HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 554, April 21, 1942NO Proceedings of i "^" ', City of Paducah April 21 1942 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Co=lssionersl Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 21st day of April, 1942, Yayor Lackey presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and r`ayor Lackey (5). Acting City b7ayor Lackey offered the following motion: By reason of the absence of Clerk Appointed V Rudy Stewart, Clerk of the City of Paducah on account of illness; I move that Sarah Thurman be appointed to serve as Acting City Clerk at this meeting of the Board of J Commissioners. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners, Dorian, i Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Enyor Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. � Hdspital Commissioner Dorian offered the following motion: I move that the letter of ttj Commission I letter and Paducah Municipal Hospital Commission dated April 17th, 1942, requesting an approprl- � appropria- tion re- ation of ;22,348.00 to be included in the Apportionment Ordinance of 1942 for payment quest received & of the hospital operating deficit anticipated in said year, be received and filed. filed Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :vagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Garbage �, Commissioner Dorian offered the following motion: The Public Service system proposed Commission having ordered the Kentucky Utilities Company to refund to the consumers of electricity a portion of its surplus earnings, and said Company having agreed to remit to all of its consumers the charge for electric services for one (1) month, the City of Paducah will therefore save in its current expenses in the year 1942 the u aum of approximately $1600.00; C I therefore move that the City Manager, when preparing his budger for the year 1942, be requested to give consideration to the appropriation of the sum of ?1600.00 to partially defray the expense of a garbage disposal system, this amount to be j i' supplemented by such other funds that may become available and may not be needed for other purposes during the year. Lost on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Dorian and Johnston, (2), Hays Commissioners Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (3). Report of / Corriisaioner Johnston offered the following motion: 1 move that the report Fire De.nt. Jan. I,42 of the Tire Depart:ont for the month of January 1942, be received. Adopted on Call of tho yell, Yens Commissioners, Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'Wagner and "nyor Lackey (5). Report of hoz^.iss:orer Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Report T. rr,G'ley ^ity _nr. ✓ of the vh.•Ireerir.;'. ::nr:nrtr^ert for the year 1941 be received and filed. Ar ipted for y^.or I 194£ ea ^a:i 0.^ to ::all, (pea,^.o.^nissienera Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :'rngnor and i rece.lve,1 s.^.. _lied "ayor _s�:ey (S). f, r^ t r_.issipaer ^er ..,forck, th:) fo;l::a! motion: I cove that a Resolution i wll*. 8Y M'D i _ , ....-, :.. .:�.. ..........:r..�r.'t UT1LITrl•:,, cor;l•A:;Y All i ,_.... OAtD 7 To S 3CCAIPA,{ AZ I :I 13, 1.342, AND PUR. UANT, TO TiiL 6 .-: Lor!. ;,S;pt.3d on Call of the hall, { ..z.-.,ai....rs __ ,.�..r.:et . ......� . -;.per an 9 ;layor :.a^Zey (5). ii I 55., Proceedings of Bonrd of CemminaIonera City cf Paducah_ April 2lat. 1942 _ Last Assessment �'� Commissioner Dorian offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance ordimanco on 5th Street entitled; "All ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH :;IDES OF 5TH STREET FR011 THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TENNE3SEE STRI EET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LIME OF JONES STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THE PORTION OF THE CO3T OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID CONCRETE SURFACE TOGETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY CURBS, GUTTERS, DRIVEWAYS, MAIRIOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, 3E1NER AND DRAIN PIPES AND ALL NECESSARY 2::GINEERING, EQUIPMENT, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN COZfNECTION THEREWITH UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COM11ONINEALTH OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION IN L(//1 PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC PLAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADMUNISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENT, AND AT THE EXCLUSIVE COST OF THE O'l11ERS OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING 011 SUCH IMPROVMIENT ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID LOTS ON PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE FOR THE PA)TflNT OF THE COST ASSESSED Ti1EREON, WHICH COST SHALL BE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID IMPROVOJENT AND THE TOTAL AMOU11T OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE 1.7ORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OR OTHER AGEi1CIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERIMIENT ENGAGED IN MAKING SAID IMPROVEMENT, AND M ICH TAX SHALL II BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER IN THE CITY HALL IN PADUCAH, j; AND ONE-HALF OF THE 171013.'S HAVING BEEN COMPLETED AND THE ESTIMATED COST ASCERTAINED, AND IT BEING DETERMINED, FROM SAID ESTI1dATES AFTER DEDUCTING THE AMOUNT TO BE CONTRIisUTED EY THE WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES THAT THE AMOUNT REQUIRED TO BE CONTRIBUTED 13Y THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0:'7NERS ON 5TH STREET BEVNEEN TENNESSEE AIRY DONE STREET IS ;2.05 PER ABUTTING FOOT", be adopted. Adopted an call of the Roll, Yeas jCommissionors Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). Report of Board,! Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Board of Equalizers year 1942 i, of Eaualizera for the year 1942 be received, filed and spread upon the Minutes. Received and filed. I "April 14, 1942 • Hon. James P. Smith, City Manager I Hon. Pierce E. Lackey. Myer 1 and II Board of Commissionora Gentle -nn: I� ";:e, tho members of the ioard of Equalization of the City of Paducah, Ky. for the your 1942, here- with nubnit the following attached report on tae assessments. "We nlso want to brine to your attention the nocnasity of revaluation of all real estate and im- provnmanta In the city. '.7e believe that the lana values In ;:eneral are too high and improvements entirely too low. '•.o 111a0 feel that a lot of im- prove:nenta could be found that is not assessed and thin can only 'zn done by a complete survey of all rrop•trty• '••n alah find Ghat we believe a very un - Just ccnaition in trying to hold the name value on vacant lots as the prcpertj that is improved. 'ae feel tint thin item nLould be givon due consideration. ` e wish to state on making ulta report that we final the Ansenaor'a booksin a very neut and :: ac^rate condition and we feel t:'at the office is excellent h. nda. '::a "artily comm<:nd :'.ins. rc' itman an. er ;.:'nsent ataff o:' help on the effi- ci:rt ani ra.Aa�lc rgnnnr in lnndlin+r, the duties ... the 2, ire. traly ynura nnrd or 2.1s;.1117nttrn ',O1n, ' nu, lrcar. ]n l.ac'sey C. ,ruin NO. --5S6 Proceedings o . P.oard of Commissioners City of Paducah April 21, 1942 "ASSESSING DEPARTMENT April 14, 1942 REAL S3TATE L IMPROVEMENTS Assessor's Total on Real Fat & Imp. ,' 14,838, 270. Gross Increase by Broad ;;342,850. 11 Decrease " " 169,260. Net Increase by Board 173,590. TOTAL ON REAL ESTATE & IMP. (FULL RATE) $15,011,860. PERSONAL PROPERTY Assessor's Total on Personal Property 0,681,460. Gross Increase by Board u229,750. " Decrease " " 4;•,550. Net Increase by Board 184,200. TOTAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY (FULL RATE) 3,865,660. TOTAL ON REAL ESTATE, Ib7P. & PERSONAL PROPERTY (FULL RATE) $ 18,877,520. Total on exempted Real Estate $17,820. Increase by Board 3,105. TOTAL EXE111PTED REAL ESTATE $20,925. i 9 cur=ry Total on Real Estate & Imp. (Full Rate) $15,011.860. Total on Personal Property " " 3,865,660. Iota! on Real Fatate, Imp. & Personal Property (Full Rate) X18,877,520. Total on Exempted Real Est., Imp., & Personal Prop. (Special Rate) 38,075. Total on Banks (Special Pate) 165,000. Total on Tobacco " " 239,240. GRAND i TOTAL FOR 1942 ;;'19,319,835. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 1 A. E. Cole, Chairman 1 C. C. Crain, Clark Ezelle Lackey" an call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam on, Y.njor lackey (5). ^..lty !