HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 291, June 4, 1940No : 9L_— Proceedings of P^sr3 of Commiasioders City of Paducah June 4. 1940 At a remilar mootinG of the Board of Commissioners held in the :Commissioners Chamber at the City Iiall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:50 o'clock P.N., on the .4th day of June, 1940, ISayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Balser, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Ilayor Lackey (5). '.:inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as road. Payroll for Commissioner Baker offered motion that the payroll for the last i.n.st y Nay 1940 half of 1.1ay, 1940 be allowed in the amount of $9,904.23, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks drawn on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Nayor Lackey (5). ✓ Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the City tianager be auth- Ltreot light authorized at orized to have a street light installed at the intersection of 7th and Clark Streets. 7th &- Mork Adopted on call of the roll: 'tans; Commissioners Pcker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and !-'ayor Lackey (5). Asseasrent V Crdir.ance on r.arahan Blvd aiie:mltss 194C rea:'. Commissioner Dorian offered motion that an ordinance entitled: + DINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTS{ SIDES OF HARAHAN BOULEVARD FROM 1.01717H PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLAY STREET I: _ CITY OF PAXCAH, MCCRACKM COU111Y, KEIITUCKY, FOR THE PORTION OF THE COST OF `.UCTION OF SAID SIDENALKS, DRIVEWAYS WITH CURB RETURNS AND CROSS WALKS, BY THE ?' 9sREIN AIID THEREON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE, TOGETHER 'SSTH ALL NECESSARY DRAIN ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING, ADVERT13IIIG AND LEGAL AND CLERICAL SERVICES IN THEREt7ITH UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEScLY OF THE COLI- " OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGULAR SESSION IN 193W,%PROVIDIIIG FOR THE IM- -T OF PUBLIC WAYS IN CITIES Orr' THE SECOND CLASS BY AID 01 ZIE,'JORK PROJECTS ::;T;1,^IOIt OR CTRwI AGENCIES OF THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOV''sR nsuT'vAIID AT THE EX - .3 COST OF THE OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SUCH IAIPROVIIIENT ACCORDING TO THE :3 OF FRONT OR ABUTTING FELT, AND PROVIDING THAT A TAX SHALL BE IE VIED UPON SAID PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE FOR THE PAWEET OF THE COST ASSESSED THEREON, WHICH COST E DIFF ,11=ICE B 7USEN THE TOTAL COST OF C;MPLETIIIG SAID IhPROVEI•IENT AI1D THE 0:7 THE CC::`%IBUTION OF TIL WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION On OTHER, AGENCIES CR ..".TI:" _ :0`lERI111CNT MIGAGED IN BIAKING SAID I;.'.PROVM 'MIT AND WHICH TAXES .. _.'_ _ _,' THE OF. -ICE OF THE CITY TREASURER IN THE CITY HALL IN 5 THE ';tOR1: OF COi1STRUCTIOII B OIINS ::IID '1TiE R L1AI?DM- THCRE- :0:'i-;::: ? N::ID I rl: `r"" "IT3 SHALL HAVE BEEN COI.IPLETED M11CR T114E SHALL BE BOARD OF CO:: L;.c-ONM3 WITH THE ADVICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER; MID ALL K IU ING n' .:; 1:011PLETED JUM THE ESTIISATED COST ASCERTAINED, AND IT I ::,Tc -7 Ar TER DEDUCTING TIC F.I;OUIIT TO BE CONTRIMTED BY 0: THE UNITED 3TATES 'MAT TIL AMOUNT REQUIRED TO BE Y 0.W113113 ON HArAHAN B`UL?VARD BET'NE, N 71:2 NORTH : THE LOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLAY STRa •.1" IN THE I3 $0.11 PER SQUARE POCT FOR SIDEWALKS AND S TOOT FOR DRIVEWAYS, AND UIE CITY OF PADUCAH BEING NOW 1-- I:.TROVIZ1,!ENT AS OF TILE DATE OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS .cell of the roll: Yens; Cora^rissionora Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and or lackey (57. Co=isnion,�r Baker offered motion that the Financial Report of Ttate.r '.orr_s for the 'nontn of April, 1940, be received and filed. ..!optel -., .311 of tha roll: 'fwaa; Co nissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and i Yn yo^ Lac?soy otf'nred the followin,; motion: I move t:. -,at the Paxa t:;oas±-a t-n,°s ap- n�" or i; ^„Uiitted by tho following nnned pawnbrolaars: ' :: ia: irtaneo Cwmany with the Corti.., .n::'oty I r rco Ccr:;nany with the 1 (.onr ;urety 1 n r., :;uroty (:n;1a'.ilty :JIt:. I.. : „IoI lty An t!:at each E. i ..... ... ... _ _ _ords of the :Sty of Paducah. Ado P,_. r, Blackturn,i:orian, ?ull'an and Key_^.r :.ackey i E No 292 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Cloy q/ 1'adacah June 4, 1940 , r, Cormlasioner Blackburn offered the following motion: I move that the Par:an; on I.orth side of,police Department of the City of Paducah be requested to suspend for one week from this Kentuc::y .Ave from lat tori ,xd street suspended 1 date, the enforcement of the parkin.