of Commissioners on !.:arch 26th, 1940 and as amended on December 3, 1940. 1 further move that if any person shall offer at said sale an amount equal to or Creater than the appraised value as established by the -card of Commission - era, that the City Uanager be authorized to advise the bidder that his bid will be accepted, and an ordinance authorizing the conveyance of such property will be adopted If the purchase price is paid in cash or the biddor agrees to pay one-third of the purchnae price in cash at the time of the execution and delivery of the deed, and the rern_nder in two equal monthly installnenta due one and two monthn from the date of the exgnutlon of raid deed. Adopted on call of the "all, Yoas, Com:.ivalonors "arlan, Johnston, Fulliam, :'aLner and l:lsyor Lackey (5). T•e•Jia'.-,n rf' 7%jar Lac,:.ay offered notion that the lotter of Boas B, Masham .1 , City 1`y �Et- r ncaarer, in ^thlp,h she conpliea with the regaost of the Board of Cormiasionors for ;'ran +:as :ie ion r,f C:. wdget prepnrad b: tho amity }danger be received, filed and sproad .: r. on the ..l r.utra. ^il 20, 1942 h ,nnrly1n:, wit'- y::ui• - ec :est en'' fol.lowln:� the tn- r.! of.c--as:c i .rt+^n, !arta hnn,?ed tkn your 19.32 no Rs: a _ ... ,; •� r; ....... r 10, 008.00 Proceedings of Sonrd of Commisaionars City of Paducah April 28th, 1942 Identificatio Bureau Ordi-P nance amended Letter of B. Phipps, Board of Education Deductions: F%,om Legal Dept.-- 3tonographor'a salary beenuso of transferring to City 1.'anager 3ocratary .........;;900.00 From Police Dept. (Extra Police).... 0291.20 " Sewer Approp. in Acc. 309 ...... 2000.00 " Contingent Fund ................ 133.00 " Adjustment 3xtra Fireman .... 118.80 Total ...................... b11,440.00 This leaves the total budget disbursements and anticipated revenues at the priginal figure of 0524,413.49. All employees making 0140.00 per month or less aro now raised $10.00 per month, the weighmaster to ,060.00 per month and Identification Bureau to .3150.00 per month. This does not include the Special Tax Attornoys. Very truly yours, Bess B. Washam City Treasurer". Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners, Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'yagnor and 'Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Akh'DING SECTION 4 OF AN ORDINANCE 01TI3LED: 'AN ORDINAI:CE CREATING AN IDENTIFICATION BUREAU IN THE POLICE DEPAR'IFMENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINU-1ENT OF A DIRECTOR THEREOF, PRESCRIBING HIS DUTIES AND FIXING "M A;;OUNT OF COMPENSATION WHICH HE SIIALL RECEIVE FOR IIIS SERVICES, AND REPEALING ALL PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERMITHI, I'MICH S'/AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COI-IL:13SIONERS ON }MARCH 3rd, 1942" be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam. Wagner and L.ayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of Lynn B. Phipps, President of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, dated April 28th, 1942, and in which letter the said Lynn B. Phipps quotes a resolution adopted by the Board of Education on April 27th, 1942, be received and filed, and that the letter of Lynn B. Phipps, dated April 28th, 1942, together with the Budget of the uoard of --.4ucation of the same date be also received and filed and that each of said letters and tuclt;et be spread upon the "mutes in the order as stove se6 out. "April 20, 1942 Honorablo 1.'ayor and Board of Commissioners City of Paducah Paducah, Fentwky ,entl.emen: The follcwing resolution is a part of the minutes of the c,a;led rleting of the Board of Educatdon hold Monday nt-ht Anril 27, 1942. `,L= by the Board of 'ducation of r,ky, that there be imposed and ?<•' tax lovylnt' authority of the City -' ^ntu¢ky, nn ad valorem tax of •n+:+: f 3'; f } on each ;100.00 of .:•I; of 0!" City of Paducah, len I.;., tho year 1942, OI:;i.iaa of the .x"srd to n:'ef!,kce aim _., iti, 40rtucky, the AV No.