%;r'a i'ayor ;arkoy off -rod t%e following motion: I move that the City MaraCor's letter X rnre.ve^... Ler Tate: ^il M, 11342, wieh rnfcrenco to the r-udger prepared by him for the years an.:3prea,l upon the .Cinutea. - i '.c',e,, Ynyor r. ..... ::.t;h 11ractlong of the Kentucky :+tatutea, rr,ts, con^.ernin;' the attached ieudget is NO. -55 Proceedings of Boarcl of Commissienors City of Paducah April 21, 1942 Anticipated revenue of the City of Pnducah far the year 1940 Amount collected by " " " " ' " " 1940 Anticipated revenue of " " " " " " 1981 Amount collected by "1941 Anticipnted revenue of " " " " " " 1942 Budget of the expenses of the City of Paducah for the year 1940 Amount n n „ " u n n n " 1940 Budget ' " u n „ n n n e „ 1941 Amount " n n u n u n n a n n 1941 Proposed Budget " " " " " " " " " 1942 Your thoughtful and valued consideration to the following pertinent facts is asked. The present Administration -has been able each year it has.been in office to reduce the Tax Rate and to operate on a cash basis, with only small or unimportant raises in the Assessment. We planned for, and had high hopes of a further reduction in taxes for 1942, and this would have been realized had conditions prevailed in Paducah as in '40 and 141; but the year 1942 brings to us an unprecedented improvement in business activity, labor employment, payrill expansion, and growth in population. Mkth this comes to us as individuals, and to the whole of our people, broader respon- sibilities and higher costs of local government. Paducah, as ever will respond with honor and credit to herself. itNot only wore taxes reduced in the years 1940 and 1941, but substantial cash savings were realized from the operation of the city's affairs which left a cash surplus, after the payment of inherited debts and all current bills. This year there will be no savings, nor surplus; but, to the contrary a cash deficit in operatinno is assured. Bank loans will be necessary to clear the City's liabilities and obligations, notwithstanding the Budget is balances, and that, without a raise in the tax rate. This condition, or change in the operation of our fiscal affairs, will be unavoidable becuase of the fact that the Kentucky Court of Appeals has ruled the entire current tax bills must be considered as collected on a 100% basis in estimating the city's Anticipated Revenue. It is obvious that such colleetiona cannot be made and that the deficit will be to start with, that amount which falls short of the 100;" 1n collecting the entire tax bills. The budget of expenditures is based on the 100% collection of the taxes since the whole tax bill is to be treated or regarded as.chsh, according to the ruling of the High Court. The City of Paducah as a corporation cannot hope for an increase in its receipts until next year, by which time an improvement of such magnitude is expected in all lines of business in Paducah, that little if any resistance will be made on account of an equitable raise .in than saaaament of property by those affected. It will be of special interest to all concerned however, that the deficit of thin year be held to the minimum; and this can only be realized through rigid economy in operation, and the exclusion from the budget of all uneosent.iala; employing our funds to meet the cost of indisnensible necessities only. Just here, and hearing on this point I quota from the High Authority of the President of the United States a paragraph from a letter dated January 12th to Mayor LaGuardia of the knerican My ors Association as follows: "Just as the roderal Government and the cities worked togothor during pence time, so must we join hands in meeting the ccrmon job that con- fronts us. On the home front your leadership is of greatest importance. The whole economy of our cities must be gearod to wartime requirements. Socrificaa and even more sacrifices rust to made. As elected officials you have a Creat duty to p¢rform and I know that our cities will di„ .In and r..ni1 short work of the task ahead. Very alrecriily yours, (.iimod) !rnnklin P. Roonevolt nrernL;o i.a<husrdia, iresidont "hp 'init.e ,taton !:onfo:•enco o:' L..yora 7.'.0 Jacaaor, elaco, Unu6ington, �.