HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 550, April 7, 1942[ _,,.r,•;' a:' o.;;�t........,. .inrll 7th, 1912 'Proceedings of • ' '� " •-•^� • ••• �'� Clry of Paducah At a 7,cfular I:oatin� of the L'oard If Commissioners hold in the �nnls: on,>rs' Chariber at the City 'Fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.", ,nn ta.:c 7t11 7ny of ••nrll, 19-13, "ayor E.ackey presided and upon call of the Poll the follc.rinG anozered to their names: Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Lagier J ;and Payor Lackey (5). t;inutea of the previous moet.Ln!; .,.,are adopted as road. �+ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the following reports for V .".h of b'arch 19-2 be received: Dr. :,.J.Sass, City Physician (white) and Dr. City Physician (colored. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, i::ionerz 7orian, Johnston, Pulliam, :':arnor and Mayor Lackey (5). S ` .. Commisaionor Johnston offered the follo:ainG motion: I move that a +'esol+ition ntlticd: "A RwOLUTiON 11:^',UESTIUG '= CITY':iAIIAGER TO GIVE EI Ct,iSIDERATilati 'EE n.. .T;': L_ A PLA1: P.N)VIDI:I!; A PORE EQUITABLE APFORTIO1:M2UT OF .__. ..,.i::T.1 A:iD AGENCIES Oi. TL':E CI'ft", to adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll; Yeas Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam and 71agner (4). L?ayor Lackey present but not voting,. -aC- r' Coriiasioner Pulliam offered the following notion: I move that the L nil for" City of Paducah accept the offer of 77.11.8tancil in the sun of ;ICO.00 for the purchase If property formerly ovmed by '.;.E,Ezoll on Jackson Streot between 27th and 23th Streets the sum of .j100.c0 to be paid ih cash and the balance in the sum of .;;60.00 to be paid In sixty days, and that the Corporation Counsel be directed to prepare for introduction �at the next rorulnr r..oetinR an ordinance authorizing the execution of a deed of pn,nvcyance to said pronerty. Adapted on call of the Noll, Zeas; Ccrerizslonors :an, Johncton, Pulliam. ;aZner and !' yor Lackey (5). Commissioner Dorian offorad the follo•ein, motion.: hove that an. ''A:: MD'--::A:C.:. 1jAGRAi1CY A!:D T_ THE be adopted. Adopted on call o; t..: -all, yeas; l ;-,ri,n, Jo!.n^ton, Pulliam, ':.arnor and ',.]a;yor :ac%cy 1:;, Fu2Iinn offored the followln,,, r.:o'..Lono thnt a snrd LI, as :6E C...! ,, (5). "allowln!- t:etIon: 1 NO ••bl Proceedings of '' ord of ^,omni:,e;nrars City of Paducah April 7, 1042 ronniosioner Johnston offored ti`s follov+inr, motion: I move that the rlty ....::;-cr be recueated to have a ntrooL lifht installed at the intersection of 24th nrd i !'Jeffo:•aon 3trcots. Adopted on call of the Loll, Yeas; Comj:11sinnors Dprion, •.1"Maton, Fulliam, t','agrlor and tta.yor I.ac:cey (5). ;!ayor Lackey offered the follol:•ing ,aotion: I no.o that Lho letter of :.Srs. ct:erine 1% Creech, Secretary of the Family 7orvlco Society, roquostin?r authority the Eoard of Corm:insloners to arrange for the care of n patient at the aiversldo :;orbital who is nufforine with a cronic case of tuLcrculosis Le received and filed, ;and that the City 6:anager be requested to expend the amount necessary to provide ..rid patient with living quarters outside the hospital and such treatment as in his Hent the Patient should receive. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas; +:::aiasioncra Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :aCncr and L:oyor Lackey (5). C.00 r nor.-,/ i:ayor Lackey offered the follovrinG motion: I move that the letter of t:r. 1•:.J. 1. ar _ tnder • ar - Civil , --ton, Jr., Associate Editor of the Paducah Gun Democrat, requestin„ nn appropriation atrol 100. CO per month for the remainder of this year to defray the expense of the Civil 'atrol for the services of a clearance officer and ni ht Guard, be received and ..i'crred to the City 1�:anagor for his consideration when preparing his budget for the r 1942. adopted on call of the oll, Ycaa;6ommiasloers Dorian, Johnston, ':agner and ::ayor Lac'coy (5). ,Ent ith tfayor l .n':oy offered the following motion: I nova that a Resolution entitled: . ^.o^.pnny cd for ., "ZSCLUTI0N .. ..•_.:L. CITY Q. ...DXA:[, 1' A. -D I:...,..., E. ,. ;inti..- •• is .r, _'OH, TO LIME!" _ i` .;/ ,c'C ,..... ;C!:'i ;.O.PITi.'.ENT OF A _OARD OF' A FRAI:;