HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 45, April 12, 1938Proceedings of : or.t•rl of cornn:larinnn-•r. City cf Paducah f•or'LI 11, 19�� At a reLa,lar meetinr of the Loard of Commissionors held in the ,i Cort-­isr3on rs' Chnrtbor at the City hall, Paducnh, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.�., on the lith dv7 of April, 1938, Commisaionsr Cant: presided as 6:::yor pro tart in the Ox.,onco of 'n,•er ::na'cu.rn, and upon crll of the roll the fo11o::.ln^ answerod to their names: ^on: lar.cn�rs i'plton, Pullinm, StubLlefield nn,' ''ayor Pro tom Hank. (4). I t.tinutca of the previous mectin-r mere s opted as read. Payor pro tem Iank offered motion that this re^ular meeting of the ":card of Commleaioners adjourn until 2 o'clock tomorrow, i'uosday, April 12, j 19 9. Adopted on w ll of the roll: _cas; Commionionors Pelton, Pulliam, Stubi,lofleld an n;; or pro tem dank (_). Uk_\ 4'&. 1938 Al" FROJ Is✓ -�,1 �i �:=,c-,_-•-- al - ii cI7-r- :L_RK At an adjourned re;_;ular meetlnZ of the Board of Corntis3ioners held in the Cormrins•ion^.rs' Chnnber at the City hall, Pnduc�h, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 1^th cry of ,,aril, 1938, the lryor brand absent and unatle to attend, this adjourned J re-•alrr me^.tln- erns presided over by i,'nyor !'ro tem lank, and upon call of the roll tl:o follo­ln•- nn3weroO to their names: Conmis:,innr,rn Helton, :ulliam, ;tubll^field and yor Pro tem flank (4) . Commissioner :Zelton offerc,l the fol;oviin motion: B:Lda hr.vinr, boon c oc1 aPvertincl for and received for Che conctruc+ion of ariditions ane'. exton:aon* to Au.- sta Til-brtan lli-h .school, Fran;sin J::nior !; •h , chool, Arcadia Junior lli^h School nn*' Lincoln K_- -h School, and the, blddorn hnvin;' !,ecn roquiroC to furnish bid bonds j� or certlfier'. elnce'tr ;ath their respective b.lr?c, and said bids having beer rccolvcd and J the ^on'.rn^ta armrr',cJ to the loz,ost tiddern th mror., nm'. which contracts have teen .i duly executed,- I no•a move that the certlfLcd cheeks nrrl Cho old bonds ftu•ni.hod .1th v's of all tl'.ers on said imgrovonent proja^ta •: r:.r, r-t:urncd to the re3pt:etivc .•'er•.a.': on enll of the roll: !eas; Cott:: i :..attb:le- .•a. nr::: +tyor pro tcn: ;innk (4). ions ; ..1ton offored :rotlon . _ ;i o: pr.oi.,.. e :rv:r3 _. .. - !'lot air L La r. •n: "C" r_ L:r, nt.r'' or L. ou, awl .. .. _. .. , .. .. . , _ .. f• _ I i NO., 6- Proceedings : Or -`7 � ' - 1 L` City qfPaducah %pi-il 1:,30 .- -Or rro t"'m --n!: off:vv` tho folln'.-In rinlion: I rove th,,t sn 01-11TI!,nen or',Iticd, :`,;or pro ten Hrnt, offered motion that thin adjourned re-ular moetin, b: nor adjourned to convene a:nin at P. o'clock on Thursday, April 1/1, 1938. Adopted on call of roll: Yeas; T.:e-lton, Pulliam, itubLlefield and ',-ayor pro ten Mink 1038 A!,; !,OVLD _CT OF IU '.ID '.1 L be f, �C,tccl— �o--- tc-,! on of th 1�01- '-r-; -1ton, .'I a id an' !'7,yor pro tem ilank (4). r, 'invncc Or' Tri? C, I ON It' TI: C11 T A iT q LL -•T OF 12D C- L -or. tec! _ opted Ptcd cn crll Of !110 !'011: Coma .' Ion-rs I ton, .tubolefield and 'Kayor pro tem Hank (4). :`,;or pro ten Hrnt, offered motion that thin adjourned re-ular moetin, b: nor adjourned to convene a:nin at P. o'clock on Thursday, April 1/1, 1938. Adopted on call of roll: Yeas; T.:e-lton, Pulliam, itubLlefield and ',-ayor pro ten Mink 1038 A!,; !,OVLD