HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 317, August 13, 1940No._ .317. --_— Proceedings of Beard of Co -.7 e"l On .r. _City cf Paducah---Auga<t_3a3,--124O___—�__ Fire Equip- ment lease received & filed At a regular mooting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of August, 1940, i.ayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous meetings wex+e adopted as read. Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the original lease, contract and option dated July 31st, 1940, and executed by Peter Pirsch, v!. R. Pirach I and Orn. Demi Even, partners, doing business under the firm name and style of Peter Pirsch & Sons Company, and by James P. Smith, City Manager, be received and filed, and that the copy of said lease, contract & option after being properly executed by thoj City Yanager and attested by the City Clerk be delivered to Peter Pirsch & Sons Company. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and'Mayor Lackey (5). Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the City Manager be Riverside authorized to purchase for use in the new Riverside Hospital a Water Still described as Hoapitel -- '.follows: ;'ater-Still purchsccd "1 - One gallon per hour AMERICAN Water Still with water supply valve, automatic starting switch, safety low water cutout and thermometer; pedestal support mounting, as illustrated on (page 2, illustration 3. STILL), electric heat." And that the purchase price amounting to $180.00 be paid in cash upon delivery, the amount so paid to be charged to the appropriation made to the Rivers d e Hospital for the year 1940. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Riv,rcido Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Hospital - X,Ray pur- City of Paducah accept, subject to the terms, conditions and specifications hereinafter chased set out, the bid of the Dick X -Ray Company of Louisville, Kentucky, for the leasing to said City for the boma!nder of the year 1940, of a now Portable x-ray, said lease to contain an option under which the "ity may become the purchaser of said proporty, and that the City Yanager be authorized to enter into and execute for and on behalf og the City of Paducah a Lease, Contract and Option containing the following provisions: Mm leaao,contract,and option referred to above is set out as a part- of this motion, and th, same is of record in Contract Book on page_,, and which instrument so ror_crdod is made and considered a part of these Minutes to the same extent as if fully copied herein). Adapted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bakor, Blackburn, ..;r1an, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). ?iivcraide Cc177'1nzirnar Pulliam offered motion that the City oz Paducah I:oopitul - . ;tor!l.!rers aoccpt, subject to the torics, conriftirnn and s,,ecificution hereinafter set out, the purchaa,�d : ' bid of the 3ear7ar.-M,rria Company of Madison, 7iloeonaln, for the leasing to the City of. Ff,ducah for thn remainder of the year 1040 of a new ::et Or 3tor11!Zor8 to raplaco the sterilizers :cr in use at the i:ivnr31de ::oapitr,l, and which atorilizers so leased aro deacrits! as fcilowa: ' One battery of st,:rillzers cr,:,:aatin;; oi': A4L - 1 i - t.'!r trtias ^e aicas ir.. at:r!:ixar A,:c"a3i:", Boa h,:atea, with ur`Y't;.fl r^.rC-ry tt. a 3ele",1ve presnur" atlfr„r.rtic gas control valve. A410 - 1 - :tt .;:r. .rev.rire iGLS,^ aCeri:1:79^a #1, Cupr-city each Lank 13a^ ; Crs as heat. wit: ir,3,vit:ual :11t_ra and n�soxx tic A41 - = r.1.°.5r y4• xi 2t10" gas :.eated, Co7.plote with -JzJry: ing ez:has 3: as frim the aterliizor ant .; a. ^,t 0a an autcmatic t-,3p-Irature he .:n._ s_...__Ze:n to bo _:,s.ta3 In r.;._ :raslor. cn a tu..a r steel s:_.._ !-7-:7 eta e1.-. -: _;aasry , Chi mach Sterilizer to 318 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah _ 11 jbe provided with an efficient blue flame gas burner complete with gas cock and air,,• II mixing valve; the sterilizers to have sanitary water supply and water waste fittings and brass nickel plated piping ending in common outlets just flush with the back of the �storilizer stand; the sterilizers to be finished in nickel plate, the stand in white enamel and mounted on non -rust nickel plated brass floor plates . . . . . . .