HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 293, June 11, 1940No --^93 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah June 11, 1940 _ At a regular mectinr, of the Board of Conunissionors hold In the Con- missionersf Chanber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.H., on the 11th day of June, 1940, Ynyor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follovdng answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Luckey (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as tread. Commissioner Dorian offered motion that an ordinance entitled: A ssessme- "AN ORDINANCE ASSESGING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF PARI: AVE:ME FROM THE rW,.. Ordinance- PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THE EXISTING PAVING AT 10TH STREET IN TH3 CITY OF PADUCAI Park venue MoCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, FOR THE PORTION OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION ON SAID STREET 9th too10th AND IMPROVEMENT THEREOF, BY THE PLACING THEREIN AND THEREON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE TO- GETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SE7IER AIR) DRAIN PIPES AND ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERIIIG, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION 7MEREt1ITH UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT OF THE CE1ERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CO(,M0NUEALTH OF KEI:TUC-.Y ArOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION IN 1938, PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF PULLI! WAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS BY AID OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADMIIIISTRA-1011 OR OTHER AGEIICIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERIIIIENT, AND AT THE EXCLUSIVE COST OF THE 01-7NER3 OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SUCH II{PROVEI.TNT ACCORDING TO THE )BRIBER OF FRONT OR ABUTTING F33T, AND P OVIDIYG THAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE ?OR THE PAITENT OF THE COST ASSESSED THEREON, WHICH COST SHALL BE THE DIFFeJ(ENCE BE;'".= THE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID I11PROVEIIENT AND THE TOTAL MOUNT OF TIIE CON- ,aIBUTTON OF THE 7IORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE 'GOVERNMENT ENGAGED IN 14AKING SAID IMPROVEMENT, AND YlHICH TAXES SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER IN THE CITY HALL IN PADUCAH ONE-IIALF THEREOF •HELI THE '):CRI: OF COUSTRUCTION BEGINS AND THE REMAINDER TIER -10F V,HEN ONE-HALF OF SAID I',1P%CVEM!E1;TS SHALL HAVE EE31I COMPLETED, WHICH TIME SFALL BE DETrRMINED BY THE BOARD OF COI.ITIS.;IONERS :LITH THE ADVICE OF THZ- CITY ENGINEER; AIR) ALL THE ENGINEERING YORK HAVING BEI -21 COMPLETED AND THE ESTIMATED COST ASCERTAINED, AIM IT BEING DETERMINED FROM SAID ESTIMATES AFTER DEDUCTING THE AMOUNT TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY THE WORK PROJECTS ADMINIS- TRAT'ION OF THE UNITED STATES THAT THE AMOUNT REQUIRED TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY THE ABUTTING PROPERTY MIMS'ON PARK AVENUE FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THE EXISTIN PAVING AT 10TH STREET IS $2.05 PER ABUTTING FOOT, AND THE CITY OF PADUCAH BEING NOW READY TO C0:77ENCE WORK ON SAID IMPROVEMEIIT AS OD THE DATE OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCEa, be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian,Pulliam and 'Mayor Lackey (5). Police Deptvp Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the Police ')apartment of the Parkins; rc-'Cit of Paducah be requested to sltspend indefinite) or until further orders of this strictiors Y 4 Y, Eoard, from this date the enforcement of the parking ordinance adopted on May 8 1940 F. gy , P E P Y , , 1•at to r:d ' as far an so_d ordinance regulates the parking of motor vehicles on the North side of Lartucky Avenue betv,•een First