HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 541, March 17, 1942No. Proceedings ctf Board of Commisa.ona•a City of Paducah March 17, 1942 d pa;rall-first z March V Crdinance out orizing sale of city property to Yrs. .'V.Berry J.F.Telley property J I At a regular m(,,otln„ of the Board of Commissioners hold In the lComnisslonors Chambcr at the City hall, Pgduenh, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.hl., on the :117th day of March, 1942, ;,ayor Lackey preside' and upon call of the roll tho following lanswared to their names: Commis lonera Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 7sajnar and '4ayor yinutos of the previous meeting were adopted as road. Commissioner ',7agncr offered motion that the payroll for the first half of Norch, 1942 be allowed in the amount of $8,264.40, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by check drawn on the General Find. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam_, Tla;ner and Mayor Lnckey (5). Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE A UTHORIZIIdG THE SALE A."ID CONV MANCE TO MRS. C. W. bERRY OF LOT N0. 9 AND THE ADJ:)ISING ONE-HALF OF LOT NO. 8 IN BLOCK 1,0. 1, ADDITION "R" TO THE r1W OF ;iPA--UCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR 1,11D CITY CLERK TO E.LCUTE A DEED Oi CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Mayor Lackey (5). I Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of J. F. Kelley dated March 12th, 1942, be received and filed. I iurther move that the City of Paducah cancel the lien retained in the deed executed and delivered to J. F. Felloy, dated July 9th, 1941 and securing the paymont of the rurchase price for said property in the original principal sum of ya1300.00, an9 accept in lieu thereof (1) mortgage for $700.00 executed by J. F. Kelley upon the property at 1909 Clrr`s Street, this Indebtednesa to be paid at thy. veto of ,,,50.00 per month beginning April G, 1942, alth'interest from the date of t':c maturity of the installments at 6%, and (2) that the City of Paducah accept of Mr. Fc I..rs. Logsdon a martEare for $700.00 upon the property at 1911 Clark Street, this mort;,age bein- payable in installments of '25.00 per month with int, rest at 4e on the unpaid :,glance until paid. ridopteC. on call of the roll: Yeas; Com:niaaionera Dorian, Johnnton, Pulliam, 1:agner and Mayor Lackey (5). Commissionor Pulliam offered motion that tt:e Mayor and the moml.cra of '.ho boars: of Com.niaslon,,rs p.•roonally conduct, at the ex!undo of tho City, an ppp lr.vaati;,•atlon of po.:or plants and electrical distritution systems In cities served by ".Y.A. power for the _,.:r;osc of obtaining first !:and Information as to the size rad in?•.... .. :. c.*ic distribution ::ystom in east: city visited, the. anileduki of 2 at of operations where ouch city has coney: :n f r t.ho ;nu•ct2n: ,. _ ... .::r.h I fornat ton n _ ...:ae i'a:hicah to the r the o.loctric a ::foci of the •"ny Lon t:!t.h raid ts.rout-h the a:..-.Intunco ul' t.ha •�...Aasp . ':valla;; ,. ,. f n to e1,te,Ined imrcrfl:,+.•:iy Alopte;: .t: ,:! . of