�." No._- 558 Proceedings o . Board of Corraissionors City of Poducoh APril &1, 1943 "Since that date war with Japan has developed, and thus a unified and all sacrificing war effort has become more compelling and necessary. "Certain new items, and those of increased expense and the amount of the increase appear in the 19.12 Budget which are indispensible on account of the emergency, and the location in this area of the large defense or ordinance works by the Government, and to continue as far aspossible necessary internal improvements. A partial list is here shorn,: W. P. A. Projects ':10,344.78 Augmenting State, and Federal school lunch and canning program 240.00 Suits and Claims 1,052.76 Contingent Fund G1351.21 Family Service 21013.48 Civilian Defense Flnergency 1,548.00 McCracken Co. Public Health Unit 1,000.00 Repairs to Health Unit Building 500.00 Paducah Housing Bureau 500.00 Ten (10) extra Patrolmen 8,G40.00 Maintaining full rank of number of old pollee force authorized 4,786.00 Advance in price of Prisoner's food 540.07 Fifth fire captain advanced from ranks and new Class "B" man to replace 1,701.00 Street Department 11188.09 Increase in Bond Maturities and interest over amount expended in 1941 7,040.01 Urgent Market House Repairs 3,500.00 (This figure may reach ,^,6000.00) Old Airport donation 1,050.00 Riverside hospital. 14,034.40 New U.S.Airoort real estate and. Bond interest 5,750.00 "As a partial offset to the above, many economics and reductions in certain items have boon made under the 1941 Budget. The one i;onth'a rebate from the Kentucky Utilities Company light bill has been absorbed by deducting the amount from the appropriation; The complete detail of reductions under the 1941 budget can be had frob an analysis of the two budgets hereto attached. "With the coming of ton thousand new workers and their families into the Paducah area, we may with certainty know that the City will be called on, and will be obliged to provide new and expanded essential services of indeterminal cost. The contingent fund has been increased by '6,351.21 to a total of ,^;1.1,803.93 to belance, or at least partially offset, the costs of such items, some of which have already been granted by the Board and appear in the budget now before you. "Provision has boon made for tan (10) additional officers to the police force. It is conceivable that this number may ultimately reach thirty (30), or even forty (40) neer men; that the opening and equipping of now fire stations nay be necessary; that extra demands for charity, hospitalization, etc., must be promptly met. The future cost of local government is unpredictable, yet we may well know that we shall be obliged to respond to expensive calls not shown in the budget because of the emergandy and our expanding population, end development. "I consider, as I ]snow you do, that The National c`serFency Is first and above everything in importance, and has prior clam on oar thoughts, our interest, and our resources. With this in view i 'nave held the cost of strictly "City Buninesn" to the lowest level conrist:ent with safety and ,,00d government, thus hoping to ore•rate the cttyia affairn with the least possible strain on the oubii� p+.rse, w;acF Is now, and will continuo to be subject to the ;:atica`a Call, _ have ox�luded all extraneous items from the budget !n rrder that the def!rit may be hold to the minimun flguro. '•i havr retncte all requests for salary raises ■d:1r..1: ;a,vo 'rxern .,t.uo:7.;i all the smploycos of the City. 1 have taken t l:; rt.ainly not because or any lack of a•;^:�.aL!:;/ .. r npprociation of the services nondltions were no,m;nl here, er. ^v,rv1ltlor.s improve are. the nvraiue, 1 shall :-1va hearty a nalary adjustments. T regrat .. - .. .. r�. -i ?r eoritir-:ent was snarled •.r•lntorad at tie :rolls rci,arT salve uvidenoe th,,t the ck: an ac', ilY at this time.-.atla- ait !eat ; :. r.o salaries of those in - ry 63 twr:'.r :r;cardlratea have already with ti.n r.'