�2— 'Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah April 28, .1942 "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by tho i'.oard of Education of Paducah, Kentucky, tint it request the tax levying authority of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to levy the maximum rate allowed by law on bank stock taxable by the board." Very truly yours, Lynn B. Phipps President BOAR' OF EDUCATION PADUCAH, KE21TUCKY _ Attest: Ethel E. Rice Secretary BOARD OF EDUCATION Paducah, Kentucky" "GENERAL BUDGET OF PADUCAH CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT County of McCracken, Postoffice Paducah, Kentucky For School Year 19..... 1942 "1b the State Board of Education Frankfort, Kentucky, "In compliance with the law (Section 4399-40, Ky. Stats.) and the regulations of the State Board of Education, w6, the board of education (trustees) of this school district, hereby submit to you for approval our itemized statement or budget show- ing the amount of money needed for payment of teacherst salaries, for maintenance an operation of school plant, for school buildings, repairs, equipment and other school j purposes, for the succeeding sbhool year July 1, 19.... to June 30, 19 ... after deducting the state funds available and all other income resources and funds on hand h or in process of collection; and sheaving the amount which will be needed to be raise N by local taxation, including the rate of levy necessary to raise such amount, viz.: ( 9 months for all elomen- ( tary schools Estimated N This budget rpvodes fpr a term of(( Cost... 7,100...... ( 9 months for all high ( schools ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Code 100-199 Administration of General Control ...........................y 11,700.00 Include all payments for salaries of superintendents, assistant superintendents, clerks and stenographers; also expenditures for office supplies and other miscellaneous expenses in connection with the office of superindendent. Include expenditures for surety p bonds of officials, professional services, census enumeration and other expenses of business administration. 260-299 1;:STP.UCTION• ........... .... ....;247,920.00 Include salaries and expenses ofnuporvisoro, principals, aasistant print_ pals, teachers' salaries, educational supplies, library and su-l.lementary books and othor expenses of Instruction. .CC -339 OPEPATIO:' £P SCHOOL PLANT..................................a 33,350.00 Includo :Waren of ,janitors and engineers, janitors' supplies, expondit,iros fcr 1 en,! water, liCht and power. L0-453 ?E;7A',C 4:' _;T. .... ........ 12,000.00 ..:ude all ..-.'.ofor repair ofbuildinrs, repairs rvtr.'e '• f grounds, and repair and replace- ............ ....... eplace- ....... .......... .� E, .i.^,0.00 r idfor school brildinrsand :1:•any Payments, and _ . ri-TMi. ... . ... s soG.00 wor';:eraen;'agedin athlotles nn3 ,!n all n, lturas , -'.ntn . ..,.... .......;31B,i;•70.00 1 150.00 ............................................ !. ,000.00 No. 571 Proceedings of_ -mord of Commlasloners City of Paducah_ April Mth, 1942 Include all payments for land or now ground, new buildings, n6w furniture and equipment, alterations of new or old buildings and all other capital outlay expenses including payments to holding companies to retire indebtedness. (Show principal payments to holding companies hero: "............ ) 800-699 Debt Service ...................................................: 14,7G0.00 Include all payments for 3tetiring loans and bonds and all payments for interest on same and interest on holding; company bonds. B. TOTAL BUDGED APPROPRIATIONS ............................... -35^,780.00 Voted Bonds H.......... Funding bonds H.......... Holding Co. Bonds 1:.......... N C. TOTAL OUTSTANDING Subdistrict Voted Bondn*'4....... INDEBTEDPIESS Otherwise ........... D. Number of subdistric tathat levy a local taxa ............ Total estimated revenue from such subdistricts+: u....... ::Applies to county school districts only. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 0 i^!e expect to have on July 1 unexpended cash balance N4,336.57 Ise anticipate other receipts fnom the following sources: 1000 A ;12.70 state per capita appriximately ...................t'90,000 00 1010 Special State School Fund .......................................... 