and Second Streets, but to that extent and no further. Adopte•I on call of the roll: Yeas; Cotmai.anioners Palter, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mcyor lackey (5). i : I�,®,,,�i _,, _' ',-;;cr=.ac!:ey offered motion that the city Manager be advised of this ire Deli•:erY Cola pro-nsel,=rEr'�s ap roval of the Ica Delivery Comrany's proposal to furnish Ica at an annual ?o furl -.3h nt of $350.00, and such ecuipnent as outlined in their letter of June 11, 1940. ,--, te•1 cn ct.11 a!' the roll: Zona; Cor-.iscioners Baler, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam ' nn` t yor L&Ckoy (5). i I'avor Lnckey effered rotion that the report of the Sevier Dopartr.ent for ' r of May,194C be receive,?. Ado ' ted on call atthe roll: + P Yeas; Com;niscicnerL Lr,;;o•, _...rr., ..,..ar., P..:')lir-: and Mayor Lackey (5). i.ackcy cfferea r..otinn i.at the r•3p01•t of Riverside hospital for be rer..lvcd, an,: -et !!Inn Millis be ror_,erded for h r efficient o:^ the .,.;,r^iCe Nonnital. r. roll: teen, !:or , ars Laker, ?;1arLt,arr., I%o:dan,Fullia:. and Vara: er bo a':t1'-nr12od to udver- .. . __... t.-.:f.L fi? .. .. ..... _. .. ... ., _r A. A.!6; ted on ...._ I o: the ,;tr:rt'..q@.. - -r: -n. .or NO 9.94 Proceedingsof r-ard or Ca—iaaioners City of yLICENSES AS PROVIDED HEREINi, i'1HICH PIAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMM13SIONLRS ON THE I' 28TH DAY OF DEC EE?BER, 1937, AND A1nE0`DED ON THE 28th DAY 0.F DECEMBER, 1938, BY ADDING ii THERETO A SECTION TO BE KIIOYIN AS SECTIONS B AND REPEALING ALL PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCES ;.IN CONFLICT HERYWITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). i restrictions ry Commissioner Baker offered motion that the Police Department of the Parrin,:,,on Ii. side 12th i street between Broadway & City of Paducah, be instructed to suspend indefinitely the enforcement of the parking Jefferson suspended N ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners on May 28, 1940 so far as said ordinance nrescribed the manner in which automobiles are required to be parked on the leat side of North 12th Street between Broadway and Vefforson Streets. Adopted on calk of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5)1 Par::inr �I 1lsyor Lackey offered motion that the Police Department be authorized to restrictiors on W. Side of 2c.nd at., bet:reen suspend indefinitely the enforcement of the parking ordinance adopted on flay 28, 1940, :roodway & Jcffercon sus- i nded, and on E. side If as far as said ordinance regulates the manner in which automobiles are required to be 32nd between Zr3eflway and Jefferaon parked on the ."eat side of 22nd Street between Bsoadvray and Jefl'eraon Streets and on the East aide of 3aid Street between Broadway and Jefferson Streets. Adopted on cal'_ of the roll: Yeas; Cor_sis:+ionors Baker, Blackburn, Dorlan, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Federal :!aterialz Con! -any Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the offer of the Federal a,.re^zent iv'th ^ity Yntc•rials Company to pay to the City of Paducah the sun of y10500.00 and to deliver to the City of Paducah in writing and agreement by the terns of which it is agreed that i upon pa}m;ent to the Federal Materials Company after three (3) months notice of the sum of ',3,000.00, and rayr..ont of the reasonable sarkot value of improvements of said rr:ar.+ ther looetad t':^.r cn, provided that such i:otico shall not be ;;Sven beforo Jim() n—All not be Niven after June 12, 19.10, or that upon payment to tho C3npfny art -r (3) montk,a notice, of the num of ',1,500.00 and the reaS-,ra'tlo rr:^ et vrr;ua 3f improvrn:rrta or the ^on_nny t:mroon, whleh notieo ah'il'. ce :efore Zuna I,!, 1950, the t•.::inl❑ Co:Manwill re -convoy oonvay an:l de:11tttc the City of 4:lucah a:: a Str,,.t 'Sr ,:•:�,.: r x".y hr^re.naftcr mentioned, the 0 a.