HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 53, May 2, 1938NO.
osrd of Com:+iia:'ion-,rs i'• •r ^, 1938 ,
ProceadJngs of - City of Padacah
At a ro-ular mootin, of the Board of Co:nnis:loncra hold in the Coruni::aloner a'
Thamber at. tl-..e City hall, Paducah, Kontucky, at 2 o'clock P.N., on the 2nd d^uy of !'ay,
1988, S:ryor -:ashburn presided and upon call of the roll the follotrin; anavrercd to their
�nr.^es: Co;,-dv:-loners ISank,.l4olton, rulliam, 3tubbleficld and I.'c.yor :%a:hturn (u).
y I:inutes of the proaous nectin;s were adopted an read.
^.yrol7s-last �� Coviissioner Hunk offered notion that the payroll for the last half of
;.pril, 1938
IAprll, 1038 be allo^red in the amount of w10532.10, and that the Cltj Treasurer be
Jauthorize?- to pny sane by checks. Adopted on cell of the roll: 'fens; Corl-innioncro
hark, !:o' -tor., Pulliam, 3tubtlefield and Ifcyor 'dashburn (5).
t;oyor.:achburn offered notion that the communication from the Workers, Alliance
unication on �Sllience in roZard to granting utility franchise, be received and filo-1. Adopted on llity frrv.c':ioe
call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Honk, I:,elton, Fullism, Stubl,leficld and !:.ayor
Vlashburn (5).
.:orkT!rn' Allinnco !.'„yor ' ashburn offered the follolvin� motion: I move that the communication
_ ,,ient that 3 ;m.
ro-uiremc-nt on from the Clorkers' Alliance requesting that the present ordinance requiring a residence
relief be chnnCod
to 1 year of three years in the city of Paducah before a person cpn apply for relief be repealed,
be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com-.rir.sloners Hank, Melton,
ij3tubtlefield and I•'ayor ::ea urn (4). iys; Commissioner Pulliam
Colored Dark Boardl Mayor "lashburn offered motion that the letter from the Colored Park Hoard of
rnnueat for con- y
r=in tion of road the City of Paducah be received and filed and that the matter be 7ivon consideration in
_ `:t-of-wny into
,the a-portienment ordinance and if necessary that suit be instituted to condemn t'_ie 14
feet reces-sary for increased width of street into the part:. Adopted on call oC the
roll: Yeas; Corrtissioners Hank, Melton, I.Pulliam, Stub'alefield and t:a;,ror 'riashburn (5).
-a all sty's Com:nia ion ' 'slliam offerue, the folloe.in- motion: I move that an or Snnnc,�
-rl. of rt Of
.. -•ay ertItlo! "- C': ' M. D ^I -I I4 '-:'�. i:'0'i ' �0 . r �•.I'UTlD i r CI".Z 0'
.. G` , .:i_..., .;U 1110,!Ti Com+ ,-0.: :LOOD r.:CL O:iON" be ndortc'.
n -' of the roll: ica:a; Cozil.naion^rs !:n!:, ,•elton, Pullirus, 3tubLlcfi.:1<:
.. .... .r. or '•nibbu-n oiI.rod the follo.:in:.- motion: 1 novo that on ordlrar, r,
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