HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 276, April 16, 1940NO
Proceedings of "' ! ' '+ —-7 7 City of Paducah - I'll �), 1 :G
in n..'.ix,, r ctin,; a-iJn,m::cd.
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At a rc;-ular nectin�", of the Board of Commission^rz held In the
_:..ionrsr Chamber !, City drll, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.1.1. on the
1-th dny of April, 1340, :.:.yor '•-cr;,cy presided and upon call of the roll the followinr
{ answere' to their nanes: Co::.lsnioners Baker, 3ackburn, Dorian, Pullie:r:: and !dayor
5.key (5).
111nutea of the previous meetinZ:z were adopted as read.
Co:rrissionor Dorian offered the followinC notion: R. J. Penn and
wife, Lona Penn, filed their petition, representing that they are the oti:•ners of Lot 11
C:; @
61n Eloc'r. "A", Cutler's Sub -Division, said lot frontin, on Lindbergh Street and near
':actor Strect, along which a water pipe line extends, which is privately owned by
property o•..n^_rs on Yarbrough Lane and Victor Street and vicinity thereof, and 7.1.Ich
wrtcr pipe line vas connected to the city main near the railroad crossing on the Benton
:Dal under an order of the City Council dated August 27, 1931.
I now move that the petition of P. J. Penn and wife, Lona Penn, be
proceived and filed and that the Paducah linter Works and its Cor:::iszionora be authorized
Yto permit the said P. J. Penn and wife, Lona Penn to connect to said line c., to
provide crater service to his residence, in accordance with the request a: las
petition. Adopted on call of the roll: Year.; Co!a-asaion^rr. ln':-
I burn, Dorian, Pullirn and 'wayor Lackey (5).
CorMisr:ioner Baker offered notion that the payroll for the flrat
half of the i,pril 1940 be nllowed In the oriount of 9573.65 and t':at the City Trennixer
Le authorizer: to pay save by chocks drawn on the General Fund, 6dopted on ca11 of
roll: _ens; Cc- ^iasicrvra a';rr, Dlacktnrn, Dorian, Pu'_linm and b:ayor Lnckcy (5).
Cor.-;issioner Pullinm offero,, motion tht,t a de•�d `rnnted to I1. B.
:''donrr:r for Lot ::o. D in Block t on '.opp Avcnuc In tho ;:nuc:oIoun A ',ition in Onk Oro:•e
^.c...t,ry a,=ica%:, `hF^t:y, upon 1.roper payment of ,;i00.00 to the 'ity ".Teas .rer be
a^roae .,.r. nn rll of the roll: i• C ac
rrn; o" Crn.^� •.tscr, _1nc::Lurn,
.. - .cn that c.`•v';a is uod fro, -.I •tl 4
on ti:o v�.;,!cua ..erc::;�ts a: • ti.. (i((�
- I
Proceedings Of. - n f 'or. -,!;: , I 1r.- ,, City of Paducah ig21'11 .10, lV40
:z .`::OS_.....,.,
Ell 0, CT3
Fi'OJ- - ---1 .— I,:; OP
, 27
:-C i:o, TO 111Z Cl. OR
L7--' LEVIED TJPC:! 3 -ID LOT:: 0% Cl'
?,:L.. :T 0. THMILON, V.11ICH COST Z;I!A-'L D". ME
,-, L 7i-, CO.;" OY .:iD ME W,': -L
• C" 01? G 17ATCII-,� C,
"2::' -,7 -r rIff 1r -LL ONS-IIALF
07 COI.: L:TED, LB DET'.::� DY T
CC:'::: _1.73 ..DVICE 01.1 T:.' L:: UL TU2 E.- ------ 1, -::G
3._.; 7 :7,:.' D TE --iTIMATED COOT A:M IT ESI:Ti, D -'.- (:.!:;ED
:0-1J., :-T-D -;WT-.� 'L—T THE AE.OUM 1,-- TO 13E CONIMIZUTED ZY TISCj�
C,':::::i Oil CLAY STREET BET,'= lOT11 :.:D 16TH STREETS IS $2.15 P --R
77:, .-CnT; A -D _T: ::7,T 16Th AND 213T Z;TRZ'--T.-, IS K2.05 PER ABUTTENG FOCT, Al:D TiL
-Y 0--- .: --' :X:.' `.EAW TO CO2-:EXCE '.1."OrZ OR SAID Ii:PROV-711:2:7 .3 0: THE DATE
',-O- OE7 .1.7L be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll. Yens;
Blacllc`urn, Dorian, Pulliam and Payor Lackey (5).