^re-; to in..tlt•uta r::: :.roaoruW3 to cr.,ncl!aion procva:Ingo necosnnry, a; ..,t:.::F .trr:at eils7 r,. ;r.:.-trc:•:•t nrul tot:: e North und r:l�. , on rh by �hA .t7 f? 'e:.ral rat :I•.Ls^c: ;sry new called Y mroe y tt^ct, be _..._... -. La.,r. .n sI1i11 ;ei;l r„ aeic: Federal latorinls iCOMP"y for the c__aini; of s, .'r. ax:•e st an ti.e Fc"t;r _ 'at i r,n• to pay r.11 1 � r_ala :a:' J easts far said r.lcalr.B, arid: -,v"*d ..rthar ;Lt t:r, rrt o. e:eh reg^lent shalt Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lacicey (5). / 1Layor Lackey offered motion that the City 14anager be advised that this `!owing Lachine for & Par'. Board -purchase City I '!Board approves the Joint purchase of a mowing machine for the City and City Park use. ap'."roved ''Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). / Commissioner Dorian offered motion that bhe City Manager be Instructed Street 11ght-23th & Jeff to have installed a street light at 26th and Jefferson Streets. authorized Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance r{ License ordinance amended entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: VAN ORDINANCE FIXING AND RMULATING THE LICENSE TAKES, AND MANLIER AND FORM OF GRAIITING AND ISSUING SAIM ON THE )VARIOUS LINES OF EUSIIR3S':, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, TRADES AND CALLINGS IN THE CITY OI ( iiPADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR NODI -PAYMENT THEREOF AND FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, AND MING IT UNLA!vFUL TO ENGAGE IN ANY SUCH LINES OF BU;;INESS, OCCUPI.TIONS, PROFESSIONS, TRADiS AND CALLINGS A'ITHOUT FIRST PAYING IMS LICENSE TAR AND PROCURING yLICENSES AS PROVIDED HEREINi, i'1HICH PIAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMM13SIONLRS ON THE I' 28TH DAY OF DEC EE?BER, 1937, AND A1nE0`DED ON THE 28th DAY 0.F DECEMBER, 1938, BY ADDING ii THERETO A SECTION TO BE KIIOYIN AS SECTIONS B AND REPEALING ALL PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCES ;.IN CONFLICT HERYWITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). i restrictions ry Commissioner Baker offered motion that the Police Department of the Parrin,:,,on Ii. side 12th i street between Broadway & City of Paducah, be instructed to suspend indefinitely the enforcement of the parking Jefferson suspended N ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners on May 28, 1940 so far as said ordinance nrescribed the manner in which automobiles are required to be parked on the leat side of North 12th Street between Broadway and Vefforson Streets. Adopted on calk of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5)1 Par::inr �I 1lsyor Lackey offered motion that the Police Department be authorized to restrictiors on W. Side of 2c.nd at., bet:reen suspend indefinitely the enforcement of the parking ordinance adopted on flay 28, 1940, :roodway & Jcffercon sus- i nded, and on E. side If as far as said ordinance regulates the manner in which automobiles are required to be 32nd between Zr3eflway and Jefferaon parked on the ."eat side of 22nd Street between Bsoadvray and Jefl'eraon Streets and on the East aide of 3aid Street between Broadway and Jefferson Streets. Adopted on cal'_ of the roll: Yeas; Cor_sis:+ionors Baker, Blackburn, Dorlan, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Federal :!aterialz Con! -any Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the offer of the Federal a,.re^zent iv'th ^ity Yntc•rials Company to pay to the City of Paducah the sun of y10500.00 and to deliver to the City of Paducah in writing and agreement by the terns of which it is agreed that i upon pa}m;ent to the Federal Materials Company after three (3) months notice of the sum of ',3,000.00, and rayr..ont of the reasonable sarkot value of improvements of said rr:ar.