HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 472, September 30, 1941No —_ Proceedings of C -1-11--a City of Paducah Sentcmbor 30, 1941 At a refculer meet.ln_r of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commisoioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.L.. on the 30th day of September, 19.11, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the folloranr answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam .nnd Feyor Lackey (5). Itinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Baker offered motion that the Board of Commissioners dell ...r:lce reti+loas of receive and file sixty (60) petitions prenented by Richard R. Bryant, Attorney for the city er.-) o - ees reccive:9 petitioners, said pctiSons purporting to contain the signatures of voters equal to at & filet it least 25% of the total number of votes cast for both candidates for Mayor at the last preceding regular election for liayor in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to�other with y' the residence of each signer and verified by affidavits of one or more persons as to tl the signatures and residences of such signers, and in - which petition the Board of 1 Co=issionors is requested to adopt an ordinance entitled: "API ORLINANCE CREATING A CIVIL SERVICE 3YSTEM, PURSUANT TO THE F3OVISIONS OF CHAPTER 53 OF THE ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSET.MLY OF KENTUCKY, 1938 REGUTA R SESSION, BEING NOVI SECTIONS 3235h-1 TO 3235h-12, INCLUSIVE, BALDV:INIS 1939 SUPPLEVENT TO THE KENTUCKY STATUTES, FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FOR THE ^.'..PLOYEES THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE PLACING OF ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH UIIDER CIVIL SEP.VICE, EXCEPT THE MEL:BERS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPART7,!EE:ITS, THE EMPLOYEES OF THE RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL, THE I.1E11BERS OF THE BOARDS OF PARK COI:TM.ISSIONERS, P ASID THE CITY MANAGE11". I further move that the petitions filed be accepted and that the Corooration Counnel be authorized to prepare for sutmisaion at the next rc,-ular nectinr of this board, an ordinance certifying to the vote of the people the question of the pas^cre or said ordinance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cc-missionrrs Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that an ordinance entitled: z•ln - "Ail ORDINANCE AL'THCRIZI"G THE SAIE AND CONVhiANCE TO EFFIE I.I. ROGL ES OF CERTAIN • "''.GT 3'7f :C^.AT:iD AT #1407 SOUTH 4`H1 STRc:'ST, 7IifICH 71AS PURCHASED ;•Y '.'IIE CITY OF :•rn~ _ i^?:'l AT A TAX :SALE AILD BY T. A. L111A.ER, MASTi?il COM-ISS1ONER OF THE Me- COURT; PR::3CRI3T_KO THE TZRS;:; AND CO?ID1210113 URDLR 'd -RICH SAID HiOYiRTY .... ..^;.D, AIID AUT.!ORIZINC 'DIE I.'.AYOR id;D CI'T'Y CLERK TO E:!'(,UTE A DEF.'. OF' CONVEYASiCI be ndopte-°. Adopted on en]1 of the roll: Ycaa; Commi nioners Pulliam and i'nyor Lackey (5). ^onnlsaloner Dorian offered motion that the pctli.ion .91med by Noah al., requnsring tc^t venter connections be made for extc%.11on of _..._ .. �••r,+;!..'.n, r.- r:innry eannectiona alonr +oodwnrd .,t. -et from ._ .`r �t, i;e : _ :ed and fil.ed,and that the CItJ Fannger obta n r. n'tion as to the advisstility of aata.l.iah- . �. r i l: Yeas; Conniaaloners 0 No 473 Proceedings of Foard of Comr.•1: sloners City of Paducah acptur:bcr 30, 1941 Election Expense for city election nut° orized paid Zorrow money $50,OCO.oc NYA notified to move from buildin_7 at 10th & Jones ,15.00 a month appropri- ated to Co.Rccreational Center Adjournment Llnyor Lackey offered motion that the letter received from the McCracken County Election Comaniszionors roque::tini; the Board of Commiaslorcro to t;o on record authorizing the payment of certain election expense be received and filed, and t'i:at the City yanafor be requested to advise said Election CplamiaalonePs that the City of Paducah will pay whatever election expense it v:ill be required to pay under the �Statutes of Kentucky relating to the holding of city elections. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiazloners Bakcr, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Y.ayor Lackey (5) Mayor Lackey offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ati ORDINANCE AUTHORIiLIi;O AND DIRECTING THE MAYO., AND CITY TREASUIIEc: TO PORDO'.7 'PHL SUI(] OF NIFTY THOUSG;.'D (650,000.00) DOLLARS FOP. THE USE AND DENEFIT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAR,K::1;TUCKY, AND TO EX7-CU7c A NOTE OR NOTES FOR SAID 3UK OR SMIS FOR AND ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY, AND TO PLEDGE THE REVENUE OF THE CITY FOR THE LAST HALF OF IRE: YEAR 1941 AS SECURITY THERE FOR", be adopted. hdopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Lnker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that the City Manager be requested to give notice to the proper officials of the Rational Youth Administration that the city desires immediate possesaion of its building located at 10th & Jones Streets, and that the National Youth Administration be requested to remove all building material and other property from said building, the same when vacated to b used as a Colored Recreational Center on the South side of the city. I further move that the sum of ;15.00 per month be appropriated for the purpose of renting until January Int, 1942 the building of Frank Lavin located at 10th & Lurnett Streets for use as a Recreational Canter for the colored people on the North side.. Adopted on call of the roll: Yana; Commissioners Baker, BlackLurn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered motion that thin ro;;ular mootin a. the Board of Commiaaloners be adjourns(] until Friday, October 3rd, 1941 at the hour of 10:00 A.Y. Adopted on call of the roll: .Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Yayor Lackey (5). u".0 P'P:-:::_7 �1._---- ,19•:1 APPROVED: Ynyo. y