HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 546, March 31, 1942No.-- _ Proceedings rO°of ccmmiaeionera Ci�yofpaducah arch 31, 1942 e:�ular is cutin.- of the Board of Commissioners hold in the I 1 '.'i` at the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock �n i :.lot dny of :(arch, 19412, Commissioner Dorian presided as I.:ayor Pro Ton in the •.:.a-.-ce of 'nyor Lackey, and upon call of the roll the follnving anarerod to their rcrmieaioners Johnston, Pulliam, 1.agnor and L,ayor Pro Tom Dorian (4). ;:inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Y!-oll✓ Commissioner ";agnor offered motion that the payroll for the last half :=st :,..,lr ,rc'.i ,_ :',,.rch 1942 be nllor:ed in the amount of ;;8,523.83, and that the City Treasurer be nathorizad to pay same by check dravm on the ',eneral Fund. Adopted on call of the roll; teas, Cormisoionors Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Layor pro tem Dorian (4). Commissioner !:'agnor offered motion that the report of Oak Grove _..ry for the r..onth of ::arch, 1942 be received. Adopted on call of the Rall, i ^orrnlasionera Johnston, Pulliam, '.aCner and I.:ayor Pro Tom Dorian (4). i Commissioner Johnston offered the following motion: I move that a 1.,7,r �resolutipn entitled: "A RESOLL_10I1 P.ETUEOTING TILS CITY MANAGER TO 0111E ITIS CONSIDimA- :o _i.e G. TION TO ME ADOPTION OF A PLAN PROVIDING A !:ORE E'ZJITABLE API'ORTIONIi✓i:T OF INSURANCE insurance A'..'O::G Tl:E INSURANCE AGEINT3 AND AGENCIES OF THE CI:f", be received, filed and held over until the next regular meeting of this Poard. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas; Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, Ylagner and ,:',ayor Pro Tem Dorian (4). i :'ayor Pro Tem Dorian offered the following motion: The City of Paducah hnving authorized the payment of .j50.00 in January, February and Parch of the year 1942 it . reymAnt of the expense of operating the Old Airport located on the Coleman Road the County contributed a like amount; and, 4 It app-arinC that no contribution has boon authorized by the County and at the pity has not made payments to the Civil Air Patrol as provided in said motion; I nave that the City of Paducah arpropriato and pay to the Civil Air the swn of .150.00 to be used for payment of the salaries of the guards and the ,.co officer enployed at said airport, the nun so appropriated to be &arced to ,ntin.7ent :-und after the adoption of the annort.ionment ordinance for the year 1942. A I further :cove that the Loard tnko und`:r advisement the question as to t. :a t—,ivS.3rc1.11ty of nrpv,,prlatlnF additional sums for nnynent of the •:xpenaa of I 'rrt. Adopted or, call of the Roll, Yong, Comm" alonora Johnston, . Ln zo,. tem rorian (4). li... ......re,. the following motion: ti:at an T, APU`PTING PROPER:_ ;,. .:IF 547 Proceedings of I'onrd of conninnl onorn City of Paducah !'nrch 31. 