HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 33, March 9, 1938NO
Proceedings of - : of Cw A. iloncre City of Paducah L:nrch 0, 1053
Itt a cnl.l m -tin_ of the !:oard of Corunlosionnrs hcl(l I% the
C1m.xr ct the City Hull, ra lueah, Kentucky, at 3:30 o'Cloe?c P.::., on the 9th dny of
'.:orcin, 1038, 1:':ynr •Tashi;urn preal:'ed and upon call of the roll the follocang answered
{ to thelr name:: Conimissioncrn riank, Llelton, Pullle,m, Stub--.,lefield and :_ yor IJnahburn
?:ayor Y%ashbnrn stated reason for call, to-•ait: For the nim;ose of
considering• bids for const -uction rued additions to TilChman Ni;:h School.
/ 9
CChoo1 jPayor ••r.ahburn offerod the fo1lo:,inT motion: 'ids for the construction
co t,,. t a...a r^a
ocl. City Conntr. of b.,ildln•-s and additions to Au,-urta Til,r.nan MF?i 3ahool havin;- been recnived .:n
'Pebruary 25th and rcferre) to G. Tandy .with, Architect, for inspection and report
hand he ha -:in roported that !Tock City Construction Company of Ilashville, Tennessee
�;"'as the lo,. -.,est and best bider, and ita bid being 180,858.00, and the Hoard of
Education of the City of Paducah having approved said bid and recora;endecl that it be,
Qacccptxci,- I now move thr.,t the bid of the rock City Construction Company for
;1180,858.00 for the construction of tuildSnuo and ad.3tions to Au 7usta Tilghman
pIUh School pursuant to the plans, specifications and. contract papeva attached th,.reto
Vbe now approved and that said contract be awar5ed to said Ladder an: that the execution
thereof be and the same is horeLy or:Jered and approved. Adooted on call of the roll:
lean; Com,ninn,oners -Hank, ;Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and I._ayor •Iashb,u•n (5).
Terroll - V Commissioner Pulliam offeree: the followin;- motion: Algernon -Glair
^,o�.. ;tc . no'cice
:c-c �Company of l.:ontZomory, Ala., contractors for the Paducah Post Offico, hsvin^ omployed
J. C. Terrell, n citizen of Paducah and more than 21 yccvro of a -e, as aooc.inl catch -nn
and -u.ard at its pro^erty in Paduenh, and ha•:in_ petltioned that the said J. C.
Terrell Lc ;_.rented police pow-rz,- I no':' move that the said J. C. Terrell be ,.rantccl
f orrers as such v:atchrtan an' --uard for and on bnl',nl^ of Alccrnon-nlair Con -any
to nerve :rltaout conrcnaatlon fron the City of=nlucaz, _-•ndir;; uon his co:.:-1;Ing
_"n the recuirccwnts of an or:linDneo rplatin, to tho jrr _ and c*:. ,no of police
.:'opted ;.y the City of 1'nducah on the l:':, . f' dr
l.oni a' furni::hed by said em:•1oy,r l'or an:? on _.._ ... Troll.
cin cell of iiia roll: earn, Co,a-.isaionern 11nnk, "''ton, Pull.i,.�., .,, _,.leficld
and ,rn (: ).
._-r.ioner Pulliam oi'fercd motion tact the lett :•..z. to the
oc this date by :Iuntcr Joncs :c. ny and H. II.
1 _ the privllc,e of p;,:..• ._ of pnaic
of Paducah, bo rocely; r -purl
.. n.ny ni,i
_ r c, . „ _ . - t•, , ; Held