HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 390, March 11, 1941NO. 300 Proceedings of Doard Of Conniasioners City of Paducah (larch 11, 1941 Petition - Littleville r^silents 'esolutlons on the Oenth o_" former b'nyor Ernest . ckey 1 At a regular mactinC of the Board of Com:aissloncra hold .in the i3 a Commissioners Chambor at the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.m. on the n 11th day of Parch, 1WI1, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the followln; ;1. answered to their names: ro;misatoncra Baker, Blackbulm, Dorian, Pulliam and !Payor Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meet.ingsr:orc adopted as read. li Commissioner Biker offered motion that the petition sighted by Chester clack, of al, residents of the Littleville Addition to the City of ?Bducah, requesting improvements of streets, curbs and gutters, inatallation of street markers and speed limit signs be received and filed, and that the matter be referred to the r iCity i!ana,•-or for his recommendation. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Coamissloners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the following (resolution be adopted: ':f.:8REAS, our Ilcavonly Father, in his wisdom, has removed from the activities of this life and called to a higher life our friend and fellow citizen, lion. Ernest Lackey, former 14ayor of this city and the father of our present Mayor, Hon. Pierce B. Lackey; and, C, -LI AS, it has never been the custom of the logislative body of the City of Paducah to adopt resolutions in memory of former officials who have distinguished themselves as public sorvan ts, but it now seems especially fittingthat we should cxpreas through the records of the city our approciation of Mr. Lackey rs services, together with the high esteem in which he was held by all of his acquaintan- ces; and, VMIML'AS, bafore moving the adoption of these resolutions, it would be well to call to mind the achievements which made for Lir. Lackey a record that will long be remembered. Game of these achievements are as foilows: I.1•. Lackey sponanred and it was largoly through his tireless o:'rorta that there was constructo;l in the city a syatom of otz•cut paving by which a nurni..;• n:' nain struts were connected with t.ho „tate and Federal hil-hways. La was :rr.ir• >;ntal in hnoinr a,'opted an ordinance crantinr; and establishing a City Plan- nin^ and Zonin7 Co:r_:isalon. It was also durin•; ills u'-1lnlsLrutlon that tho City became the purchnser of the waterworks sysL-cm. All of his achievements havo not only benefits' t?:e pre -ant (_ar._ratlon but will be pnssod on to Lo enjoyed by future g,enarett- Sora. it:^sa and :zany other worthwhile projects which were ur crtaken and co:npletm during his n•irinlstrr":4n rill! be lasting monuments to his forw�olCht end sound i1 ;, Ira`Csi jul,men r,. In ail p` t'c ofiicini Position:+ to ...1,711:i Lnckay rrr..a called, � ho anifeated a :.n:an _::t—f—nt. in-lninr• the thins Li:at h:.: :'or tt.a.ir objeot ttea Fen we'.ft+re of ,y... ., o,tr c•Itizenn. Hc wn; a Tann o w:qunatli�n�..._, inton;•ity urea rot i once :ar..-1- 1,4 Is ent1 ._•:lin, !+van oa lntttatticn .: legit u-rn Mlo iia : a,t, r. :e, w• r. v ry in•n+at.rIoils r11d t:'' ,*y on•1 talents in the 80 .. If fh•i ','Ity that :.,, r:at nnlg atlr�ired t+;�- fins political .. ... _. _. .i:i-roatne ' _ a:ul a trtrue.... .. _... .. .. .. � .tet, NO._. a2ll — _. Proceedings of 3oard of Commissioners Cary cf Paducah tinrch 11, 1941 I thorefore move the adoption of the fol.lowinL resolutions: I "That in the death of the lion. Ernest Lackey, farmer Wayor of the .City of Faducah, the city has lost one of its most valuable and loyal citizens, and tha� Ivo, as members of the Board of Commisalonern, express throuZ!h this record our heartfelt) sympnthy to the bereaved members of the family; that a copy of these rosolutiona be sent to the family, and one to the newspaper, and that a page in the ordinance book be net aside in 1r. Lackey's memory, and that those resolutions be inscribed thereon' Adorted on call of the roll: leas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Pulliam (; ). 2'ayor Lncicey not vgtin,,7. of Commisnioner Blackburn offered motion that the request of the - r.- _card of Equalizers for an extension of time be received and filer), and that the Board . ..-`�1 be given to and including ),arch 31st, 1941, within which to complete its work of onualizinC tax asseaaments for the year of 1941. Adopted on call of the roll: `!ens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pullinm and 1.:ayor Lackey (5). Commission^.r Dorian offered motion that the attached additional n r.^•titions of citizens of the City of Paducah requesting the Board of Conndasioners to give consideration to the inauguration of a Garbage Collection System in the city be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: leas; Commissioners Baker, i Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and layor Lackey (5). y _. ro- Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of Dr. C. E. Reddick, •,'ren County Health officer, stating that the occupational and auto license fees ;aid by 1s. L. J. Goad should be refunded to him be received and filed, and the City y 1•ane.7er havin- approved the refund of such fees, I further move that the City irer3:ror be directed to r..fund to the said L. J. Goad the sum of :;`:20.G0 paid by him .or an a-eupstional license and the further sum of 05.00 for the auto ,license paid , ar,id numn to be refunded upon his surrender of his licenses to the City .adopted on call of the roll: Yons; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, r. '!nyor r.accoy (5). Llayor Lackey offered motion that the City of Paducah expand the - .. d^.':7 for a one paella ad in the program.' o:' the 3entor Clara; Play to be liven ry'n Aerrlony, c :— �h,t tic amount no c.;ponded be ch,,rlead to the city's . to Dwiatl.ons uncior the Apportionment Crolinacca for 19.1 Ate; t.e•! r... o.,.._isnion;rs Lakcr, Blackburn, Sorlon, F%illlwa and r tah he . In14mi Crack be : to this board his rfc•- . lttlr should be a-capt> . motion t.l,at Lonnie ;talker's lett-0," "a*ch e of the old ntrcet car bridge eve 1., 7'win-cr be I r•zeated to rt .. ,.. i,. the Lula as se•_ out in I roll: Yconl '1V .'i;t. . ..•:'P.; i