HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 50, April 21, 1938rn••r•' o" C.o-r.i:,:.o;�:•a
Proceedings of City of Paducah ::rril ^l, 1238
At an ndjournod ren+lar ma_tinC of the Board of Connisaonevs held in
`hc Cor: isrion,,rol Chamber in the City 11all, Paducah, i:ontucky, at 2 orclock P.1:., on
t3�, of April, 1933, ; cyor ,•ast-,burn preal'ad and upon call of' the roll the
i'ol'. cr•:•r• r ..,rred to their naaes: Commissioners Hank, Kelton, Pullit..m, Utubi.lefield
nn3 ....^.::burn (5).
/ Com*r.isaloner ?.:elton offered the To11or:1n^ motion: 1 move that the
- " ro-oluton of the Board of Sclncation of the City of Pi
ducrh bearing date of Parch 31,
19381 specifUis^ the rate of taxation noceocary to produce an adoqunte amount for the
s•:aport end. ;,_ lntena nce of public scl=cols for the year 11,%, toiethcr with a like
resolution ado^ted by said Loard of Lducetion on said data requeatin_ a tcx levy or
the Teachcr'a P,c'ir^hent "und, both of which resolutions have been presented to the
.•.yor and :brrcl of ComAsi.loncro be now received and filed and that said resolutions
bo spread upon the I;inutos of this mcctinr•:
++PB Ih: RZ'XLV2D by the :onrd of education of Fnciucah, Kentucky, that
t`rrre be imposed an levied by the tax levying authority of the city of Paducah,
c'^ntuc':y, an ad valorem tax of ninety cents (90�) on each 100.00 valuation of real
5p an^ re—onr3 property of the City of Paducah, iCentu'•1cy, subject to taxation for the
I'••car 13�:8, the same bein. necessary in the opinion of the Eonrd of Education of Paducah
to prodree for said year of 1938 the total esti:rnted sum necessary to be
_.. to aupnort a::a .main` -En the public schools of the City of Paducah, K ntucky,
locr ':e estirnted sum to rceeived from the ':;tate Common 6chool Fund.
that since Chapter 85, of the Acts of the
^2. !-s upon the local taxing authority of the C-ty of
rIntainin the ainkin.- fund for all tended
':onds voted for school purposes, this Lonrd, there
or and Board of Connisaioncrs tat• there be im-
'o raise a -.u:a auf:icient for pnying the interest and
,.nd for the naym-nt of school bonds at maturity; we believe a
_.teen c nts (15X) on each ^V100.00 valuation of taxable property
-pard of ducntion of Paducah, Kentucky
Jy 1,vyin3 autiority of the City of Paducah,
I T. .. o. .ata (hg) on each .;1CC.00 valuation of real rnd
c•,h, Kentucky, ,ubjoet to tcxotion for the year
:,inion of the bard of Education of Padueeh,
1933 an estiaated sum equal to the contri-
.. - :rr:+uh, I:cnturIcy, for t -hs support and n_.ln-
*. „ysterm, the snme bo int•, in accordance e,ith the
You will al^o nloese levy the maximum rata allowed Ly tan on bank stock
taxai.lc ',y t%7i3 !,Orr-.
Lynn Z. Ehippa, rc�ic?ant
Co._miar.icnors ?:anlc, i,clton, iulliom, :i_ !06019
-.on that an orUnanec o,i i , ' .:. CP;
I ~'�4