1050 Smith -Hughes funds approximately.......................... 3,250.00 1200 Tuition from patrons and other districts approximately ....1, 1,400.00 1250 Interest pn bank deposits approximately ....................� ........ 1300 All other revenue sources, not including codes 1100 to 1130 below, approximately....'...............................r ..200.00 1.00 Sale of serial bonds approximately .........................; ........ 1.150 Sale of property and insurance adjustments due approximately 3 202.12 1500 All other non-revonpe sources approximately ...............w E. TOTAL ESTWATED INCOME FRO1•1 SOURCES OTHER 7HA;d DISTRICTTAX..................................::99 �388.69 F. LEAVING BALANCE TO BE SUPPLIES BY DISTRICT �I 1100 SOURCES OF DISTRICT TAXATION The total assessed valuation of all property :subject to taxation for school purposes in this school district exclusive of the assessed valuation of bank shares, and exclusive of real estato, tangible and franchise taxes from corporations assessed by the State it+x Commission, amoudta to approximately w18,915,595. and based on levy mado, will produce.....................w183,481.27 .110 The total assessed valuation of all bank shares in district amounts to .•,`.165,000. Prior yearn taxes (back taxes) ................. ...• 23,000.00 and based on levy made (maximum normitLedbylaw in..0 ) will produce ............................................ G60.00 1120 Tho total assessed valuation of all taxpayint; franchise corporations, as assessed by the ^tato 'rax Commiaslon, amounts to approximately �4y252,501. and based on levy made, will produce ................... 41,250.04 Penalties and interest on District taxes ............... 5,000.00 � '130 Tire total ntmnber of make citizens listed for poll tax is j and based on levy made, will produce ............ .......... l G. T;17 --A., ESTIMATED INCOME FROM DISTRICT TAXATION LASED � 3 :31MWII AI:D LEVIhD REQUI!tnD :4I0,;:Td TO I (Cc•'oe.i100 to 1130 ................................................ ;.253,591.311 A:. L4'....T,.,' y Yy., �V Ap:•11 2? 1942 19 9� AdeptOd April 27, 1942 _ 19 !:y ;nducah City 1+eard of Gducatlon I.yv+n L. Phipps. Ch:+firman ......ni Mice .ncrctnry ,... CIT! .....3t?CT: :;, carne x a .ectfully re most that tt:c lvvyinl en`.n .rrPurposes. and a levy of er. t} :1 dollars ovat. ., 1. .. ration Of a.. crop orty ca n tr.­ one hundred dellara ;1 tax • a capitation cox of . .. - ...stricttwenty-one yours of aru ,.d NO. — ?. Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners Cily of Paducah April 28th, 1942 This resuest for levy for the fiscal year 19 1942 is respectfully submitted by order of the _Board of Education on this 28tTi day of April, 1942 Lynn B. Phipps, Chairman Secretary Ethel M. Rice L•oard of Education CO.'CIONI-7EALTH OF K—E7TUCKY DISTRICT OF I hereby certify that the above request was granted on the__day of 19 , Clork of By D. ;MOTE. -Send two copies for approval. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners, Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Yayor Lackey (5). "Black Cat" ✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of Gene Swnner, Assistant Chief of Police, recommending that the license issued to Eddie Harris 9th k �vashington Streets, for conducting dance and selling soft drinks at his place of business known as the "Black Cat", be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). "Black Cnt'',/ Commissioner • Johnston offered the following motion: It appearing that on April 23rd, 1942, the City Alcoholic Beverage Administrator_ in cooperation with the State Administrator revoked the whiskey and beer licenses issued by the City of Paducah to Eddie Harris for the sale of whiskey and beer at his place of p business, 9th & V%ashington Streets in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, the said Eddie Harris havinC.pleaded guilty to the violation of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law by reason of his employment of Leon Keletch in his place of business at that address, 8 the said Leon Keletch being only 20 ye ars of age while employed by the said Eddie Harris in Eonnection with the sale of alcoholic beveragod; and, It further appearing from the letter of the Assistant Chief of Police that since January 1st, 1942, the police dppartment has made 21 calls to the "Black Cat" end that the place has been more or less a source of troublo and confusion, and a rondexvous for a certain typo of lewd women and a loafing place for yourCnon who have no deisrn to get out and find mean of support; and, It clpoaring that under an ordinance adopted by the board of .,r_rirninr.