1942 DIFFERED;CE ::ER7Fh,! TIM TOTAL COST OF COMPLETIN7 SAID IL;PROVET.IENT A:T THE 'DOTAL A.:OU:IT OF TIhE CONTRIBUTION OF THE PARI{ PROJECTS AAlM. ISTRATION 014 WMER AGI;JCIEJ Oi' THE i 77DERAL OR STATE GOVERIIT;ENT ENGAGED IN SA:• I1IG SAID IIMPROVEM IT, AND 171IICE TAX S:TA*,L BE -,LE AM PAYABLE AT WE OFFICE OF' THE CITY `MEASURMR I:I THE CITY HALL IN PADUCAH, ONF.- ...,-... "!E:TEOF :7111i31 TITE PIOR3 OF CONSTRUCTION BEGINS 91D THE REMAINDER THEREOF 1.71EN 01!2 - SAID IMPROVE:.TENTS J:IAhL RAVE BEEN COMPLETED, 'WHICH TIME SHALL BE DE^1ERMINED _. _..' BOARD OF COMMISSIONLRS 17ITH THE ADVICE OF THE CITY EIIGINEER; AND ALL THE . 1I:dC 'rlOPX HAVING BEEN COMPLETED AND THE ESTIMATED COST ASCERTAINED, AND IT L,'.1?7; :'TERhIITIED FROM SAID ES IMAT'ES AFTER DEDUCTING THE AMOUNT TO BE COII'IRMUTED BY THE PROJECTS ADTGIIIISMATION OF THE UNITED STATES TI1AT THE N..OUNT RECa.IIREM TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OPINERS ON 5TH "STREET BET.7EET: TE:IIIE:;.;EE AND JONES :;TREET IS $2.05 PEP, ABUTTING FOOT; AND THE CITY OF PADUCAH BEING HOP] READY TO CSI:TSENCE IXORX ON SAID 114PRO11LIEHT AS OF THE DATE OF TIS ADOPTIGII OF THIS ORDIIIA:ICE", e adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas; Commissioners Johnston, i Pulliam, .agncr and Yayor pro tom Dorian (4)^,( -':e to Lynn Commissioner 7.7agner offered the following motion: I move that an ^tin of 1017 Boyd St. ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZMG THE SALE AND CONVEYA7,CE TO EMIT 1-IART111 0;' C-.'•TAIII PROPERTY LOCATED OIT BOYD STREET BET:;EEIT 10TH AND 11TIT STREETS, AND 'r_:h0'JN AS ,'1017 BOYD STREET IN THE CITE OF PADUCAH, Ki IMICICZ, AND AUTIIOZIZING THE MAYOR AM 1CITY CLLR"f. TO EXECUTE A DIED OI' CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas; Cor¢clnsioners Johnston, Pulliam, 7.an, :.an,er and yor pro tom Dorian (4). Zoning C—r;an / Commiarioner :iagnor offered the following motion: I move that an Arkdltion for r renidentinl ordinance entitled: "A71 ORDINANCE AP?ROVI:IG TI!E F'IHAL REFCRT OF THE' CITY PLANNING AND Purposes ZONI::G CO. I.:SION PROVIDING FOR THE Z'.II;IG OF AId. OF THE PROPERTY III O+BRYAN ADDITION -OR RESIDEUTIAL PURPOSES, AND PRESCRIBING THE PSNAL-Y TO BE I}.IPOSED FOR VIICLAVIOI, OF TTIE R13319 TCTIO:I,; JET FORTH IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY PLANNI:IO O ,fl.-'.I33ION C:T '..-ARCH 26th, 1942", bo adopted. Adopted on call of the :.'oil, Yens; lo-:alssioners Johnston, Pulliam, Pingnor and T:nyor pro tom Dorian (4). "agar Pro Tom Dorinn offered motion `.hat the :,oardof Cn;n^13a1onors tares >s V =nri•3r advise^cat the matter of nnpointini- a I-ourd fl -O-1 re^Peaentattven of Labor to :: nut ora ler:. sr :rich mag nrlsc an a rcanit of the op^ration o" the now ordinance 'ted on call of the roll, 'ions; Com^i:jaicnera Johnston, Pelham, Pro ter, Dorian (4). i I a;cr P•ro Tea Dorian offered motion that tho retorts of the :ltroot ,n(I ::n :'or the ^:oath of F'obrunry 1942 be recoivod. Adopted on call t.. a; 'er_.insionern JohnADn, Pullirm, er ;:n : a:o=., ;'r:., 'tom Dorian (9).; e nn r In, offered notion that th, 2 i er of iomor L, i+acox ✓ 1:111 ti,d on call u: the -ol.l, cm3, 0n7nm13slonoru ._ .., r, •,than {;). :aa c:for ,t.ton that the City or Fm.1r;r.r+i: accept t.t:o mild in csnh .