.cej laces with the rr,n^hes .. ti nal :efen3e at salary re tra,r wc were -,aIn , or could ,ell'_ rc.lew. Phis matter will _ ,., e1,:r0, able to card on with new 'prese. Laatm or ;:ay. is NO. 559 Proceedings of Bard of Commias:loners City of Paducah_ April 2lat, 1942 "Revenues and a xpendituros as shown by the budUer are balances for 1942, at the figure of ,'^,534,413.49. This for the -general or city fund only, to which must be added the Public School Budget in order to arrive at the total city tax load. "I know of no item in the Judger that can be reduced or dispensed with without dislocating what appears to be a well •rounded program. I do know that any additions thereto will -either increase the tax burden of the public,nr the deficit at -the end of the year, which will make necessary higher loans from the banks. I consider neither of these advantageous or desirable, and I therefore have hope that you will favorably regard the cudget herewith presented, which I commend to you as worthy of approval and passage. Very respectfully, Signed James P. Smith itCity 1.11anager" Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Doriqn, Johnston, Pulliam �'ilagnpr and mayor Lackey (5). City Manager'sj kayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that the budget prepared Cudgeb received , by rr. James P. Smith, -City Mnager, for the year 1942, be received, filed and filed and spread upon spread upon -the Minutes. Minutes - 1941 1940 Amount recommended Budget Expended Budget Expended by.City Manager for 1942 GENERAL GOVERNILLIIT .. - 100 Salary of !'.ayor ,$1800.00 $1800.00 $1800.00 $1800.00 $1800.00 101 Salary of Connissioners 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 102 Salary of City manager 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3830.80 103 Salary oflCity Stenographer 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 104 Office Equipment 24.00 24.00 .00 25.00 1.23 105 Supplies -Advertising etc 200.00 276.00 166.12 150.00 286.55 106 Telephone & Telegraph- 200.00 108.00 113.39 150.00 107.02 107 Subscriptions & Dues 8.00 2.00 8.00 25.00 2.00 108 Travelint,F.xpcnse .00 110.40 .00 300.00 110.70 110 ;later Rentals .48000.00 47736.00 47839.51 48000.00 47440.33 Ill Advertiaing .00 120.00 15.00 400.60 115.00 Total •61332.00 61276.40 G1042.02 61950.00 61193.63 „SCS c �IMPROVE?iENT OF CITY HALL 200 Salary of Janitor & Fireman & t_xtra 780.00 985.00 1026.75 880.00 945.00 2O1 salary ofl Elevator Operator 780.00 868.00 783.00 792.00 829.00 201A Extra Jariitor & Elevator Opr 250.80 .00 .QO .00 .00 2002 Repairs to Bldg-Eoiler etc 864.00 1000.00 864.81 260.00 1707.04 203 I.'.isc I:atarials & Supplies 950.80 750.00 955.76 200.00 1196:15 PC Fuel 4 726.00 648.00 725.91 650.00 725.08 S '.-iter :i,r_tals 85.20 78.00 85.69 75.00 78.71 4436.80 4329.00 4441.92 2857.00 5480.98 A---:' " :. ".. '.':.i <'i DONATION'S 1r iome for Q11dren-77hite 1600.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 18CO.O0 in -3 for Children -Col 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 1:ub 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 oso 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 780.00 ":+ry 5000.00 5000.00 5000.04 5000.00 5000.02 '',9 624.00 500.00 6213.25 580.00 510.55 22<i1::.00 1.8000.00 12467.22 18000.00 9329.83 _ .. - .... .. .. ..._ 0 .00 .CO .00 .00 - h0 9540.00 94Q2.1.8 8500.00 8926.89 4500.00 •1335.50 5000.00 4308.92 300.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 utal a. 1.01'0.00 44140.010n Zia 9.98 1500.00 1.`,14.27 n� 380�1..a 42720.00 33739.48 _- 3000.00 3000.00 3000.60 30170.00 4 ° ar BQO.CO GOO.tO :,00.00 000.00 103b. 30 1093.00 880.F0 880.80 - rC$).QO 114.44 :'CO. 0 00.35 .";_.CQ 6000.00 4047.24 13000.00 8479.08 .. ... . _ _. .. .. 1f�O.GO 6400.00 587:.,(67 ?90U.Up 7353.80 :65f'C_GO 21t4.P.n 15ew.5& 25586.80 20::84.63 NO 560 Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah April 21. 1942 71NA?ICE DEFARVE- IT 500 Salary of Treasurer 502 Salary of Auditor 503 Shcnry of City Cleric, Lie. Inspr e. Alch Admnr 504 Salary of Machine Operator 505 Salary of Clerk-Inprovenent Acct 505A Salary of 2 clorks 505B Salary of 2 Clerks 506 Salary of extra Clerks 509 Salary of Tax Asnessor'a Clerk 510 Salary of Paz Assessor 511 Salary of Bd of Equalization 513 PrtP-Fostage-Supplies 514 Office Equipment 515 Advertising 516 Auditing Expense 518 Contingent Mord 519 Electrical Inspections 518A Family Service 520 Civilian Defense Emergency Total FUELIC HEALTH DEPARTi.?ENT 600 Salary of City Physician .7hite 601 Salary of City Physician -Col 502 Dog!