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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 379, February 11, 1941NO.— Z^n - .-.. - - _.-
Proceedings of nerd of Com:.isaIonera-City of ?ad acah_
At a rc,;ular moctin_' of she Board of Commissionary held in the Commission -
Ora Chamber at the Cit;; 71811, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.N. on the 11th day
of='ebrunry, 1941, kayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll t'hc following
answered to their names:. Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor
Lackey (5).
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
v� Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of T. A. Liiller, Master Com -
City Fropertg
°ales-..^.anka^ missioner of the LicCracken Circuit Court, dated February 6th, 1941, be received and
"n .c to 'I
7 t ., roe_ filed end that the Board of Commissioners express by and through the official records
CIty of the City of Paducah its thanks to T. A. Miller, The Paducah Sun -Democrat, Raymond
aattori^e:7 t:a Cb=xznark, Circuit Court Clerk, ,. P. Foezor, former Circuit Court Clerk, Charles A.
costs on Rott;ering, Sheriff of :.cCracken County, Y.entucky, and T. A. Miller, John Doyl, L. L.
Dowr:ey and S. E. IIynum, Appraisers appointed by said Commissioner, for thele
cooperation in agreeing to accept one-half of the costs of Court and expenses of sale
in nineteen (19) tax suits wherein the coats of court and sale expense exceed the
s purchase price for the properties sold in said action, and which agreement has
resulted in a saving to the city in,the sum of approximately $347.00.
I further move that the City Treasurer be authorized to immediately pay
j! to the ;caster Corrimdssioner the sale price for the property purchased by the city,
° torether with one-half of the costs in each of the aforesaid suits.
Adopted on call of the roll: `leas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and
g Mayor Lackey (5).
Petition- ldayor Lackey offered motion that the petition presented to the Board and
:tccoir. is
f p G siene9 by r osidents in Lincoln Sleights be received and filed and referred to the City
1'rnager .or investigation and action. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
Corgi cicners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and 7.'ayor Lackey (5).
ice ,^ken ^c Mayor i.ackey offered motion that the 31xth Annual Report of the 1, Cracken
Fecilth D?gnrtmcrt ."or the year 1940 be recelvod. Adopted on call of
!ase; Cormiasion-:rs Baiter, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and, rayor Lackey (5)
Y•mi�";':;1 r' ('��,:r Lackey offered motion that the resignation of Dr. Vernon Blythe
Housir:- Co
Dr. Blyiaet:r ..., nr. r n: t c Pnr4,icah 1'unicipal Housin;- Commission :,o raceived, necented and
ilr ar. thr)t, the . ;nrl extend to Dr. 'lythe its sincere thanks for his pc.ticnt^ in cnrryln- the protect through to its present aucceasful peaition:
rn11: YO aa; Ca::.rnissionera Bnkor, Blackturn, Dorlsn, rulliam I
_..:n•y o:'7 • r:..1 ;r. t6ia,t the vacancy on the Paducah ':un_'cipsl I
rr:n of Dr. !anon Blythe be filled by Dr. i
o rnll: Yens; Coraiaalonora pakcr, '