HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 31, February 28, 1938NO. 3
Proceedings of ..onrzl of Com. ilasiOilers City of Paducah I°bruary 28, 1930
At a re,.ular moetin,_ of the -oard of Conminaloncrs held in the Commiaslnn-
crsr ^.harbor .t the City }tall, Partucah, P.ent'ucky, at 2 o'clock P.L'., on the :8th day of
.e.ruary, 1938, A.aycr ;nshburn presided and upon cnll of the roll the follo.:Lng
an .rorcd to their names: Cor..cia. loners 11ank, :'elton, rullias:, Ct.:c'.:lo Ciold arc; i.:a.JV'r
b:inutes of the previous mectinZo ',:ere a?opted as read.
dater *".orks Financial; Commissioner Pulliam offered the follos:in:� motion: I move that the
r^^ort of Janunry,139;
financial report of the "ra:!ucah Y:r,tor Y%or!ca for the month of January, 193E be received
and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: 'Leas; Comn:losi ners Dank, :.:elton, ulliam,
Stul:;le:lold and :.:nyor l;ashburn (5).
lonr3 of 2gpnli2;stlo
:•cntod a 'tenn:on to
ar•*: :.-, 1938
"ayor ;:'aahburn offered the follo.vis- motion: 'lie 1'oard of Ucnml.izntlon
!•havin, requested that it be granted additional time in which to complete Ito work of
eaualizin; the assocsm�nts of property for taxation for the present year, and having
indicated that tk.,ey can complete their .toric on or before the 15th clay of !,:arch,- I move
that the time of the sessions of the Coard of Squnlization be now extended to the 15th
dny of :..arch, 1938, in which to complete their fork and make their flual reports.
:adoptee_' on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, L;elton, Pulliam, Stub;.lefleld
and I:e.:,�or '..'ashburn (5).
On motion meetin^ adjourned.
A'uOPT'..9 _ 3::-1 _,1938 AF rP.OVFJ
At a call mcotin` of the ::card of Comminolonors hal': in the Co;...l:r:lonaroI
'' Cha•. -L. _• at tl:c City :?all, :aducah, Xontoc%y, at 4 o'clock P.T%, on the Sat day of :arch
11938, Corunisnloner Hank pros ded as ;'nyor pro tcm In the ab.once of Layor 7.F3hburn,and
upon 11 of the roll the follo..-Ln,• anz;worod to their names? Connin:lonora l'olton,
a;: c , -�tut'.lof.cl:' and !:-yor pro tem }:sn!c (4).
1a7or pro tem Hank staterl reason }'or cell, to -wit: To al.lovr thepa; roll
,b• '
.r r'..^ Seat one-h-lf of alebruary, 1938 and to trsnaact any othor !nines that r..ey
- rl,- before the reeting.
::r;nr n" t"" ;.'am!c offel—1 motlohh t"'It the ayroll for t'lo last helf of
i;:SB �. a i } ,a :•' in the tgsount of "9IIC0. ^,
e , .... t."r.t the City 'i'ro;::;:u';:z be
:., L; . -..:a. A,:o7tod on .11 ni i.::_ roll. loan, Ca:ran; 1<
.. .. r far pi'o t"M