HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 34, March 14, 1938Nom_
Proceedings of leard of Go:c is^:acr_r CIly of Paducah ;:nrch 14, 1930
At n ulor maotin,_• of the board of Commisalonrra hold in the
^o=ln..Iorers' Chambar nt the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.M., on the
14th day of !!arch, 1939, Commissioner Hank prosi'ed an mayor pro tem in the abs•;nce of
�"i,-or V.as'b�irn, and upon ce.'_1 of the roll the follov!inC, answered to their nnmos,
1!oraIn: loners Halton, tulliam, Stubblefield and :'ayor pro tem Iiank (4).
I:Inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Commissioner l.elton offered motion that application for license to
ratril bear a,,^.d li•-ht wines to the follo-:ing applicant be received and filed and held
"until the next ro--ular meatlnC Cor final approval:
She I7arkot Feer Gordon, by Kr. L.O,TTallccr, 133 S. 2nd
:.dopted on call of the roll: leas; Cosacionioners '.lelton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and
.:syor pro tem Hank (4).
i.'.:.R.R.Co. , Co:rxUaaioner ZZelton offered the following motion: I move that the
Iletter received from the Illinois Central Railroad Company be received and filed and
referrad to the City Yanager. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners
Lolton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and l..ayor pro tem Hank (4).
Commissioner Melton offered the follocfinr. motion: Yamie K.Lhealer
- n and numerous other p^titioners, having petitioned the city for an extension of crater
sero alon,- Forest Circle from Sycamore Drive on the North to Sycamore Drive on the
mouth, a li3tance of aroroximately 1457 feet, and it appearing from said petition that
t:he petitioners a^ree in �-riting and bind themaelven to pay for water at the price
_ivni,nt to three (3) consumers for each 300 feet of such :•rater main for a period of
^; ^.ars,- i ror move that caid petition be received and filed and that the
-.:•rs of �::nter ',:orks be authorized, empowered and instructed to extend said
In by the iso of a six (G) inch main on Forest Circle from Sycamore Drive or.
... ::orth to .ycamore Drive on the South, a dliatnnee of approximately 1457 feet, and
of :aducnh aZrees and binds itself by the adoption of this motion to pa;; the
r -:ails as -reviled for in said franchise; said payments to comrmonee wbon
.n hnc be n lair? an•- wrt�-r has b^,n turnol into name. Adopted on aa -ll
i,,: ion r 1 7',elton, Pulliam, Stubulcfiold end Iinyor pro tom I?ank
ji. Poli