HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 376, February 4, 1941NO L70,
Proceedings of P.oard of Commiaai oners City of Paducah Fabnkau 4. 1941
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the
Co-nissioners Chamber at the City liall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on tt:c
4th day of February, 1941, i.Fayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the ,
�follovin- anzwored to their names: Commissioners fa::or, Blackburn, Dorian,
Pdlliam and l.:ayor Lackey (5).
Minutos of previous meeting adopted as read.
Commissioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the last
Pr^rill-grist Jan.1941 ihalf of January, 1941 be allowed in the amount of $9693.62, and that the Oity Treasurer
j be authorized to pay same by check drawn on the General Fund. Adapted on cull of
�jl the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5).
Poar:l of ,;qual_1zation
.� Commissioner Pulliam offered the folliwinl^ motion:
granted oxtentlon to
k:arch 1, 1941
r The Board of Equalizers having requested an extens..on of time in order to proporly
arrive at the fair and equal valuation of property in the City of Paducah for
purposes of taxation, and requesting that an extension be granted until 6!areh lot;
1 move that the request of the Board of Equalizers be received
and filed, and that the present session of said Board be extended to and including
the 2Bth day of February, 1941, in which to complete their work and hear complaints
and dispose of all mattera to be presented to said Board. Adopted on call of the
G6roll: Yeas; Commissioners Balser, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5).
^_aim a' F. P. Feezor
V mayor Lackey offered the following motion: 1:r. F. P. Foezor,
-r) Ined
former Clerk of the McCracken Circuit Court, having; filed In the action of City of
Paducah va. J. Fort Abell, at al., a motion for a rule against the plaintiff, City of
Paducah, to show cause why it should not be required to pay the sum of $1643.55 for
p the Clerkls costs in said action and in the ten' (10) actions consolidated therewith
under an order of said Court entered on February 24, 1939;
And said Clerk having thereafter consented to the accgptance
of the sum of $500.00 in settlement by compromise of his claim agninst the City on
account of tiny and all costs which may be payable to him in said notion up to this
date, an,! a7rocinc that the balance of his bill nmountinn to '.51143.55 may be Arid from
the pose—I., or of r --al ostnto In those caaen x:herein orders o:' dirtri:ution
have not . 11 .. :.t .•. , and also by coots of coiwt collceted by the City Woaauror
wren tax suits n- led before tic property in sold;
And the Court hr_vinc ord<:red rind dlru: ted T. A. Miller, Mastor
Cc n favor of the acid F. P. Feezor the sum of ,_.GO ,,,hen the
_. nae rk:r_ra an order of :Ustribution zi11 b• .. .'ter
. .. ... i,utl:oI`ized utrjor said oY'3.: :" to cell,1. ... .. .. .. .
pets' : .. . __.^d Ir. .. ,....... -. , :.cttnn the num of ,62.50 when ..... ., .... - ,
the saw. to be
1 .:Ave t ::!, ... 1 c airs offer l..
im .,!ah pay o0 in se t1; _
•.^.lrcc:.'wn ., i•lur:, ...lam and A=.a•vor :.. ,.
NO._ _. _ - _.
Proceedings of .3anr': of cornion toners Cify of ?ad scab_—_"mal_ A._1941._—
Mrs. ? rancea
IZayor Lnelcoy offered motion that the letter of Mrs. brance3
1I.Creuse's " Iierott Crouse dated Pobruary 3, 1941 be received and filed, and that Lira, Crouso's
offer on lot'
"t C cffer of b1,350.00 f.m ti -ie property located at 7r52.0 Kontucky Avenue be accepted.
an call of the roll: Yea_, Comnisaloners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and
ar Lackey
Jr�!s^r:ee Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that an
"6ID I.... ERTY SHALL BE SOLD", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas;
^.o L,_Invioncrs Pt:ke.r, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Itnyor Lackey (5).
!Dr -' "itJ Vr Mayor Lnckcy offered motion that the report of Dr. S. L. Polk,
r•rort ^.eloped city physician, for the mond: of January, 1941, be received. Adopted on
-...'_ of the roll: Yeas; Comrdsaion^ra Baker, Zlac::Lurn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor
Commissioner Blac%burn offered motion that the City Treasurer
cc authorized to furnish Mrs. Gladys Colter free a 1941 auto license tag to take the
-lice of the one destroyed when the automobile of said ;•h•a. Coker was turned.
god on call of the roll: Yeas; Commiaaioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam
Lackey (5).
/ Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that the
( petition of Curtis Langston and his wife, Erna Earle Langston, to connect a three-
-0 fo,_rrh^ inch :rater line to a privately owned eater line, now existing between the
-,n of Reed and 13th. 3ti3eets and the Cairo 'load for the supply of crater for
hea3ehold and domestic purposes to n residence now under construction to be occupied
,h.� petitioner, Curtis Langston, and his rife, 1x3 received and filed.
It anncarinq f:st the petition is endorsed by the Commission -
as meetin_, t?:c roquiromonta of petitions for water for porsona
-.. ., `,:�e r,rr•r+^rte lintta of the City of Pnducah, I nave t'.lnt the request
... - .. .:r.t Curtin Langston and Edna Eerie Lnnraton be nerralt-
•1.;:pe line from the Cairo R•:ad from a point in or
. - . nce; and that avatar be tixr<:after furr,is?.od them,
and agreed, however, that nothin, in the j
tltioa shall be construed tD obli-ate the
... - • r '.:orka, to buy, mr,intt.ir. or hi
.. .. ,�,-..r.ed pipe line to be n _ _... ;;g .,:t:tlon-I
in, tho ;grantin:' o:' , quest, con- I
"Inenh or Its
_. cr any
r bo
NO -5711
Proceedings of Board of Commissirnacra City of Paducah :•`ebruary 4 1941
"l:ief endwce Statue-
.c;alcy rble fi
Grnnitc Co., to ma'ro
inacrlp:ior. on oars
Co:maiasion,�r Dorian offered the follcwlnn motion: the Iioo.Loy
i arble ec-Oranits ::'orks havin^ agreed to writo an inscription upon the status of Chief
jFaduke located at 19th Fc Jefferson Streets without cost to the City;
I :cove that the City of Paducah accept the offer of the Beaaley
?:arble Fz Crnnite Works, and that the inscription be written to read on follows:
"Chief Paduke for whom Gen. William Clark named Paducah". Adopted on call of the
roil: Yeas; Commisaionoro Eiker, Unckburn, Dorian, Pulliam a•:d Yoyor Lackey (5).
✓✓✓✓�� Moyer Lackey offered the following motion: It appearing from
National Life& Accident the statement made by the General Agent of the National Life and Accident Insurance
Company - pennIty on
license waived
Company that on January 31st, 1941, he inquired at the office of the City Treasurer
�qas to the amount of the license fee which his company is required to pay, as well as
tlthe time whon such license would become delinquent, and through some miaunderotanding
either on his part or on the part of clerk in the Finance Office, he uniorstood that
such license might be paid on February 3rd without penalty;
I move that the City Treasurer be authorised to issue to said
Company a license for the year 1941 without requiring the payment of a penalty.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor
kackey (4). Nay; Commissioner Pulliam (1).
On motion meeting Adjourned.
"�sJ \\?�1941 APYIOVGD�
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