HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 460, August 26, 1941NO 4
Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Cily of Paducah Au7,u3t 26. 1941 _�..._._
At a regular meatier of :.he Board of Commission^ra held in the
Cprmissionprs Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the
26th day of Au.,ust, 19.11, Corods.toner Pulliam presided as Mayor pro tem in the absence
;of Kayor Lackey and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names:
Co=tsaioners raker, Dorian and Mayor pro tam Pulliam (3).
Minutes of the previous mooting were adopted as road.
.rA request- Commissioner Baker offered the following motion: MEREA3, the
ed to in-
crease w01': -cost of living is rapidly rising and by reason of the limited number of days k7PA workers
ors hours or
wares are allowed to work each month and the low wage they receive make it impossible for them
to support their families
I, therefore, move that the NPA officers be requested to Immediate-
ly either increase the hourly wage of the workers or allow then more hours of work each
month for all who are employed in Paducah and McCracken County. Adopted on
c^ll or the roll: 'fees; Commissioners Baker, Dorian and Pulliam (3).
r"office Dept.Commissioner Dorian offered the fellowinrz notion: The Board of
to irforce Co;miss"loners having heretofore adopted a motion requesting the police department to
parkin,- laws
on Kentucky suspend indefinitely, or until further orders, the enforcement of the parking ordinance
"t. int L• 3re
au opted on Yay 20th, 1940, as far as said ordinance regulates the parking of motor
vehicles on the north side of Kentucky Avenue between 1st and 2nd streets; and,
As it is necessary for the street department to have access to
that part of Kentucky Avenue between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 2:00 A.M. for the
p::rpose of removing rubbish, trash, filth and other material from the street;
I therefore move that the police department proceed with the
enforcement of that part of Section 1 of said ordinance which reads as follows:
"It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation
to peak dr leave standing a vehicle of any kind on Kentucky Avenue between First
.. .t on-' Third Street, on Broadway between First Street and Second Street and on
..^^ond 3tr^et between Kentucky Avenue and Jefferson :;treat in the City of Paducah,
K. t0.(y, between the hours of 11:60 o'clock P.T.S. and 2:00 o'clock A.M. on any days
the week for any purpose,c-.,N o -I. Adopted on call of the roll: Yana;
Lr,:r•r, Dorlan and: '.::ayor pro tem Pulliam (3).
Commissioner Dorian offered the followrinr motion: I move that the
of the i'edue h Junior ::omar.'s Club requesting permission to 8011 boor at Flornl.
•- .'..'.1 at Caracn :ark, wit+:nut oUninir.,-. a license, at a play to be given by t. -,em on
1:�th and 13th, to rocetve�9 and filed, and that their request be granted.
r-11 C•,.-issionprs Baker, Dorian and ma_:or pro ten,
n offnred motion tivat the City Kana;+:r, throu;.}t f
.. .. _ _ ..t•'+mtzirs of the pal ice department rjvo spoci;;l
-• 1awa unser 411 n a motorist when T.jI(ing a turn
a r .. 1. r reel to keep a lonk-out for pe,leatrinnc creasing
"Iva warning to motpriats o: the noceseity of t'arrain, curnors
?^.r on*rims a::en it a;.poars that such no to;,tata .arc dts- I
pefleatrians. A.'opted an of the roil: Y<:: (:em -
tem Ful IIAW I:"
4r UnAnco
as Lem -rV1 iam offers^: r t1.
Proceedings of L•oard of Cona•,lsaionoro City of Paducah August 201, 1941 & Sept., 2, 1941 .
ors Baker, Dorian and Mayor.pro term 'Pulliam (3).
On motion meeting adjourned.
ADOPTED —�a� 'h� ,1941 A1'PHOVED:-GCy_ _Gig!—_
w4Fi}iF•:F i4:—� iF:FiF�::: tFs'r.F:M}:}iF•7:Y.}:iF
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the
iCommissioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1d, on the
:2nd day of Soptember, 1941, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the
following answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam
and Mayor Lackey (5).
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Payroll -last a Aur?uot Commissioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the last
half of August, 1941 be allowed in the amount of 010,610.73, and that the City Treasurer
Ibe authorized to pay same by check drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of
;the roll: Zoos; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5).
� a
Fc.pdrts: City Phys & Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the following reports
:ltreet Denarument for the month of August, 1941 be received: Dr. S. L. Polk, colored city physician;
Dr. J. Bass, white city physician; 1,7. P. Anderson, Street superintendent.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and
Mayor Larkey (5).
'raffle Li7ht outhorizet Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinr,, motion: Inasmuch as
d at C*h i ':^shin^ton he location at 6th and 'aashtngton Streeta hna boon thoroughly cheeped time and again
the business of traffic at that cornor'needs rnliof, I move that the City Manager
e directed to complete the Installation of a traft'Sc lirht at that col -tor.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comnissloners nnker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and
';or Lnn%oy (5).
_ ^,o^assioner Pulliam offered the followinr motion: I move that
of Cor-r-lasioncra adopt as its findings upon the written complaint horotofore
••• by Pr. %In3r Y.. Brown, and by Local x/123 of the International Anaocintion of
.::nah, ire:ntucky, the following conclusions: -
:?rat: 9fst upon the adoption of the Cit;; ::ans,cr form of 1;ovorn-
r"' ann.s is nvUrorizod, upon tl:o written advice of the City
^h U-:miniatretive denartnents an mi,}a be rna:,o::nbl:
e' ,;:,,r:lc ndm:niatratlon of the Imlinaan a:'hit's
.. ... ....ro n•..... , ..:r,.. .. .n:rl5 acan:n
. latraLive departmt+nt
other laws anplicallo to
_ .. ... ....t+nt w:th thn ':`ovlaians of the
...ch continues to ,_overn each aach
ti:n ^Sty thet the
93t111 in _ ?',11 fc•r•ca Uad
r: :as been ck.aned t�7 the
nt aero:' a