HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 535, February 24, 19420 NO._`, 5 Proceedings of Board of Commiasion;ra City of Paducah `obruary 24, 1942 At a regular mooting, of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners i :Chanbcr at the City Nall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1. on the 29th day of ,February, 1942, t:ayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following 1Johnston,, ncr and Mayor 'answered to their names: Commisnionorn Dorian, Johnston Pulliam l,ar; J q Lnckey (5). Minutes of the previous meeting wo,e adopted na read. �'� Board of Equalization- ;i Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the request of the Board of anted an exteus'_on to Anr11 1, 194C Equalizers for an extension of time be received and filed, and that the Board be given Ito and including the 31st day of March, 1942 within which to complete its work of equalizing tax aaaessments for the year 1942. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; li ;Commisaloners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, :vaguer and Mayor Lackey (5). a J Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that exonerations Nos. 7679 - 7765 Tax Exoneratlons-1941 1',inclusive be received and filed; and that the amount of 04,296.94 be exonerated on the kax bills as shown on said exonerations; p Barred by Statutes of Limitations u 1067.76 G Tax Sales 2931.24 Unknown, cannot locate, non-rosident 33.20 Miscellaneous 264.75 Pwiucah '.:atcr ,'or'.m Januar'. 1942 report GPA an:rnc.^ia.:an of ,150 :ids t'a to r.,civad finan�ir .:ne of.. utilfttes Total 4296.94 These have been checked, and are due to be exonerated according to my i knowledge and belief. j Bass B. 'lasham, City Treasurer. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'Magner and iiayor Lackey (5). Commissioner 'Magner offered motion that the Financial Report of the Paducah 'Nater Ziorks for the month of January, 1942 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'Magner and S.ayor Lackey (5), a Mayor Lackey offered motion that the sum of $150.00 be paid to the Grontor ' Paducah Association as roimbursement for tho expenso incurred by Mr. Chan, A. Swayer and 4:.r. Floyd Speery on their trip to 17anhington, and that the amount be charged to the contingent fund to be included 1n the 1942 apportionment ordinance. Adopted on cal'_ of the roll: Yeas; Commiaaionors Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, Wagner and Ngyor I«ic'r.cy (5). ..n.yor Lackey offered motion that the City Manager be author.izod to rocclvo bi,ls of b -,..:i c.ompnnios on friday, February 07th, 1912 at 10:00 A.M. for a proceedings i contract in roaaection :cltlt 'Je acquisition of the Kentuc:.y Utilities proportiea in a^eor'la nce with the !-c-,erna of the franchise which was prn Chaned by tho Kentucky ;tilitirn " .-.r.; r,:terYnr 17th, 1940, and that eech con; -any u•lahln, to mnko a Lid t.. -:n '..e oUI:•a'.irins winch 1t. will as aTe •un3er a contract of omr:loy- i men` ... .. -..t. ribs::;e;i Gy tlse +;ity for Cho acquiaitlon of said tt.o city rcaarva the rl t:t to roj - t any an,l all v. >n•f.! "!c�i chock of 150, Xr ' hi•is, and ....,.. .. ... a. ._ ,.- .0':7. Ada;,te; a: c6.: n:' -a {a;;, Zchnatan, Pulliam. l;arna • and Layer La:!key , `. ty and County W cah e,,r,ttnt,•J Ci:V Lay exNessa rt I&,Ver of .re -half all e ._ . r• . 1 , .,. p'.: a. on 'all _, ygg era... ie a; .: Sasi .,._:1[ Lrc r:., inn ...: L. ..:;'nNr an 1k?+sr Lae,tey oftered aoti^,r. *. t. q .. :. ,, ?';,r, -•:r request D, "y :a ne, t%A :uretY y, elt �r boar theexpense which mist 'Yroceadlass of orol of Commissioners C!eS of aPaducah February 24, 1042 & February 2.7, 1042 necessarily be incurred in the institution of proceedings for Lcx-minotlon of the liabil• ity of the United States 'i'idolity & Guaranty Company on bonds of officers which have been eirn^,d by the Aetna Casualty & Surety Company, and to take such action as may be necessary to satic'4y the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company, or Chat he arrange -.1th Woodall & :clton, AUents for the United States Fidelity &Guaranty Company to continue their bends in effect. Adopted on call of the roll. Yeas; Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 17a, -nor and layor Lackey (5). Aljournment Myor Lsc'cey offered motion that this re2,ul:a• meeting of the Board of Commissioners be adjourned until Friday, February 27th, 1042 at the hour of 2:00 ;,:;. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 7'aagner m d t.nyor Lackey (5). ADOPT -"D gam_ 3 , 1942 APPROVGD: t4 / � L3AY0 CC IRK . At an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commiaaloners Chamber at the Ci, y Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:00 otclock P -14 - on the 27th day of February, 1042, 1•tayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the ollo�:in.- ansrerad to their nnmes: Cormnisnionera Dorian, Johnston, Pulliam, 'JaL an ror Lackey (5). mayor Lackey announced that this adjourned regular meeting vma recessed until 4:00 o'clock P.M., February 27, 1042. Upon call of the roll after recess the following members answered names: Commi::nloners Dorian, Johnston, Wagner and Mayor Lnckey (4). Coi=tssioncr Dorian off^rad motion that the City of Paducah pay of r1C.00 per month for the months of January, Fo:ruary and tareh, 1042 for the X. 1 orroperty at ;0th & Lurnett Streetn which is used as a colored recreational „-,cr. ;,,Ioptei .;n cell of the roll: Yons; Commisaloncra Dorian, Johnston, eh.gxer,i qy (4). Cc risaieacr "urian offered motion that the City of Pa-ucah pormit :. ritnr to use its building located at 7M Marilson ar,ot in the j rorrt,r',, vovi,7ec: the ., gilding inspector finds t::^at ...,id ..ail !In,- .. ,. ... ... to ee^upants. Adopted on cull of the _rol.'.: Yeas; and _ar Lackey (4). � Na Yer of mztion 1.1int tl4r adjourned ro;ular mon tIn.r. of I 1.e s . s!aa t', Vetinucr•y :.3, 10•i.^ of 10:OC ..., . .r.:_ .. Yr.. , ':n—A. l..n•,ra Dorm, JoimaL?n, •;a 1:or c t i