HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 408, April 15, 1941No__A08 _ Proceedings of—BOARD DR COMMI83IONER3 Ciry of Paducah APRIL 15, 1991 __ __ At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 15th day of April, 1941, Commissioner Pulliam presided as Mayor pro tem in the absence of Mayor Lackey, and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Baker,•Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Payroll -1st Commissioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the first half of April, half April 1941, be allowed in the amount of $19,731.56, and the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by check drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; / Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor Pro tem Pulliam (4). Elks Convent] Commissioner Baker offered motion that the sum of $25.00 be appropriated by the ion nnpropri- City of Paducah for the purchase of an ad in the program to be published by the Elks j ated $<^5.00 Club'. at its Convention to be held in Paducah on May 25th, 26th and 27th, and that the } amount so appropriated be charged to the Contingent Fund set aside in the Apportionment Ordinance In the year 1941. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners .Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). City Employ-/ Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the City Manager make an investigat- ees unemploy- ion as to the advisability of paying to municipal employees the benefits provided under ment insurance City Mgr. to the Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Law, and report to this Board his recommendation as Investigate to whether or not the City of Paducah should elect to accept for the benefit of its employees the provisions of this law. . Adopted on call of the roll: J Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). Irvin Cobb's Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the City Manager be requested to write donation of La exit to Irvin 3. Cobb and express to him the gratitude and appreciation of all of our LagQh_ng"- City h'P P. to citizens for his generosity in donating to the Carnegie Library of •Paducah the original acknowledge manuscript of his autobiography, "Exit Lau:hang". I feel that this proof of his love and affection for his native city should be ,7rat4fully acknowledged by the Board of Commissioners, who rejoice in the success and popularity of one of our "Home BoyS", who has become an outstanding success in his chosen profession. Adopted on call of the roll: Yona; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tam Pulliam (4). Msyor pro tam Pulliam offered motion that the report of W. F. Anderson, 3troat :tru._ t L,^ pt. , Larch r^:port guperintordent, for the month of March, 1941 be received. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comminalon"ra Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tam Pulliam (4). 0rd3nvr.ee ' )toyor pro tam Pulliam offerad the following motion: I move that an ordinance accepting bid entitled: "ATP ORDIITANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE BID OF KRUG-THOMAS MOTOR �• Kr:y,-T:nm- ae on fluahar CCLPANY FOR ^II?h' LEA"^ING TO THE CITY O? PADUCAH, Y.i314TUCKY, FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR 2.941 C' A 37REET FLUSHER AND INTFRNA";IONAL CAB OVk1i LNGINE K-8 MOTOR TRUCK FULLY h:i.:IP}ED, AND AUTHORIZING THE AFkhOPHIATION 0 THE :JUN NOT EXCEIiDING $1,700.00, THE ;;AyP' TO EL CIAP.GED AS A PART OF ,T.iE CURRENT D%'FART.tLNTAL F.XI'TiNSF IN THE YEAR 19.11 FOR ?IE F.KA31.lr OF SAID FLUSHER AND EQUIPMENT DURING THE I(EMAINDEH 0, :;AID YEAR, PRO:'1DING Ci-ICN3 FUR Cie REI;,_)gAL G? 3A.D 1EASE OV JANUARY 1, 1942 AND JAIiUARY 1, 1943; PHESCRIB- ". TF2 C t;L:Tl0N2 UaL_R ki!1:H THE Clii MALL BECOME: THE OWNER OF 3A1D U.'A:;ED MOPr.RTY; ASD AC7F"iZ:5; AND E92POa s;ING JAYE3 P. :iMITH, CITE UANAGER, () SIGN ON BEHAL: OF THE =? A .::ASE, ^f.0-p.ACT ASD C•? -CI YfiP HE L .^IIIG Oe-"AIDL Z ER A1;D ...(L' E U"? cv I FIbLW , be ad_;_tc:, A:nrted _n call o t.*.e roil: Yeae; rocaiaaionera Baker, Blac;;'c,.arn and Payer Fro tem Pulliaa (3, 7eaa; Co=iasi_r.•.r Lcrion (1). rvo. 40B _ ' Proceedings of BOARD OF_ COMMISSIONERS City of Paducah APRIL 15, 1941 & April 17,1941 VI.- . Traffic lights at 7th & Mayor pro tem Pulliam offered the following motion: Z''nshington and 6th & Plash- .The Fiscal Court having requested that a mechanical traffic light be installed at the ington - City Manager to investigate intersection of 7th & Washington Streets, and it appearing that a light may be required at this intersection or at 6th & Hashington Streets because of the heavy traffic upon • said streets; I move that the matter be referred to the City Manager for the purpose of an investigation in order to determine whether the additional lights, if any, should be placed, and that he report his recommendation to this board at its next regular meeting. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor pro tem Pulliam (4). On motion meeting adjourned. ( i i ADOPTED a)�j�,-A "��t�.� ,1941 APPROVED: -G SAA Y R CI'PY`C h At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners Chamber at the �'ity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the 17th day of April,1941, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor "ackey stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of adopting Resolution requesting the Board of Education to file budget for the year l 1941, and to transact any other business that may come properly before the meeting. 'i Mayor Lackey offered motion that a resolution entitled: Rasolation requesting Bd.� "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ItEtiTUCKY of Education to file Bus➢et for 1941 TO FILE ':LITH THE CITY CLERK A COPY OF ITS BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1941", be a:iopted. Adopted on cull of the roll: Yeas; Commisnion•+rs Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and :payor Lackey (5). On motion meoting adjourned. ADOi"f�:i �J 1. ^• = aL')_� � ,1941 r APPROVED:_ IIaY�k `�'-