¢nnoculations 604 Incinerator Keeper 605 DrUEM-Supplies 608 Inr.inerstor expense 609 "cCracken Co Public :oalth Unit 510 Sol Inspector TTeiEhts & Measures 611 Weights & reasures - Supplies 612 Speoial T E Fund 613 Ropairs to Building 614 PaduFah rousing Bureau Total P'CLICE DtiFARW.E1T . 7CO Salary of Chief 701 Saiory of Assistant Chief 7C2 Salary of Chief of Detectives 702A Id4ntification Bureau 703 Salary of Captains 703A Salary of Lieutenant 704 Salary of 'Patrolmen -A 704A salary of patrolmen -h 705 Savary of Electrician & Acting Captain 705 Salary of I ollce Jud ge 70SA Cala:ry of Jteaes Secretary 707 Zal4ry of Jailer 707A ialqry o. Repairman Fr Assistant Jailer 708 E-uiapmfnt E: Zurnlien 709 Maintenance cf Auton F. Motorcycles 709A Salary of Autanot.lie ':echanic 71C %In*enarce of Rar:lo 3ouipment 710A -alary of :1adlo L's..ehnnic 711 "ns ;s Cil 71," ..raffle i,i:htn 31••na1 System 713 ata 1crary- taran-etc 714 Feerllr.,- :T:sn.^.era 715 Travel.ln? oxnenee 716 Vslatena vee -City .T..l'_ - 717 Protor to 718 01'11i¢e Expense-" 'rill „ur:Fe 719 5trdet Kar9cing-Pent-lrushcq-Etc 720 salstry of :lag lntet.or . 7^1 Cnlform Bund 2400.00 2300.00 2300.00 2100.00 2100.0 1200.00 1155.00 1155.00 1500.00 13GG.8 2000.00 1873.35 1873.36 2020.00 2520.0 900.00 832.50 832.50 765.CO 783.E 1200.00 1180.00 1160.CO 1140.00 1140.0 1400.00 1335.00 1335.00 1200.00 733.3 1860,00 1860.00 1660.00 1G80.00 1695.0 1104.00 1005.00 990.32 1450.00 2033.5 1000.00 966.67 966.64 900.00 900.0 1500.00 1500.00 1418.78 1500.00 1500.0 1250.00 1209.85 1170.00 840.00 640.0 2466.00 1750.00 2447.20 ?.000.00 1738.2 276.00 275.00 130.79 300.00 205.3 2400.00 2400.00 2424.00 2500.00 2419.9 1800.00 1750.00 1750.00 1800.00 1800.0 11803.93 3048.10 5452.72 4556.50 3117.4 72.00 .00 .00 .90 .0 8400.00 6000.00 6386.52 8500.00 5940.4 1548.00 .00 .00 .00 .0 44619.93 30440.47 33672.83 35551.50 30833.7 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 1773.60 1782. 1500.00 1400.00 1400.00 1200.00 1200. 450.00 384.00 290.70 325.00 363. 564.00 564.00 564.00 564.00 564. 1116.00 1000.00 1032.25 500.00 1193. 42.00 85.00 37.55 75.00 93. 3500.00 2500.00 2499.97 2500.00 2499. 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300. .00 24.00 .00 25.00 7. 500.00 500.00 250.02 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 500.00 .00 .00 .00 11372.00 . 9157.00 8774.49 7262.60 8024. 2700.00 1800.00 2100.00 1500.00 5040.00 1620.00 37440.00 8640.00 1740.00 3050.00 600.00 1440.00 .00 2000.00 1000.00 120.00 500.00 240.00 3350.00 12CO.CO 500.00 1900.00 50.00 350.00 .CO 1GO. CO JO. 00 950.00 .00 2600.00 1800.00 2100.00 .00 3360.00 1620.00 38880.00 1680.00 3050.00 600.CO 1480.00 1160.00 3000.00 1000.00 .00 2250.00 .00 3000.00 1200.00 400.00 1300.00 50.00 150.00 .00 100.00 200.00 960.00 708.34 2600.00 1800.00 2100.00 .00 4265.33 1620.00 36467.80 1660.(0 316G.62 600.00 1460.00 1160.00 2659.68 1547.41 .00 3168.55 .00 2830.77 1775.98 654.20 1359.93 139.81 89.20 .00 67.12 104.59 914.70 708.34 2400.00 1800.00 2100.00 .00 5040.00 1620.00 33370.00 1560.00 3250. CO 600.00 1440.00 1080.00 2000.00 1500.00 .00 450.00 .00 3000.00 1000. C0 400.00 1500.00 50.CO 150.00 .00 100.00 00 956. •10 .CO 80?40.00 72G48. Z4 73360.03 65366.40 `ter 2406.00 2400. CO 2400.00 2.100.00 »st Ci;1aS 1SGO.CO 1680.00 1680.00 1680.00 ^nr,talna g400.00 84:'0.00 0GU9.00 ;1900.0: 140 4220.00 4416.00 OE - . C,O 1711.0. 00 l7 f 0.00 .00 i Xx) .80 JiZ4.., . , 5.00 1800. 2100. 1597. 37281. 1560. 3033. 855.0 2306.7 1700.0 .0p 549.7 .0 3045.6 2756.60 494.84 1299.0' 82.4. 254.47 .00 102.4D .0 956. 40 .00 69640.Fa ^400.00 16.90.00 8192.50 ..312.9r) 1C80.0p 355 J U.:n 1 64:.5^ 511.1 488400, i NO 561 Proceedings of Poard of Cormissioner." Cjry of Paducah April 21, 1942 811 Gas & 011 500.80 500.00 505.15 G00.00 474.99 812 Laundry 204.00 204.00 204.43 200.CO 192.34 813 LiUhts-Gas-Telophone-Ice 888.00 500.00 1039.06 500.00 409.29 814 Fuel 216:00 240.00 212.08 250.00 234.63 815 b'.aintenance of Wildings 204:00 150.00 70.35 300.00 145.66 816 Tiren 240.00 360.00 206.86 200.00 .00 817 Emergency Firemen .00 200.00 .00 .00 .00 818 Traveling -Expense 60.00 100.00 61.35 .00 .00 819 Uniform Fund . 