HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 444, July 1, 1941959_ Pr Proceedings of Board of Cormis_aionora city of Paducah•TuT-: ,� - I c41 • At a regular mooting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioners Chamber at the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the lot day of July, 1941, mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following ansv:ercd to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lnckay (5). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissionor Baker offerad motion that the payroll for the last half .Payroll -last I June,1941 of Juno, 1941 be allowed in the amount of $10,586,71, and the City Treasuror be authorized to pay same by check drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blaciburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5)i / Commissioner Baker offered the following motion: The Hunt Dis- Hunt Distr'b; Co., tax tributing Company having paid to the City of Paducah the taxes due on June 1st, 1941 compromise ,against its stock of liquor located at its store at 4th & Washington streets, and having paid said taxes under protest; A nd it appearing that said Company listed as of July lot, 1940, its !liquor stock for taxation purposes at a valuation of $12,800.00, and without notice to :Said Company the Board of Equalizers increased the valuation to $30,000.00; and, h Tt is the contention of the City of Paducah that the Hunt Distribut- ;I �iin:- Company failed to list for taxation purposes all of the,property owned by it on July 1st, 1940, and in order to compromise the claim of the City of Paducah that certain of its liquor stock was omitted when the list was given into the City Assessor, said "Company has agreed to pay taxes upon a valuation of „12,000.00 on property as omitted or upon a total valuation of $24,800.00; and, It appearing that in order to avoid the payment of penalty and ?interest the Hunt Distributing Company paid its taxes upon the total valuation of 4M,000.00 as established by the Board of Equalizers; and, The City Manager having recommended to the Board of Coimnissioners the Iacceptarce of said offer; n I therefore move that the City of Paducah accept the compromise offer of the Hunt Distributing Company to pay taxes for the year 1941 based upon a total valuation of 024,800.00, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to refund to said Sori,any the su^ of $72.80. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comaisaionors i 8s'r-cr, i.lackburn, ^Orion, Pulli,,n and Mayor Lackey (5). � M+uy':r to Corniaainncr 1or1an offerod motion that the L'.ayor be requested to arpoint com- rit,•.+.•e ea aL,,o4nt a rcr !'..toe, c;nsist.lr., of as many members as he may think necessary, to corfor 1 fnr.iLities wit:: ?hn ,..a:aah T.oard of .:�iucation 4'0: thc- purpose of finding out whether arrangements ,:an i,.: rm,'.e frr the o;•:nir. of the ?ilr'hr^.an 111'h 301001 gymnasium and Keilor Field ^.•grins*. _.m.ths in cry:^r to providn ,zr(.atly needed recroatlonal fa,ilities the ;.ao;Lr. )_ t!O city. Adriptetd cn call of the roli: Yoas; Corzliasioners i _�k•.r, Black'Y,rr., Orion, ?ul.iary an,l Yt,, cr mr,tiOn ti,at the roport of Dr. 2. L. Polk,! ,$41 ^nl,..._ LL;+ phys_oia , ._.Ftr.a �.r,tt: .,_ J;:no, 19 i1 be rrcr:ived. Adontod on cell yea, ; ra Fkke,, .-_ ekiurn, ..,..,r:, .,lie,s F:nd G::,ynr IJ,ekey (`u) � r . cm .f er^_•i mots,n -hn� the 4ctt,:r of !,%,a. Jchn . ...:ar, .; :at, "ts ry;ci9,:: and :!I", an that the Corporation Counsel ba Ai,an of Lot 4.0.5, Block • ti, n .:4th and 25th Ztro, to for the r,ner3 Baku, slackburn, Larkey (.`.). 0 Ll NO. 445 Proceedings of Board of Commisslonors City of Paducah July 1. 1941 _ Mlnyor Lackey offered motion that the petition signed by Paul M. Petition protesting removal of barknray on Judd, Glenn Smith, R. R. Henson, John E. Raney, Amy Yopp, and Mrs. George P!. Moller, ;.Turrell Blvd, protesting against the elimination of the parkway on Iurroll Boulevard in the block 'l:eterrn Ch rk and Adams Street to make a parkinC lot, be received and filed, and that the matter be referred to the City Manager for his recommondntions. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bnkor, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). F. P. Feezor bill on f Yayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of F. P. Feozor, court costs allowed former Clerk of the McCracken Circuit Court, dated June 10, 1941, be recolved and filed; and, It appearing that under an agreed order entered in the action of City of Paducah vs. J. Fort Abell, et al on February 1, 1941s the sum of $500.00 was paid to the said F. P. Feezor by the City of Paducah to apply as a credit on the court costs in said action amounting to $1643.53, leaving due and payable to him the sum of $1143.55,and that under said order it was further provided that the sum of $2.50 be taxed as a part of the court costs in favor of the said F. P. Feezor in each branch of the above mentioned consolidated action, and that the amount of costs so collected by the raster Commission• r and the City Treasurer should be paid to him until the entire balance of said cost bill amounting to $1143.55 had been paid; and, It further appearing that the said F. P. Feezor has since receive from the taxation of costs at the rate of $2.50 per case the sum of $137.50 when it was estimated that by July lot the sum of about $500.00 would be collected for him; I therefore move that the City of Paducah pay to the said F. P. Feezor the additional sum of $462.50, thereby reducing the amount of his cost bill to $543.55; provided, however, the payment of said additional sum shall be conditioned upon the entry of an order in the Mcaracken Circuit Court authorizing the Master Commissioner and the City Treasurer to colloct for the use and benefit of the City of Paducah, after the entire amount of said Clark's bill shall Fn ve been paid, the sum of °,2.50 in each branch of said consolidated action which is either settled, or in which the property is sold, for the Idurpono of reimbursing the City of Paducah on account of the advancements made by it. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiss.lonors 2akcr, Blackt.urn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Asst; resent of Krv: -":.r. r Mayor Lackey offered motion that the City 'annger be authorized Motor Co., to ­,iz ens Berk - -. • t :;o accept, for and on Lehalf of the City of Paducah, the notice of the AssiCnment 'r'luaher ' executed by i.. ::. Frug and. George R. Thomas, partners doin;- business under the nate cr.,: style o: the Fru;; 7hcrms Motor Company, to the 'Citizens Lavings Bank at Paducah, r'rtel July 1st, 1941, and under which they have asol,ned to said bank all sum, VILIch payal-le to them, not exceeding $3500.00, uador n certain lease, rr,r.t rnz.'. nra!nn ont:or+:d into TXtween tluam mid the City of PaVucah on April 25th, k'lopted cn erl'.. of the roll; `tea,; Col=laslon,>ra 144,ker, flackln.,rn, ` .. :. .. , i...._£7: an+l ✓Ta J::2` L:+"k9y (�.)• v Vr,an'a request Mtayor T: ekey n;': , ,, . t the letter of F1`od torr;an,red ` At NO. 1, e 61 -'l -TwnJ scoo for 00 rthat Company, be i 2nagor• for his , las:orors $aiee:•, Hlark_ I 'i+y`.^:• .. P:a__ra:cr. ..-. .. ,.. . - .. ,_...... .._tions CLeito E'r_:.,ean, o+avz,r one , ..:* ra ,._ :aFY:ena arra:e-te. tvphena, cn^r 2 a N0�=1•if'7 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Cr(y of Paducah July 1, 1941 of property at 2906,1.7ashington Strects, I'ms, Ruth ;:'atson Rogers, owner of unnumbered j lot, being approximately 29th and '.:aahington Street, The Tradin Corporation, a corp- I! oration by Ezolle Lackey, its President, o%vner of lot on ;'lashington Street on 29th and 30th., all in the City of Paducah, NeCrackon County, Bentucky, filo with the Mayor and Board of Commissioners a petition, representing that each of the above named parties II ,is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition; and said parties petition the Llayor and Board of Commissioners for the extension of a water main along :ashington Street, beginning at the end of the existing six inch main on 'Washington