- ordinance adopted on May 20th, 1940, as far as r'cek said ordinance regulates the parking of motor vehicles on the north side of Kentucky Avenue between First and Second Streets, but to that extent and no further. :Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorinn and Pulliam ,�(4). :gays; Mayor Lackey (1) Mayor Lackey offerod motion that an ordinance entitled: "Im ORDINABCE Ordinance providing for u licensing of automobiles-ll_E3DING SECTIONS 1 AND 2 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'All ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TILE out of city -working in f town ''!CLASSIFYING AND LICEI13I1IG OF VEHICLES PLYING WE STREETS OF VIE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCFY, AND PRESCRIBING A PE.'IALTY FOR VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE', 1,71HICI1 WAS ADOPTED ,BY 111E BOARD OF COM113.>IONER3 ON DECZ1IBER 30TH, 1937", be introduced and remain on file I I one week in the completed form in which it shall be out upon its final passngo. t Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and ii ,{:nyor Lnckey (5). Euscum - request of Mayor Lackey offered motion that the letter of Mrs. Martha Grasaham I%ra. Furcell filed Purcell requesting that the City of Paducah sponsor the establishment of a museum upon ,Its property at the corner of 3rd and Monroe Streets be received and filed. Adopted ;i on cell of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Balser, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and L:ayor i lackey (5). Commissioner Dorian offered the following motion: I move that a i resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE E�MCUTIOH OF A CONTRACT FOR TIIE PUR:'CZE OF ACQUIRING FROM THE INDIAN REFINING C011PAIIY CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR USE LIT COII- Resolution authorizing si gin,of contract _'ECTIOII:LITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FLOOD PROTECTION 'NALL" be adopted. Adopted on call with Indian Refining Co.,Flood wall prooerty4f the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5) Bill for supplies at Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the attached itemized statement Riverside I?ospital for Dietary department supplies purchased for use in the new Riverside Hospital be received and approved , p ireeeived and approved, and that the City Manager be authorized to pay the bills for said I supplies using the funds received from Insurance Companies as proceeds due under Fire lnwxance policies as a result of the destruction of such supplies by reason of the recent fire, and the remainder to bo paid from the miount appropriated to the Riverside �1:03pitnl in the yonr 1940. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cori-, its aioners Balcor, :�lac:clnrrn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mnyor Lackey (5). Cor-ainnioner Pulliam offorod the followinr notion: The City of Pmh.cnh '1«m`' a:'ir. }laving rocc_ved In donations for the furnishings of the now Riverside Hospital tho alta at of 1250.W, which aum is to be applied upon the purchase price of all of the furniah- inrs bourht, from t?'.e ,hades-.`,'urford Company undor contact dnted L,.ay 1, 1940, and tho sa!'? o`ca- urford CO:.,:ary having n;;rond to allow a discount of 4� upon such part of h' P:L chaae price AtIch is I nirl In cash. Z ^:0vo tr:r,•: the City Of Paducah pay to the :thodea-Burford Company �tl.e aa= of $1872.?9 of the a.^•s•ant of dnnn;ir,aa rocoivo-i, ar.3 6}.at t:r:::.o be rro<Iltod � u,on tts total p%n­chaae price for aai,l furnlahings the Sara of $19LU.,',G, lnnving due the ai+;id F':x?es-Eur'ord Cr,,any 'an,!e: tt:n aforesaid coj:tract 0:' at 10 the Ewa oC '4,5.27.0, tl-,e sar..e to bm ptld In tlnlvo (1.2) eq',:al nant::ly irntal'_mn:xts, the 1'Irst :Inr3t(*l1rK1tlt to �•:-. d4A on :'.ily 1, !JV- ... ::t8'i on ^i.,ll of. figs r0;,:.. .ens; ^o~L�iisrl^n^rn Dake:, Lack')y (5). I r Vis... s.��'' � ''•"'., i