00 791.66 791.64 .00 .00 ' Total 67412.80 71020.GG 69481.57 72205.00 64632.78 STREET DEPAR7VENT 901 Salary of Junerintendent 2100.00 2100.00 2100.00 2100.00 2100.00 902 Sal of Clara 1075.20 1075.20 1075.20 1075.20 1075.20 904 Sal of 7latr,hsan or night mechanic 1080.00 1080.00 1052.40 997.20 997.20 905 Salary of cchnnic 1st Class 1314.88 1323.28 1317.12 1319.36 1307.60 900 Salary of ;'echanic 2nd Class 1056.60 1181.50 1173.50 1178.00 1137.00 9OGA Salary o1' General Repairmen 1174:00 .00 .00 .00 .00 907 Salary ofdusvier Operator 1174.00 1181.50 12.31.00 1178.00 1167.80 908 Salary of "Repairman 3169.80 4253.40 3974.24 1943.80 1920.15 909 §alary of chino & Grader Man 2113.20 2126.70 2086.89 2120.40 2055.60 910 Salary of Foreman .00 .00 .00 1060.20 1024.90 911 Salary of Truck Drivers 4883.20 3968.00 3882.40 3950.80 4728.65 912 Salary of IT,camsters 1878.40 1890.40 1729.20 1884.80 1781.60 913 Salary of Might Cartmen 1878.40 1890.60 1856.00 5183.20 4893.80 913A Salary of,, -ay Cartmen 3287.20 3308.20 3106.60 .00 .00 914 '9agos-Laborern 2465.40 2481.15 2377,121 1649.20 1659.35 914A Salary of Tart Time 7;atchman 547.50 547.50 547.50 546.00 549.00 915 Purchase of new Equipment 3150.00 3750.00 3562.79 7500.00 692.49 916 Maintenance of Equipment 2000.00 2600.00 2460.52 2600.00 2004.73 917 Gas-Oil-Gr_ase-Kerosone etc 2400.00 2600.00 2383.26 2600.00 2566.14 918 Tools 180.00 150.00 170.02 150.00 211.78 919 Yaterials & Supplies 348.00 400.00 411.74 500.00 284.93 920 Forage 480.00 650.00 457.35 700.00 57.90 921 Lumber 100.00 100.00 19.81 100.00 41.60 922 Pipe 24.00 50.00 17.10 50.00 8.00 923 Asphalt -Cement -Road Oil 1476.00 1500.00 1472.51 1200.00 839.68 924 :Yater Rent -Lights etc 136.80 250.00 136.73 350.00 234.32 925 ttachine Strop -Elect Welding etc 25.20 50.00 28.60 50.00 38.90 926 Repairs to Cross Creek Bridge 300.00 .00 .00 .00 100 Total 1 39817.78 40517.23 38629.69 41992.16 338.17.32 ENGINEERING DEPART'E:IT - ICity 050 Salary of�! Engineer 2400.00 2300.00 2300.00 2100.00 2100.00 950A Engineer ar Exponsc 180.00 120.00 120.00 952 Salary of Chisf Draftsman 1980.00 1940.00 1940.00 .00 1860.00 .00 1860.00 953 -'alary of chief of Party 1860.00 1860.00 1860.00 18GO.00 1860.00 954 Celery of RocIman 1035.00 1320.00 1295.00 1320.00 1320.00 955 Salary of Assistant Draftsman 00 1280.00 8.35.69 1200.00 1200.00 958 Salary of Chairman 900.00 900.00 842.50 900.00 890.00 955 Yaterials & Supplies 280.00 300.00 343.07 300.00 300.71 957 Telephone & Telograph 50.40 26.00 95.98 5.00 14.70 959 gn.lary of Promotional Engincor 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 1200.00 Total 9885.40 11245.00 10852.24 10765.00 10745.41 975 VaCes of 2 men 2140.80 2126.70 2139.75 2120.40 2041.65 370 Gas -011 -Graeae 120.00 150.00 117.52 150100 144.55 977 Metnrla23 93.60 100.00 91.71 100.00 75.38 ^c honairs to Equipment ':ani:s 60.00 100.00 58.1'1 100.00 21.52 ter ;'er.t-r^^lona 60.00 25.00 £3.39 25.00 6.42 2474.40 2501.70 2470.54 2495.40 2289.52 Int on ;onds 53681.35 4G900.00 46900.00 47925.00 47925.00 :. In 11nn: Loans 500.00 1000.00 192.92 2625.00 1357.14 ..'0�: ^'rcn❑ , .....tarsen 182.:1 218.28 230.£3 18G.92 250.83 54363.56 48118. PC 47323.55 50736.92 4953,2..97 M. 77, `- � -- 1200.00 1195.20 1195.20 :195.20 1195.^0 Jc ^.'i0 3618.00 30-35. 5000.00 361ii. 25 °.00 36.00 33..:1 25.00 35.25 1 .Vj 60.00 6.L5 200.!.0 57.58 120.00 90.00 118.;:8 100.00 89.65 -_. 336.09 155.6 372.00 5 :;.33 350.00 375.22 - 140.40 IL 6.05 150.00 140.42 5820.00 55il.£0 £141.LG 7020.20 5611.55 Proceedings of onrd of Commissionera City of Paducah April 12st, 194 :9AR'KET HOUSE 78507.00 79241 .06 65000.00 7GU 7.34 25000.00 14CO Salary of Market "aster 1440.00 1440.00 1440.00 1440.00 1440.00 140,1 "aintenance of cuildir.Cs 12:90 1II0.00 9.39 100.00 525.6G� 1403 S'aterialscSupolios etc 24.00 12.00 23.31 50.00 11.15 1404 LI hts-:.atcr etc 90.00 186.00 89.12 300.00 182.88 1405 Repairs & Improvements . 3500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Total 5066.00 1818.00 1561.82 1890.00 2159.69 CITY SCALES . 1500 Con m ssioners to "feighmaster 648.00 700.00 647.60 700.00 092.86. 1501 :'1lntenance 8: Repairs 6.00 24.00 3.06 10.00 55.08' 1502 Fuel 16.00 24.00 17.09 25.00 22.131 1503 Supplios 18.00 12.00 25.27 50.00 10.55 Total 690.00 760.00 693.02 785.00 780.01 1700 Old Airport 1050.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 INSURAN7E 1800 Insurance - All Types 2000.00 2800.00 3452.14 850.00 1546. 1801 Bonds - All employees 2000.00 1300.00 1413.94 1400.00 1229. Total 4000.00 4100.00 4866.08 2250.00 2776. 