HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 480, October 14, 1941No
Proceedings of arra of ':e.•-:^i:alprn'•rs City of Paducah October 14. 1941
At a ret„ulnr meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the
..=rdn ,slonors Chamber at the City Iiall, Paducch, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.n. on the
J th day of "ctobor, 1941, Unyor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follo:vin
inswered to their names: Corriiss loners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor
(5). ”
Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
h:ayor lackey offered the following motion: I move that the
;aa•:a os :;invtes of the meeting of the Board of Coaualssloners held on Or"tobar 9th, 1941, be
c Carrcr_ted
(corrected in order to show that there was received and filed by the Board of Com-
-i�ai�nara all of the bids sutmitted for the sale to the City of certain furnishings,
_.....-_... ,.x-ray equipment and medical and surgical supplies and equipment to be used it
the Riverside Hospital, and that after said bids wore received and filed, there was
r. o^teP, by the 2onrd of Commissioners a motion acaepting tho aids of Rhodes -Burford
Cor, ;any, Dick X -Ray Comc-any, Shelby 3kipwith, Inc., and Max "locher & Son, so that said
';;mutes as cor-ected will read as follows, to -wit:
"Mayor pro tem Pullinm offered the follow -Ino motion:
I ::rae that each of the bids sutmitted for the sale to the City of Paducah of furnish -
to bs used in the -New Riverside Hospital Addition be received and filed, and ::hlch
bi^s ire as follows:
(1) Rhodes Burford Co. - kurniture $5,064.61
(2) Rhodes Burford Co. - Electric Hcfri^oratora b 497.37
(3) ;'.assay 3ur-.ical Supply, Iric., - Furniture $4807.43
(4) Dick X -Ray Com^any - Radiographic
Equipment & Accessories $5,433.00
(5) Dick X -Pay Company - Deep Therapy x-ray
equipment tc accessories $5,790.00
(0) I;assey Surgical Supply, Inc., - RaciioF_raphic
equipment and Fl:orreopic equipment 63,517.00
(7) Massey 3urFlcal 3uprly, Inc., - Dark
Room equipment $346.00
(0) 3helby-3kipwith, Ine., - Make Ica 4'achine $1,815.00
(9) l+:nssey Surgical 3upnly, Inc., - Therapy $5,040.75
(10) E. P. Lerria, Refrigerutin Unit 0569.00
(11) Max Wocher & Son, Cincinnati, Ohio
furilture "or overnting, delivery rooms
& instruments w1,793.96
-t,.. a' the ro.l: ion,^., Co;•_iio..lonc:. �..... , 31nrt._:,in'n, Dorinn and .:%:;or
r pro tem 1'allinm ofiered the follovrin„ motion: Upon
.:tali of Riverside hospital,- I move U'nt the City
'moo'• __,r>'�.' ^.j C•p;,�,r:n•: In the um of $5,303.8^ for tho
.. r (:•r)- - _ �� t,:;rs to be uaed in the Now
cnny in th•, sum of ti10,1C0."0
•lby-3kipwith, Inc., in tiie aum
" P. Lewis in the num of
i'or oporatin dcl I,, ma
shall cntc: 'r.to , cuto a
c;ens to be specifl-d In an
all of the roll: :can;
.. .. .. ,•p tem hl.tl ism (4)."
. - Dorian, Full'cm an,i
fon that the
NO. n�
Proceedings Of 1%oat^ of Cc.:•iianlon^ra City of
!Clerk, be r:•salved and I'iled, adopted on call of the toll: Yeas; Cotamiaalonors
.lnek'eurn, Dorton, Pulliam and i::ayor Lacltoy (o).
v, S;nyor Lackey offered motion that the rer,ort of the Street Department
Ztrect .�•,:•t::a.^.t Sept.,
1911. rerort for -he month of Sontemth r, 1941, be recoived. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
Co:•.:;isa;on.•rs P.ak^r, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulham and :.;ayor Lackey (5).
Mayor Lnckoy offered the followinu motion: H. Ha'rven, Charlie i,:ajorn,
:inter 7:ain extension on
rlcvolan Avenue from 'lZrnest :'henlor rind Joe Percie, owners of property abutting Cleveland Avenue from ;forth
1Cth to 11th Street
10th to North 11th Streets, a distance of approximately 434 feet, filed with the ".'a;c-•
and Board of Commiasionnrs a petition, representing that the applicants, whose nnrnea
are sirned to said petition, aro the ovmers of the respective property referred to
In said petition; and the parties petition the i:nyor rind Board of COtnmlq.Uonnr:t to
authorize the laying of a six-inch water main on Cleveland Avenue from Horth 10th
Street to North 11th Street, a distance of approximately 434 feet.
It appears from the endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of tit;
-Paducah '.,star Corks that said request and petition comply with the franchise provisions
;and requirements.
I, therefore, move that the said petition be received and filed; and
"that the Paducah ::star Works be authorized to lay said oix-inch min in accordance with
]!the reeuest contained in said petition.
I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the grantin;
of the request contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of
the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental on the pipe line
one. connection referred to in the petition, in accordance with the provla.tons of the
I!fiz,nrhiac. Said rentals shall begin schen the water main has been lain and Yater
p:-ovided for on said section of Cleveland Avenue. Adopted on call of the roll:
Coruniosioners Batter, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and .ayor Lackey (5).
Commiasionor Pulliam offered motion that an ordinance entitled:
_ - .. .. ... .....:.::A::CIS ACCs. PING BIDS rOH ME LF.A3IH. h` :•IL CITY 0: Pi.-MI,'r, }iZMoCKY,
STII, 194.. 0 CXIP,'iti F'MN1.:MING" AND X -HAY
_'!: :.i'.• :;.1.: 'lir:7 1106i'ITAL A." - ':•..'d:; OF
�. .. ',Y 15TH, 1942 AND ON J., ,::. i 943; t:.
'Dili CI'T`Y IP:ALL I..I:rl '1'.... .:-".IA-._]. 01 SAID Lts'AJED 712)..-
.. - ...:D CITY CL'cai: 0 A:... 6:: hi:ilAL'r''
.. ,. .. .. it o:' the r; - ❑ i:Y.ut•n,
./ . ._ . ... , ., .. of nr •nt�. tiro .
nn•t tor:
r... r.. • , net
.. _ ,. _ wr i:�,r•?tet the
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ter •..r,cs -.,. re•q' .... _r F _1.t 1:n .y with tYo . ro nck.ise .ns
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d o:' ''o: ^' n:•. torr: rs October 14, 1941L
Proceedings of Ciry of poducufi ___
that %he Pa,lucah. :i ter ',.'orks be. authorized to lay said six-inch muin In accordance
.With the requost containe;l in saic' petition.
I further move that the adoption of this resolutic
art_' th_ manting of the request contained in said petition be considered as an arreemer,
on the Part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and wator main rental on th
jpi;c line and connecaion referred to in the petition, in accordance with the provisions
o:' the :ranchIse. 3aic; rentals shall boffin when the ',eter main hoc been lain and wate
rr wided for on said soction of :1ocdward :;trcot. Adopted on call of the roll:
:'_'an; Co:m:issionerc Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and 1.layor Lackey (5).
Mayor Lackey offered motion than. this Re_,alar
•::ecctn1- of the Board of Commizaioners be adjourned until Thursday, October 10th, 1941
7.%7.-.l t tho hour of 10:90 A.M. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeaa; Commissioners
_.'c,r, 5lackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey .(5).
M.'O ? -