:-Ion-r Pulliam offered the following, motion. After a thorouzh and
of all '-ids for furnishings to be usc(I in the new !Uvzn'sido
and ntr.l,t conprvioon of all fi7ures, the Corriittee of the . c CrA 1�c c n County
Society 'ety unnnimou.,;ly reconrionded that the bid of the :.hodes-Burford Company be
tn �1, It s.g Ino n! ", best bid;
1 no,.,., nove -i yid of the 7ho0es-Eurford Company in the sum of
: 3, r foma to be used in the v., Rivei,nide floapital Z z the �=chn- furnl�ihin, - -a be
thc nurchrse price therefor to be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly in -
1 -7.42, v,,itl')'.it 'Iny chtirEe of interent thereon, subject, however, to the condition
t, -Ity 1 not U-;co=e legally liable to ?;bodes-1-urford Pononny for the payment
unt'l t': re i:1 adopted by the :oard of Co-rni.jaionc-rn an or,'inai:re
r:,. "It"on of a contract for the purchase of said I'vrn! ibings.
':1—; i:;,;Ionrrs 31mckburn, Borlrm, Pulllwl and
City of Paducah grant to ':^nel-azns
7. 1 under thri 'I I' on the :7o—aa,. Ido
;t nollnell a.' the int -secti.,r. o., !?nd
be tuied for tov:,7.:, of con, ail,
P rn
is ..Inc
NO 117�
Proceedings of. of Cormlniilolw,l CityofPaducab i-vil 1540
of the roll: '-'Ons; Co,Tli:;o1on vs Bn,cer, jjlrekbiirn, Dorian, PUll1Rn and :ayor LrIckoy (Z;)
'-e':oy of e.rod tjfol3o%*jin,- motion: I move th,.,t a
'iaX '1q:E U.'ITED 3".�4'-Zj GOVEMWENT, C,
v �ollitlon
-A— .D 1:1 i;.* OF FOE
11' (Y
-CT 10i> T:T-
M Or ps"LL"All, IT:
Y -V TZ, :.7.. ')I"T-.'A32.; CAUOil
"C- ON ::U1.3:,1'C-- be w1o[:tor!. .doptel on call oS the roll:
Pulliam and .'.,,iyor Lnclm-y (5).
m -mL -Ion -m Dorian,
J :'nyor Laskey offered motion that a resolution entitled:
11A .-C:; C-.:-- 07 rU::'%; 1 -OF C:7 U
FIP.My 0:3L-.G,^,T-'D 2UNID.3' 1`0:11,C07� I111T OF C-
1 ::0" Y.,iT -::, 1-C3 : 37-01.) ..._L RICE--' 0: ':;.Y, CIZL' INO UiC:.,
0. LCU:.;':7117 D:: -'7.'. -'CT TUZ F2DE.1J, CTOVIER:=,,1FO.-i
.'7L ]TIGHT OF ..,iY be adopted. ..Oo,to.l on call of th
Co:r-'An: loners Blac'cburn, Dorian, Pullinm and L: vltny (5).
yor Lsclkoy o: fcred the follovdn,-, motion: I :�ovo ti.at an or�:Innnce
lost TO F:07=2 T7-'-- ?"-LIC 7', -;UL. -E i,::1) rc..-IROL
OF 'P:, ICL&'S BY CR" -.__.:G AND E. T,.-- L IN' L -1 --
:"--":ICT 07. 0. -1'!)VIDI1JTG
C 7
OR �Ujil
:.T-:) "TC. -:::C,
:,1:7(l J,L C
0.1 j' 7: . _'-!:T-
7::: b, r,'op te'. Lost on c, ll of the v,,11: and
and Dorian (3).
j c' f !r)t inn nf. rn
on call
be a lo,)to 1.
:'ulll,i, :::yor Lacicoy(3)