HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 295, June 14, 1940Proceedings of Board of Cornissionera City of Paducah June 11, 1940 _ approved by the Board of Comniasioners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com- missioners Baker, Blackb rn, Dorian, and Mayor Lackey (4). Nays; Corunissionor Pulliam (1). Mayor Lackey offered motion that this Regular meeting of the Board of Ad journ:ment - ;Cor_•aission:rs be adjourned until Friday, June 14th, 1940 at the hour of 4:00 o'cloc P.M. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). ADOPTED µrr\a, \ ,1940 I- APPROVED:_/� TdA iF:Y.} #:h::}i: Cti}iFi}i}iiiti:i:-.:-.i:7-X• At an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Commissioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 4 o'clock P.M., on the 14th day of June, 1940, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their nares: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian,Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). ✓,i Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of the City of Paducah ,Paducah Tiunic.-', iipal Housing Municipal Housing Commission addressed to the Paducah Vlater Works requesting the re - ,Com., request 'for removal 'novel of certain fire plugs and the taking up of water mains in the vicinity of the sof fire hydts;. Zc cin nving areas in %rich the Housing Projects are located, be received and filed. Adopted on +water mains �Icall of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor 9 Laeke y (5). Resolution Commissioner Blackburn offered the following notion: I move that a authorizing resolution entitled: "A RE30LUTION AUTHORIZIIIG THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF right of en- try - Faderol,OF TILE 0171 All AGR 1?.IEHT REGARDING RICHT OF ENTRY ON CERTAITI PROPERTY OF THE FEDERAL Materials Co` KATERIALS COMPANY% be adopted, doptod on call of the roll: Yana; Cormnissioneru xer, Blackb:rn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). �, Resolution Coraisaioner Baker offered the following motion: I move that a i authorizing rc.solu.ion entitled: "A RESOLUTION AU111ORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT FOR ATTD OTT aCcey^.t9nce of n� just ant CITY 0: P.r.-UC:.H, ;HE OFFER OF THE FEDERAL MATERIALS COLiPARY FOR ADJUSTLIE11ip els '0 _. ;! 11,Z S?Er TI ;G T14E CLOSIII^, OF MONROE STREET AND TIM ACQUS3I'LION BY 711E t. 1:1;2{•:' Or` ::;.'f :'iI^OUCH Citi;TART LAUDS OF SAID COMPANY FO:; USE IT! THE � :; "'•' '.7::LL, ITd@ THE CORPOR.iTION COUNSEL AND O1:,2;' 0----IC:R3 ! AIE!:T3 0:- .. .: ", be adopted. Adopted on call of the ^)il: Ycaa; for.dcnl :. L-.'. ..rri, Dorian and Mayor Lackey (•1) !:syo; Co, :991'7..^.•S 1-1011sm (l:. I I 1%YOr LAckcy MrIO the following :notion: Subject to -F app:•oval 0f the Ecard of _... h.. ,by ap, ^int i!. :r. r:.rcer., Fred 1:ur', .a$sr a:k 111 .r,r,a t; ..gree as re:a':,3ra 0P the Ibare. of Fork Cornissionera frr tw 102lowlnI p` r1gd9: r.:.ra•x:, 'ate; 're. ...rd ta" y:ora from this -}ate; A. Z. ytcra-}:awa:.n J'fyer .,. .:m ti:Is :.ate; ::111 yez+ra ;r.. ,..__ it their aucceaaors tai, tatn a,,;,ointerl ani ...roe ... !,i,7zey ^-oeoaldelrm:r Plackbirn o.": _red the "ollnvl: ov e tha t . the �;,:.: of ].. NO. 296 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah Juno 14, 1040 Hammack, Thnwson Jackson and Will Ford to serve as members of the Board of Park 1 Cornisaioners (colored), said members to servo fou the following periods: D. H. Anderson, one from this date; Fred Hurd, two years from this date; A. Z. Hammock, three years from this date; Thawson, four years from thin date; Will Ford, five years from this date, or until their successors have been appointed and qualified. Yeas; Commissioners Blackburn, Dorian and Mayor Lackey (3). Comrnisaioners Baker and Pulliam present but not voting. (2). Paducah Eater Works l Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: 51HEREAS, in the construction authorized to move fire hydrants and water mains of the iSunicipal housing Projects at Paducah, Nos. Ky 6-1 and Ky 6-2, it was necessary on Housing Projects Ito clone certain portions of streets in Paducah, and I 71HEREAS, said housing units will be constructed over and upon said closed ilstreets and portions thereof, and S.H REAS, the 13unicipal Housing Commission has requested the Commisaloncra ^of '.later 'Works ofPaducahto take up approximately 225 feet of six inch main extending .!Westward on Harrison from 13th and Harrison Street on Project No. Ky 6-1 and to move ;the fire plug now located between 13th and 14th on narrison Street 20 feet eight inches West from its present location, which changes are requested to be made in connection Gwith Project i•;o. Ky 6-1, and p ,i 17HEREAS, said Paducah Housing Commission has requested, as to the South side Project Ky 6-20 that a fire plug located at Seventh and Tennessee Streets be .moved Eastward from the present location, a distance of ten feet and further requested that approximately 370 feet of nix inch main on Seventh Street between Ohio and I Tennessee Streets be taken up, and 71HEREAS, the contractor, J. F. Ahern, has submitted his agreement to pay the cost of cutting into the victor mains and relocating fire plugs, his payment to Include labor and material necessary to complete said changes, the work to be done by and under the supervision of the Cormnisnioners of Water Works, and 11 SidEREAS, the Commisnionera of 'hater 'forks have recommended to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners that said chnngo in location of fire plugs and removal of ',water mains be at once done and completed; I, itCdR1:FORE, move that the Cormnianioners of Plater Works be, and by the ensetrnent of this ordinance or rein lution, they a ro thoroty empowered to make said chnngeo and Instructed to submit invoice covering the cont of naterlal and labor, incidort to relocating the fire plugs, to J. F. Ahern u': Company; and that the Cc^: ire!^hers o: Water Storks pay for the cost of removing the water Taira described re. Pierce, E. Lackey, Mnyor :•:r.ct •^ r, -111 of rho roll: "Yeas; Commianionera Raker, Elac:.,burn, Dorian, Pul'ilaa and Cor.:lnnion^r a:ackburn offered motion that the rule of the Board of :te pn :j 9.- _.. .'':'9 -..•.^ �+:ch tno "nyrir Ss n.rthor lzod to anti fora vote upon las motion •: :.. nre ,rentlraa? a free: i;la<:, '-.Uch motion w:;s duly seconded, bu sun- . tl:o!:pard for paasrge until the next roll.: Yeas; Commie n!c,nc. rs Raker, Un a)._ ••^_r. --,tt . ; mast:.. „ i� ::..... / A' ' 1 MA. 0; w