^nr lot:+ ^03. 4 ur;d 5 s'11 r..y t.;ai:I ;I t t'r:n Pore:ration cr:,.tn3al be regular rn,iaia•, o[•(I.nh?1C0 _.... :,,::: .rty. Al -.r r..l ... ^all of the Rnll, 'fe83: _ -, „ an (8 )+ I No Proceedings oartl of Comniaa ioncra City of Paducah—::ernh sl a ., 1949 Com,liaaionor Johnaton offered the folloriinZ motion; I move Lhnt - nn ordinnneo entitled: "Ail ORDINANCE ASSES3I5G THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTIi SIDES OF .90L: THE '.MST PROPERTY LINE Or' 7'111 STFEET TO 'FIFE HAST PROPERT"I. LIFE OF I'l THE CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRAC?CEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THE :'ORTION �7C:;3TR7JCTICN OF SAID STREET AND ILiPROVE.'EUT THEREOF, BY TIIE PLACING '_._2EON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE TOGETHER TiITH ALL it ,CESSARY CUICs3, GU^1 TEi �:'.� ....... .7..`7110L53, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SE',7ER AND DRAIN PIPES, AND ALL NL^CEuSARY .-.. "'.UIP12211T, ADVLRTI3ING A:1D LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN 0010.30 Tl Oil -:..- .. FRO:'TSIO',,S OP All ACT OF THE GE?IERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COi.IIION*AEALTH .. ._... .-: ,.:':TMD AT IT:; REGULAR SESSIOI IN 1956 PROVIDING POR T12 IDJPROVET-IMT OF :.. CITIES Ol THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE ClORN PROJECTS ADF.:I',! STI OF THE FEDERAL OF, STATE vOVERIIi.:ENTf AND AT THE EXCLUSIVE CO3T OF T1, f i.........; CF PEAL ;:`!'E ABUTTING ON SUCH I1.11PI10V6'118NT ACCORDING TO THE UMBER OF FRONT I I OR b- "i'1::'7 "^ -:.D PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHALT. EE LEVIED UPON SAID LOTS OF PARCELS OF REAL E.;TAT- THE PA)MENT OF ME COST ASSESSED 1II1T..REON, I.MICH COST SHALL BE THE DhnERE:CCE F:: THE TOTAL COST OF COLIPLETIIIG SAID IMPROVE'SUT AND 'ME TOTAL AL:OUIT { OF Mj E CONT:. T!b ^ION OF THE :';ORK PROJECT.i ADb:.INISTRATION M OT.,ER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR SPATE GOVERNMENT MIGAGED III MAKING 3AID It,:'.;0':'a*dr.'NT, A111) WHICH TAX SHALL FF DUR AND PAYABLE AT 'AYE OFFICE Or' THE CITY TREA31JRER Ia THE CITY HALL IN PADUCATI, i ::-HALr TFFEREOF THE WORK OF COIISTRL'CTIOII BEGINS AaD ME P,0JAINDER `IIIEREOF *.THEIN vO:;ii-iFALF OF SAID ='?507c!.::1IT3 ZIALL HAVE _'EEH COMPLETED, ': lICH TILE JL'ALL BE DZTEHIdl:;ii 7A^,D 01' ^..:2?33-0i:;iR.; "iT3 THE ADVICE OF T!!E CITY ONGINETM; A::D ALL Tim,., i.:PLETuD AILD THE ESTIMATED COST ASCERTAINED, AND IT i1:ATE3 AFTER DEDUCTING TETE 1U.IOUIT TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY C? ^_iiE UNITED STATES 'FIAT THE A1.:0UIT REQUIRLD TO cC ,D ' i:lv P30PMITY Ol::_.aJ Oil CLAI'IK STREET FROM 7T11 STREET TO 9TH :'0'P : -. "G; ALL CURB3 OHALL BE 00.30 PER LINEAa F; DI:1VE''.7ATS SHALL 3E -0. 