near 29th Street, and extending to a point 400 feet :lest of the existing main. The Trading Corporation and Ruth Watson Rogers own unimproved propertyi and each have paid to the Paducah Yater Works t(ie sum of Eighteen ($18.00) Dollars plus j the tax, which is the agreed rental for a period of two years from the completion of ,said water main. j It appears from the endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah Water Works that said request and petition comply with the franchise provisions and requirement. I, THEREFORE, 14OVE that the petition of Cleve McLean and others named herein be received and filed and that the Paducah Water Works, through its Board of Commissioners, be authorized to extend a water main along Washington Street, beginning at the end of the existing aix inch main on Washington near 29th., street, a distance of 400 feet, so as to provide vrater service to the above described property on 'Washing- ton Street. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of the recuest contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of ;the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the ranchise on the pipe lino and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin when said water main has been laid and water provided for on said section of ;ashlnrton Street. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Black- � --orinn, Pulliam and Vayor Lackey (5). ::star !c•Sn Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: D. T. Cooper, ownor of extennior ^cae_t at 3238 Iildison Street Thomas E. Ronson ovster of s la, dlsor, Ct p y , , proncrLy at 32,8 Madison 5 32nd to 34th rest Edward Lht orrieu owner of � p , property at 3431 t:adlson StreoL, Grover Nave, owner ;.arty at 32:2 Eadison :Street, Yattie L. Edwards, owner of property at 3237 Tbcmaa �;. 3aller, owner of property at 3243 Madison itreet, Harry —t:', owner of property at 3247 t:adison Street, George C. Baker, owner of property at ::trent and Lr,•s. Sar!Se 3tono Snook, owner of property at 3250 Kadisen Jtr-et In th,!:Sty of Paducah, MnCreeken County, Kentucky, file with the E'ayor and i_ecr? of ^c Iaaicnera a petition, representing that each of the above named I;arties Is t:.9 oar:%•:• % th r•r.pective pro^^rry roforrarl t.o In said potation; and tint said partiea Lnt11.1^.n t •• ! 7 :md Poar:; of rerrIlaainr:ara to authorize the laying of a six j .'ch rater rat.*. e.. �:L.. ,. ...rent, taz+e^n .'.2nd and 34th :etre„Cs, a d.lstuncc of ai;-oxirm'.1ly 7 , L. !.:y L:f.• ,ri o1 Cam^1.:c:inn•.rs of the i Fa [.,^e:: .'At -'r '4rr..3 :-.G': al._ -egadst aa!I .. .:n r•r.r--.: Sea 's.ith theh+ � :'rant sa prcivislotN vr. r,f D. T. Co>per rr others named is rci.. -_ ... _._ of y ani. sIx Ir.eY: _._.In .... !'a Is on ....rent, batw,!on sand adi .._.._-.a_ ot, a., as to .rr,i•�_ water aervice No. 447 Proceedings of Board o: Commisa loners City of Paducah _ to the lots abutting on Madison "trooty between 32nd and 34th streets. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and tlx granting of the request contained in said petition be considered as an agrorment on 'the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise on the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, !said rentals to begin when said water main has been laid and water provided for on said section of Madison Street. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners /Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Member of Fire Dept., Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of R. Ray Wilkins, to attend State Train Ing School Chief of the Fire Department, addressed to Mr. James P. Smith, requesting that the City of Paducah be represented by a member of the Fire Department at a training school to be held under the auspices of the Kentucky Civil Defense Commission be received and I filed, and that the City Managor be authorized to select a member of the Fire Dopartmon to attend such school. Adopted on call of the roll; Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). On motion meeting adjourned. CITCIT LC��RK