1900 LIGHTS-3TREETS- WHITE :WAY ETC 15400.00 16909.72 16756.55 16423.96 16709. RI: 7_'IDE HOSPITAL , 2040 Riverside Bond Approp 18000.00 .00 .00 .00 2041 Aivorside-Equipment-Contracts 14601.82 .00 .00 .00 2042 Riverside Operating deficit etc 12000.00 .00 .00 .00 2030 Riverside. Hospital .00 26842.73 26842.73 18000.00 18000. 2030A 3quipment for Riverside Hoslital. .00 3724.69 3091.84 .00 Total 44601.82 30567.42 29934.57 18000.00 180000 21C0 :,-!:7ht Bulbs - All Departments 162.00 300.00 161.99 200.00 279. 2101 Ice - All Departments 400.00 .00 .00 .CO 22CO AIRPORT ,a_rnfenance 5000.00 .00 .00 .00 Interest -Airport Bonds 750.00 .00 .00 .00 Total 5750.00 .00 .00 .00 GRAND T.;TAL 524413.49 476G56.42 463816.67 466057.94 436559. 5 ' I • Adopted on call of the, Hall, Yens .Commissioners Doi -Ian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner, and "ayor Lackey (5). AKticiyataci Mayor Lackoy offered the following motion: I move that the Statement of R" venue 1342 ,ntici^ated Revanue:i of the City of Paducah as prepared by the City Manager for the ?i�cal, Tear of 1942, be raeci,vod, filed and spread upon tho Minutes. i.,^cunt Rocarvicndod 1941 1910 by City V.anagar for Anticipated Collected Anticipated GF.N; J:A-,, T,',A:^, 1942 ileal k Pe.^lana'_- ':rrerit 7nnn 2C5548.54 246435.52 232324.19 -004;;. 54 23GGSG.42 -2503.90 60800.00 60000.00 63369.50 60112.25 P01 Its 7600.:0 7500.00 7791.30 4500.00 ari :;::r a 330.70 220.00 321.73 220.00 :enalt_;ng•^^net-lydvartiainF 12000,:0 10000.00 14593.19 15000.00 oLe^co 50.0'0 2OC.00 213.75 200 !-.-I •,. 3 0. 5^0iCO .,5 000.00 40831.02 .CO oas ,._• ..rr.-is-Tars pnnitCnacs 1;x•;10 851.9.. SOOCO.CU .00 .i'0 .00 TotalZ-!30-SC.00 ,49:0£.42 371113.01 362356.44 LI�'v'Y:,E3 Auto 'i Tridk Dog 1-;cennee a.tildin: a:r:ite Market �x�: 'se lents Penalt:oa-.;ceneea Total I Coblected 239146.01• -2460.49 60498.36 8235.00 271.98 17793.06 : 47:100.95 .00 370764.04 76;00.010 78507.00 79241 .06 65000.00 7GU 7.34 25000.00 23000.00 29037.54 170'00.00 20435.50 750.0 750.70 603.70 700.00 737.50 362.75 GOO . 00 A 72r3. 50 2;&00.00 2.684.05 700.00 2ii7J.'.10 i1110YD.Ofi 1440.07 12�U.00 27 ':3i:^..rx 104350.0,0 110359.17 1,7250.70 i 103350.40 Proceedings of board of Commisnionors City of Paducah April 21 1942 SUNDRY COLLECTION., & RLCSIPTS Police Court Fines R Costs 14000.00 Police Court Telephone & Tolegraph 50.00 Oak Grove Cemetery Lot Sales 650.00 Oak Grove Cemetery-Durial Permits 1800.00 Swi=dn,, Pool Collections 5000.00 Rentals 500.00 City Scales 648.00 YJharfago 48.00 Street Department,Collections 204.00 Colored Park .00 ?lectricel Inanections 72.00 Liscellanoous Receipts & Refunds 2040.00 Total 25012.00 Cash Surplus 7961.49 Real ~state Surplus 5000.00 Grand Total 524413.49 NO 563 10500.00 13051.50 6000.00 9972.35 25.00 50.79 50.00 17.01 1000.00 676.00 800.00 1422.00 2000.00 1909.00 1700.00 2025.00 5000.00 5032.15 6000.00 4559.23 900.00 1094.51 250.00 149.49 650.00 652.64 650.00 692.85 100.00 24.00 50.00 1.50 500.00 163.4G 500.00 503.01 25.:0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .CO .00 .00 2000.00 2089.97 500.00 3093.26 22700.00 24744.02 16300.00 22:363.30 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 476656.42 506216.20 466106.44 49GG88.34 Adopted on Call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam Viagnnr and Mayor Lackey (5). kar]tet House i Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that the City Manager be Report �r Requested requested to file with the Board of Commissioners a statement showing the financial operations of the market house during the year 1941 and for the first quarter of 1942, said statement to set forth the amount of rentals collected and the expense Of operation, rental per stall and number of vacancies. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, �,agner and Mayor Lackey (5). Adjourned ✓ Heqring April 23rd Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that this regular meeting of the Loard of Commissionors be adjourned until Thursday, April 23rd, 1942, at 10:00 A.M.., and that the City Manager have inserted in the Sun -Democrat in its issue of April 22nd, 1942, a notice that a public houring will be hold upon the Budget filed by him at said adjourned regular meeting. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, !"agner and I::ayor Lackey (5). 1 ADOPTvD � � an'1 t y C err. APPR0VED ayor 1