HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 39, March 28, 1938Proceedings of Losd of Corrlasion ,• . City cf Paducah I•:arch 20, 1938 '
At a re;-ular meotln;- of the :ioard of Cotw.nissloners hcl•_. in the Can.:niosionors'
Chnmb.nr at the Clty 'fall, l-aducah, I:entucky, at 2:30 O'clock PX.., on the 23th day of
:'srch, 1038, Commissioner Bank presided an I.:ayor pro tom in the absence of (.:ayor Wash -
turn and upon call of the roll the follor,in•- answered to their names: Com^riasionoro
::?lton, Pulliam, Stub lefield and •.ayor Pro tem Rank (4).
?7lnutes of the previous meetings :^ere aaoptorl as res%i.
Commis.ion-r b:clton offared the follocdn^ motion: The Loard of Con:rlr.:aener:
trolman .:heliourne
reinstated hovin heretofore foi=i patrolman Robert Shelbourne to be •-uilty of chnrgos of mis-
..•:••1 ".e•.,is S• Chester
c" :._ -o ^ort-oned
conduct preferred agalnst him, and having assessed as a penalty for ouch violation
Of the rules and rogulotions governinG the conduct of policemen suspended him from
Y 1 duty without pay, and ^:hich suspension was to continue until the lot day of June, 1930
I no:, move that said period of suspension be terminated as of this date, and that the
said patrolman, Robert Sholbourne, be restored to service and to duty ofteetive from
en -7 after L`ia doto. Adopted on call of the roll: leas; Cocrmlaolonrrs i'elton, ;tnb-
olofield and ::ayor Pro tem Hanle (3). flays; Commisaionor Pulliam (1).
f:ayor pro tem Ilnn'r. offered motion that the notice for a hearing on chnrgeo
against :'url Le•:•ia and Cheater iltevens for revocation of licenses to enCaCe in business
qat or near 13th L llarri:on street be received and filed, and that the trial thereof
be continued to the nett reyvlar meeting of the 2oard of Conmisrioners at 2 o'clock
?.i:. on f::onday, April 4, 1938, because of the illnesa of the respondent, Cheotor
^yens, arho is unable to be present at the trial of this time. Adopted on call of
-.c roll: Yeas; Commis--iow-rs :.:clton, Pulliam, dt-ub_l:flcld incl ::ayor pro tem frank (4)
dryer pro tom f?ank offered motion that the communication from the Zaard of
E uca'.1on of the City of Pac'ucah, transmittin.- copy of a roaolutlon adopted by said
%oars of FAucatlon approving the awardinZ of a contract for the construction of bulld-
1 additions to Arcadia Junior iii_,h School in thi: city to ?•:e:rnes -Fz .;ons
e. - ucah, ICentu^l:y, at its bid of -23,100.00, b3 received and filed, ar:.i that furtho:
I notion t,croon be deferred until such Lid may be a -,roved by the r'o::aria-cr.�;•;;ency
A!frilr.istra° inn of 'nU_li^_ .:orlts. ;.dootorl on call of the roll: Yeas; Co;, Lseioners
on, iullir-I, :;tvb.:leflcld and .;nyor rro tcn :innk (4).
!'r..,er P. t..^ i:nnk ofiorod the follorlln,., motion: I aov^ that :h•cn thio neotin';
't be sdjourne.d until 2 o'clock P.;'.., on ..elncsdny, :arch 30,
4p t••:9 on 11 0, th" roll: Ycas; Coln:1s'Lon-rn 9:elI on, P1.1111MI, ;',t, -ib lo: Lnl,l and