+ ther looetad t':^.r cn, provided that such i:otico shall not be ;;Sven beforo Jim() n—All not be Niven after June 12, 19.10, or that upon payment to tho C3npfny art -r (3) montk,a notice, of the num of ',1,500.00 and the reaS-,ra'tlo rr:^ et vrr;ua 3f improvrn:rrta or the ^on_nny t:mroon, whleh notieo ah'il'. ce :efore Zuna I,!, 1950, the t•.::inl❑ Co:Manwill re -convoy oonvay an:l de:11tttc the City of 4:lucah a:: a Str,,.t 'Sr ,:•:�,.: r x".y hr^re.naftcr mentioned, the 0 a.^re-; to in..tlt•uta r::: :.roaoruW3 to cr.,ncl!aion procva:Ingo necosnnry, a; ..,t:.::F .trr:at eils7 r,. ;r.:.-trc:•:•t nrul tot:: e North und r:l�. , on rh by �hA .t7 f? 'e:.ral rat :I•.Ls^c: ;sry new called Y mroe y tt^ct, be _..._... -. La.,r. .n sI1i11 ;ei;l r„ aeic: Federal latorinls iCOMP"y for the c__aini; of s, .'r. ax:•e st an ti.e Fc"t;r _ 'at i r,n• to pay r.11 1 � r_ala :a:' J easts far said r.lcalr.B, arid: -,v"*d ..rthar ;Lt t:r, rrt o. e:eh reg^lent shalt Proceedings of Board of Cornissionera City of Paducah June 11, 1940 _ approved by the Board of Comniasioners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com- missioners Baker, Blackb rn, Dorian, and Mayor Lackey (4). Nays; Corunissionor Pulliam (1). Mayor Lackey offered motion that this Regular meeting of the Board of Ad journ:ment - ;Cor_•aission:rs be adjourned until Friday, June 14th, 1940 at the hour of 4:00 o'cloc P.M. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). ADOPTED µrr\a, \ ,1940 I- APPROVED:_/� TdA iF:Y.} #:h::}i: Cti}iFi}i}iiiti:i:-.:-.i:7-X• At an adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Commissioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 4 o'clock P.M., on the 14th day of June, 1940, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their nares: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian,Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). ✓,i Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of the City of Paducah ,Paducah Tiunic.-', iipal Housing Municipal Housing Commission addressed to the Paducah Vlater Works requesting the re - ,Com., request 'for removal 'novel of certain fire plugs and the taking up of water mains in the vicinity of the sof fire hydts;. Zc cin nving areas in %rich the Housing Projects are located, be received and filed. Adopted on +water mains �Icall of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor 9 Laeke y (5). Resolution Commissioner Blackburn offered the following notion: I move that a authorizing resolution entitled: "A RE30LUTION AUTHORIZIIIG THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF right of en- try - Faderol,OF TILE 0171 All AGR 1?.IEHT REGARDING RICHT OF ENTRY ON CERTAITI PROPERTY OF THE FEDERAL Materials Co` KATERIALS COMPANY% be adopted, doptod on call of the roll: Yana; Cormnissioneru xer, Blackb:rn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). �, Resolution Coraisaioner Baker offered the following motion: I move that a i authorizing rc.solu.ion entitled: "A RESOLUTION AU111ORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT FOR ATTD OTT aCcey^.t9nce of n� just ant CITY 0: P.r.-UC:.H, ;HE OFFER OF THE FEDERAL MATERIALS COLiPARY FOR ADJUSTLIE11ip els '0 _. ;! 11,Z S?Er TI ;G T14E CLOSIII^, OF MONROE STREET AND TIM ACQUS3I'LION BY 711E t. 1:1;2{•:' Or` ::;.'f :'iI^OUCH Citi;TART LAUDS OF SAID COMPANY FO:; USE IT! THE � :; "'•' '.7::LL, ITd@ THE CORPOR.iTION COUNSEL AND O1:,2;' 0----IC:R3 ! AIE!:T3 0:- .. .: ", be adopted. Adopted on call of the ^)il: Ycaa; for.dcnl :. L-.'. ..rri, Dorian and Mayor Lackey (•1) !:syo; Co, :991'7..^.•S 1-1011sm (l:. I I 1%YOr LAckcy MrIO the following :notion: Subject to -F app:•oval 0f the Ecard of _... h.. ,by ap, ^int i!. :r. r:.rcer., Fred 1:ur', .a$sr a:k 111 .r,r,a t; ..gree as re:a':,3ra 0P the Ibare. of Fork Cornissionera frr tw 102lowlnI p` r1gd9: r.:.ra•x:, 'ate; 're. ...rd ta" y:ora from this -}ate; A. Z. ytcra-}:awa:.n J'fyer .,. .:m ti:Is :.ate; ::111 yez+ra ;r.. ,..__ it their aucceaaors tai, tatn a,,;,ointerl ani ...roe ... !,i,7zey ^-oeoaldelrm:r Plackbirn o.": _red the "ollnvl: ov e tha t . the �;,:.: of ]..