12 PER J: DARE tM..RELL BOULEVARD THE AMOUNT SHALL BE i .. r:.,. NOW READY TO 001176E LC lSOai ON SAID 71II3 OIIDINAi;CL•", be ndopted. n:l nt t'r,o :loll, , C)-ciiasionora J011n3t0n, 1q1111nr:, "inttnor find nr ri nr. offered the following motion::,love tact IMUTTI:: _ o PI L_T:,.^.i Or OFIIO zTlus'i' ''0 7 NO 3'10 Proceedings of Poard of Cor -1 -loners CityofPaducah ''arch 31st, 19,2 -1000 request - for Health -:artment OR Al, iTTI'16 P -ET, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHA'J. .-.. L:i7:3'D '. i'0'; �3..iD :_C9.. ....:C•...., ('. ...,.,,T3 F'OR '111E PAY[MIT Oil 'ME COST "`I'. THE 'I'0^AL COST OF COMPLETIUG SAID IMPROVM.71,"lT .,.. , ii_ "Cf.:L Ar10U11Y C? T '. CONIRIDUTION OF 'iqm ':JC:;K r-nHuCTS ADMINISTRAT-OH OR 07VER .,.r._..,..... '"'i:% PLD.'..... Olt STATE GOV!-7rIN11'ri::T E:IOAGED 0 1.lAKIII'i SAID L":IPPOVE':'F.:.', A:'D AHD PAfABL 1 AT TIiFi OFFICE Or THE CITY TIt3ASUREB I:i Tiis '1:'P: HALL IN :.'.zDUCAll, .....-,iALF '!'HEREOF ;+',l Eil TH'.3 '1701iF OF CO S'iRUCTION i:EGII'IS Ai:D Ti:fi THERM' :i;_;N ONE-HALF OF SAID IMPROVEI4IITS SiIALL HAVE LEEN CO1.IPLETEDf t47:ICH TL!::i JIlALL BE DETERMINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIOIIERS :'LITH THE ADVICE OF 'CIE CITY E:JGINE0t; A::D ALL THE ENGINEERING :7ORX HAVING BEEN COr.IPLETED AND THE ESTIMA`PED C0ST ASCERTAINED, AND il IT PEI:IG DEMNdNED 'r'ROM SAID EMMATES AFTER DEDUCTII:G THE ltIOUNT TO DE CO: TH1LUTED Q BY THE 7.'ORii PROJECTS AD :INISTRATIO:' OF THE UNITED STATES THAT THE ALMUNT 1WZUIRED TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY THE ABUTTING PROPMT'Y 0'.''.?:ERS Or JOSEPII ROOF LANE bErNEEN 01110 AND 7 STR3ET.; IS •";1.25 PER A -U -i TING FOOT; AND THE CITY OF PADUCAH LEING 1101.7 READY TO 0011::^ICE :ORX 0': SAID Ir•*.?%OVa?:c?IT AS OF THE DAT'a' OF THE ADOPTION OF 'MIS ORDINtOXE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa; Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam, ',7agner and i'ayor Pro Ton Dorian (4). I/ Commissioner Nagner offered motion that the letter of Dr. C.E.Reddick, 71cCracken County Health Officer, requesting an additional appropriation of ;1000 for the maintenance of the County Health Deeartm,nt be received and roforred to the City I:anager for his consideration %%,hon preparing the budgcr for the year 1942. Adopted on call of the Roll, yeas; Commiasioners Johnston, Pulliam, :7agner and Myer pro tem Dorian (4). Letio: :,.r/ r•'ayor Pro Tom Dorian offered motion that the letter of 1,7. r'. Anderson Anderson - tive to, _. '.::tcd Earch 30th, 1942, reportin; to the ward of Commissioners h1a firdln-s as to o' tragi: the reason for complaint on account of the dumpinC of trash and rutib.lsh on the city streets Le received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll., 'Yoas; Co::niasioners �• Johnston, Iialiam, ;7agner and r.1ayor Pro Tom Dorian (4). On notion mectini- adjourned.