HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 35, March 16, 1938NO. `$
�onrd of Commissioners :,:;rah Jr.197,3
Proceedings of City of Paducah —
:t a call mooting of the Lonrd of Commla•.ioners held in the Com-
miasioners' Chamber at the City 'Sall, Paducr_h, Kentu6ty, at 2:30 otclocl: P.I.I., on the
16th day of :.:arch, 1939, Commic-ioner flan:: pronlded as Layer pro ton in the ab -once of
:dsyor ,.nahturn and upon call of the roll the follw.in�: anav:cred to their names:
jConmiszlonera I.:elton, tulliarn, tubLlefiold and }.ayor pro tem Flank (4).
M.9yor pro tom hank stated reason for call, to -,.-.,it; :or the purpose
of allowin, pnjroll for the fir:!t one-half of Ibarch,1938 and transact any other
jbusiness t'•,at may come properly before the meeting.
Audit of City oath- Comain,ioner MxUC offered the following :notion: Pur:,uant to tho
orineri to be putliah-,
aw requirements of 3eetion 5235-dd-39 Kentucky 3tatutes,G I move thr:t the result of the
annual audit of all the accounts of the City of Paducah for the year 1037, prepared
�by Yeager E:::hito, be published in the official newspaper and in pamphlet form as
required Ly said law. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:mnl,-coloncrs ::clton,
Pullirm, 3tubLIefield and 1•iayor pro tem Hank (4).
Gulf Refining Company Commla:ioncr Hank offered the following motion: The Gulf Refining
lease to be nranted
Comrany having proposed to the City of Paducah to lease, for a period of ten (10)
years, with privilege of renewal for five (5) additional years, that certain descript-
ion of property lying between the end of Elizabeth street and the Tennessee River and
Island Creek, and being property that was conveyed to the City of Paducah by E. Palmer
and his wife in 1895, with privilege to the City to exercise the ri-ht of inCrens and
e;;resn over said property to the Tennessee River and Inland Creek, and it appearing to
the satisfaction of the £card of Commla:aonera that it is in the $ublic Interest to
make such lease,- I now move that a lease be, and the same is hereby authorized to bo
made between the City of Paducnh and the Gulf Rc ming Company, by which said property
;commencing at the point approximately 170 feet Eastwar:9ly from the East lin: of Third
istroct an- the worth line of Elizabeth street, extender, -_n:i as shown in ar:id deod of
E. Palmer to the City of Paducah, for a period of ten (10) years, ,„ith privilege rener.-
al of an a+r'ition::l parlod or five (5) yearn at an u.creed rental to be expresoc1 in
�iaai; lease, be authorized and approved; but the City of raducuh will retain the ri;;ht
to use sr.id p:•operty In such ::ay an not to interfore rith the use ther.of by the Gulf
Co: nr_y. :opted on cell of the roll: Yoas; Conunlasionora Llclton, Pulliam,
r.n: .yor pro Lea 11ank (4).
Co=I.q ion:r Pulliam offorcd ^otion that U. 3. -±n^gra map
.. :n❑ .” and "C" of the Elood 'wall lrarrov:- r:t r,r•,.j ^t of theCity of
^ivednnrd referred to t.. l', l:c}:urra
..'.oat^. or..Ell of 1,110 ro'_. i:, ,.•��.. ..;t0r. 1
}. _ t�:a honk (4). +
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