$1480.00 Said Lease to contain an option under which the City may become the purchaser of said property, and that the City Manager be authorized to enter into ;and execute, for and on behalf of the City of Paducah a lease, contract and option �conta:lning'the following provision: (The lease, contract and option referred to above is set out as a part of this motion, and the same is of record in Contract Book �.on page , and which instrument so recorded is made and considered a part of these Minutes to the same extent as if fully copied herein). iAdopted on call of the Roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and tl Mayor Lackey (5). Assessment Ordinance - �I Commissioner Baker offered motion that an ordinance entitled; Madison St. 9th to 16th�� AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTS SIDES OF MADISON STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY" LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 16TH STREET, EXCLUDING INTERSECTION AT 13TH STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, YCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THE PORTION OF THE COST OF'CONSTIUCTION OF SAID STREET AND IMPROVEMENT THEREOF, BY THE PLACING THEREIN AND THEREON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE M13EMER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SE'AT:R AND DRAIN PIPES AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVERTISING LAND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION THER-tTillH UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT f OF THE GENERAL ASSEMIBLY OF THE COLIL`ANINEALTH OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION IN 1938;+rPROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEt;ENT OF PUBLIC WAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE jGOVELUM'lENT, APR) AT THE EXCLUSIVE COST OF THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE ABU'PPING ON SUCH ILIPEOVEM.ENT ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AND PROVIM NG THAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED U?OPT SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OR HEAL ESTATE FOR THE PaMENT OF THE COST ASSESSED THEREON, ;WHICH COST SHALL BE TRE DIFFTERLNCE BETIlEEN 'HTE TOTAL COST OF COMPLET- ING SAID IIdPROVF-%1IT AND TRE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TILE CONTRIBUTION OF THE WORK PR) JECTS AM-1NISTRAT'I0:1 OR OTHER AGENCIES OF 'HIE FEDERAL OH STA'L'E GOVEM MENT ENGAGED IN MAKING SAID IMPROVEMF34IT/AND R'HICH TAXES SHALL BE DUE AIM PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY 'TREI.SURF-Ti IN 'HTE CITY HALL IN PAWCAH, ONE-HALF THEREOF WHL•TI fliF WORK OF CONSTRUrTION BEGINS AND TILE REMIAIPJDER THEREOF ;;HEN ONE-HALF OF SAID IMP. CVEMENTS SHALL HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, AHICH TIME SHALL BE DE'T'ERMINED BY THE BOARD OF C09MISSIONERS -NITH IRE ADVICIsI OF TRE CI 1Y ENGINEER; AND ALL THE ENGINEERING WORT: HAVING BEEN COMPLETED AND THE L31l- MA71Z CCST ASCERTAINED, AILD I"" BEING DETERMINED FROM SAID EST=YA'PES AFTER DEDUCTItIG 'R1lI AYGUNT TO BE CONNIBUTETi St TILE i:OiK PROJEC`LS ADNUNISTRA TIoil OF 71E UNITED STATES THAT +�' - - •.. L::F:� : :: Co:.:::.;+IJTED 13Y THE ABUTTING ?RO:1ERTY ORNEkS ON UAAISON S'IREF7 .., A:... .t: :11 :.....,.i' ,G $2.15 PLR ABUTTING FCC:T; A'ID TILE CITY OF ?Alli CALL IL'i'ROVFh'LNT AS 0III« DA 1'E 0I' THE ADO?TION _-_..-..,.._ A<:nptn,l en cnli of tiro roll, VOa9; Cemminnionors ..,,.. .._. .... er., .,.. .i,.,. nnrl Mayor I.acl:ey i ). Ordinance for cons :r._:t^ _._....^.I crier F'lackburn offered :on c:' Kentucky Ave%:;e the fol lowin -motion, I novo that 1 d-:th 3treeto an crllnar-oe <: ::iA:;CF: Yr i. GCit TH4 CONS, 11 AND IiECoils 71,UCTLON 7. '..:� f'" i:i0►t :I: is AES'; ri:+:?Eii'i't LINE „F 1071[ 3.IHEn_ M 'f1iE ...:Ltti,:-,::Ot.S AT 13111 AND 21ST S',S:e.c:I5 iP. A:,L :'ECeSSAii'I CIJk[S, rI• 7"fEn9, �AA:e, :wAi9G 5, ::-AnEL, :•'i- .• - A:N rIrF� . ALL NECESSAaT NO 319 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah Aie;