•.rn or. *.Iv: ..':t; dry of Derember, 1940, entitled: i '•'•D REG'.1LATING 7EE LICENSE TAXES, AND SAME ON THE 7ARIOU.; TRADES AND CALLII:33 I" )' PENALTIES FOIL .. NG :7..'. D '.BAKING IT UIILAINFUL TO "OUPATI0US, PROFESSIONS, THE LICE^'.ISE TAX AND PRC { T,oard of ^.r:,.: ;•._... ,r, may revoke ally license under Section 8 aforea;.: - _,•.nr.e dr:'_. -h .,. !,:en r,n follown: I,nn violatirn of any ;.rnvin!on of this Or any other ordinance or !awa cf i.,7 any in eny blulin:�as, as hereir. /•,.:1. !ieeisc may be r•ev.ie�i ._ ..�. '...._. .r. _ fudrnent e,r .rr.,_,r.t:>a, i.:; tho Ibl.t.re �o:mt or an'v _.....rr. ..: n !olnt.::n of any of the I-rr,v!slors of thin or !ova _. .... .!.a.s .�...0 Ify she'..! '..e . ..^!naive e•:ido::ce of i NO. 573 Proceedings of—!-�aaic'_ of co.minatnners City of Paducah Anril 28th, 1942 & April P9,_ 1942 I I therefore move that the dance license and lunch room license issued to Eddic Harris at his place of business at 9th Fa Uashington Streets for the year 1942 be revoked, effective as of this date;. and that Rudy Stewnrt, City Clork, be requested ' to have the said Eddie Harris immediately surrender to him the licenses under which he has boon authorized to engage in such businesses. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, !:'agner and t:ayor Lackey (5). Adlourn until✓ Mayor Lackey offered motion that this Regular Meeting of the Loard of April 29th 1942 Commissioners be adjourned until 11;00 A.M. Wednosday April 29th, 1942. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, lSagnar and I:ayor Lackey (5). ADOPTED �^ �d_ SZ 942 APPROVED �•t.:�..c�c ( �G-c..L ._( Q llnyor �._. ty C erx *ix F:?iF:Fih:•***-;V4 FiFiF At an Adjourned Regular meeting of the Loard of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall in Paducah, Kentucky, on April 29th, 1942 at 11:00 A.M., Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, .Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Tax Levy Mayor Lackey offered the following motiont, I move that an ordinance entitled: Ordinance 1942 "Al OP,DINAIICE FIXING THE LEVIES AND RATES OF TAXATION ON ALL PROPERTY It" THE CITY OF �PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, SUBJECT TC TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES AND FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES i FOR THE YEAR 1942, AND THE RATE OF POLL TAX WITH THE PURPOSE OF SAID TAXES THEREUNDER DEFIN?D", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, ;Wagner and Payor Lackey (5). H Apportlonm.ont Mayor Lnckey offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled: Ordinance k/,,„ 1942 All OP.DINANCE ?'LYING THE APPORTIONMr'11`l OF T12 PUCLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, :KENTUCXY, FOR THE YEAR 1942, AND APPROPRIATi1:G THF. PQ1-rLIC REVE21UE AND INCOSIE OF THE C71Y TO .;1:Ci? PURPOSES", be adopted. ADopted on c qll of the Roll, Yeas, �C0*7nlssionorn >orinn, Johnston, Pulliam, Magner and 6layor Lackey (5). 3xter:•1 tire Mayor Lackey offered motion that on account of the delay in the adoption of fornay_✓' rent rf taxsa an ordinance lovyin taxes !or the year 1942, the time within which property owners may pay thcir tilln nnrl tnkn advuntago of the 3; discount has about er.;>ired; I thernfore rove tint the time within which tity taxon may to paid at the 113ccant of Ln nxteado'1 to brad IncludinZ pay loth, 1942, and that the City reaa`.;rnr rause :r T: ib2 Shod In tho :;un Democrat nn,l I'aclucah Nown In at leant roe (1.) iesuo a r..,.^c ornbld ext:onaicn. Adopted on call of the Roll., 'ioas ^.ommisaierers Lorian, Pt1111am, 'rsui!ner wFd Mayor Lackey (5).