HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 32, March 7, 1938Proceed174s of "card of CoTri<nlonrr= Ciiy of Paducah i arch 7, 1932
At a rc.-ular meetin• of the ward o:' Conraiar.Icners hold in the
^o:.:•ic-`.,n,:rs Chom'cr at the City Ball, Paducah, ::on -.tic` -y, at 5 o'clock A".1%, on the
7th dr.; of !:arch, 1_.'..', i'nyor '::ash.burn presi•tcd and upon call of the roll the follor,lnu
anoe:ere' to their names: Corniio:•ioners Itanl:, :.:elton, Pulliam, :ltub::lofield and :!nyor
..,._..Lunn (5).
;sautes of the previous meet nga were a6opted an read.
-oinmi::ion^r 1•:clton offered motion that a licenoo to sell at
r -_t -ll beer and li ht va nes be 5rantod to the follovr_ng applicant, upon proper pRymcnt
to the City Treasurer be approved:
Arthur PerL-lns, 514 No. 12th St.
:."opted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co=issloners Pan'.t, Kelton, Pulliam, 3tu_.1011cld
an, : nvor C:nrb.bu_rn (5).
Corsnlzsioner Ltciton offered motion that a license to sell at
r^tsil b or and li ht :canes be granted to the follo::in^ applicant, upon proper payment
to the City _rea urcr be approved:
7onty Piddle, 124 Ky. Ave.
'Oopted on ca71 o' the roll: Yeas; Comxissioners Iiank, L:elton, Pulliam, 2tub.lefield
nnrr' :'a;;or -::a:h:.urn (5).
Co=iir,d.oncr Pulliam oficraC the tollorrin^ motion: I move that
the City ;.:ana.-er, -ayor anC Co:rnir•ioner i<aton be authorized to atter' the meetini; of
�3tetc, i:nicipnl and r'ederal oi:icials at the Seelbach hotel, Tuesday, ::arch 9, for
t'-.- purpose of :issuc^ing and considering Federal Low Pont !lousing Pro, -ram, and such
�F oth3r matters as may come before the meeting,- and that the necessary expense of said
IIII ince be defr,•yed no other pu':lic expenses. Adopted on call o'' tho roll: Yeas;
! <onerc :Tart'(., ::elton, Pullirm, 3tubilefield and :ayor iachburn (5).
Corcmi=riomar ;itub'cle;ielc offered motion that deed granted
a L, . _ .. rn, ::r., for the ':;ost j of '--ot 10 in flock 4, In the i.'auaoleum Addition
v^ .cry, ra..•.rrrh, ;nr::
:y. u^on propor rynt of ;:1^0.00 to the City Trcaacrc In
-ir nr. cel; Of' the roll: 'Yca:r; Cor_iz::lom?r- IIr•n:-:, :'�lton, Pnlliam,
c: :.:rn o: -Ire 1 the follo, ir.._ moticn: 1 ::o%n thrt the
--..c ;1i ..... t_ c.:•trcetora requesC_r..- that contracts for the
r. ..
r: if f enc ;o certrin school ::till(„lnCs in the Cita of ec'�reoh be a..a_• ed
_ Is:"l :,t,r. :yrs, be .._.ived and filed. 1111opte. on -lil e:' tae roll
. .... -:, E.ul .le,ield an'-! t'r,yor •aa. turn