HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 272, April 2, 1940No. 272
Proceedings of =card o: Corunionionc.'a City of Paducah ■
✓ P..ayor Lackey offered motion that the City ManRrer be authorized to
`o n n'. otiate a lcane on land at 6th and Terrall 1f after Invosti-,ation he finds It
^Ssnblo. Adopted on call of the roll: Yean; Com^.ianlon'�rs Baker, Blackburn,
rir.n, Pulliam and L:oyor Lackey (5).
On notion meeting- adjourned.
.At a reular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commiasion-
Ors Chamber at the City Ha.1, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P..Z. on the 3x1 day
of April, 1940, :(ayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the follovin^ answered
to their names: Connirzioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and ;:ayor Lackey (5)
Minutes of the previous meetings werc.adopted as read.
Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: L. H. Solomon filed his
L.H.:olomon pernisn ion
,o Cc)!.nect to private
Npetition, representing that he is the owner of Lot 11 in Block "C", cutler's Sub-Divi-
_ine on Lindbere--h
sion said lot fronting on Lindgergh Street and .Tear Victor Street along which a crater
(pipe line extends, which is privately owned by property owners on Yarbrough Lane and
)Victor Street and vicinity thereof, sand :;}rich water line was connected to the city 1
near the railroad evossinB on the zenton .load under an order of the City Council,
Ndated Au,-ust 27, 1931.
I now move that the petition of L. hI. Colomon be received and filed and
that the Paducah 'dater `3orks and its Cormdssiona:s be authorized to p rmit the said
L. H. Solomon to connect to sa4-d line no an to provi3o water service to his rooldence,
in accordance with th:: request as ma,ie in his petition.
Aloptel on call of the roll; Yeas; Cor *fission -ra iakar, Uackburn, Dorian, Fulliam
,an-' Lackey (5).
Commissioner Baker offered the followin:motion: That the payroll for
`he Snot half of :.'.arch, 1940 b: allowed In the nrno:urt of 09403.71 and that the City
:.ic+s7:rer be nuth:orized to pny nano by checks d: a::n on the •k --neral Fund.
'.pp.e-7 on c.11 of '-..., l-0-.1: Yens; Corn isslon•fra z3u%c3•, Llac.,burn, Dorian, Pulliam and
r,.ner Blackburn of-fered motion that n ' -idL; c_ Phoenix 'n :.nity
and :amen; Ohio Ca::valty Inan: ,::cc Cc eny nn'.;:_ by
Y Corgi ,.ny su ..__. _ . ... a ._ ... ....
, r:
NO. - ---- -
Proceedings of 'o.,.Lr!, onfrz; Cily of Paducah ;,pril_2
�ovvjan, Pulliam and
.e roll, 1
Yens; corzac.,ionero Babor, Pla�ftburri,
Miyor Lackey oi -ered motion that the cormunication of fire Chief ':Ins
r.nd filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yo8a; C6=11001011('rB Ba','Orl
,71, Pulliam and J:ayor Lac!:ey
K e
Lackey oflored mot -on that the cont,juillc&tIon of 1.1r. E. Card 11 be
d rad 7,11,d. Aftptcd on call of the roll: Yeasj Commlo3ioncra Balter,
.-:aqnn, Pulliam and !Zayor Lackey (5).
17omnisvionor Unker offered motion that the lot?, -r of ... F. V0111wrY
to :,t. 11. L. Lowe, dated I.'.nrch 16, 1946, and the letter of P. 1,1c,..urrY
Utilities Company, dated Enrch 28, 1040, be received and
n cnll of the roll. Yens; Corjrjsfiioners IAIer, Blackburn, Dorian,
I-nekey (5).
Co=,ior.Ionor Pulliam offered the following motion. I move that the
('ozpany be pernitted to construct and maintain a power line
from Gthl
:odd ;trc-tn riveraard to a point 125 feet landward from the center line of the rail -
,i -ht of rcIy at the Illinois Central incline, where said Incline crosses Boyd
, ntinuinr parallel thereto but 125 feet therefrom toward the
o_• .::. , _. �' y, -,I r'latance of about 400 feet, or to a point uhich is nor., 150,
feet from the prezent edge of the water on the south bank of the river, said power
.line to "I -^y .3900 volts and to be con.9tructed by the use of approx1,za.,tely nine (9)
an at the end of the line a su.qtion may ay be built from z-hich power may be
rl_riG nvrilnble to the railroad incline. !he line to be so constructed an to provide
of 20 foot clearance above the ,roes grado of the levee at the point of
nrovirion rcculring that the lower wires cro,-.:In" the levee be above
'ect, end the polos -,,:ben set to be so arrnn,.,,ef. that they are off the
the ,food ..all levee iz; to be constructed; and thzit the Kentucky
1 b," -rn to:' the privilege of construct In(; and maintaining said power
-,.7, af :urnlshinC power in unloadln,- bsrCca i to rnilroad cars and for
however, that ouch ri,-hL and prlvIlcC.e be rrrto,' 'lith the
'n,- rr r. r nt of the entuclky Utl litles Company th, 1. it ::111 rcr,ove
ro.-I r, fter the ox- Irntlon o, thro,; ymmro from thin data, and
V21Z 7) r:::It ohi,.11 not become effcctZvo until the !entue',zy Util-
2, ny r., r,,In :--,-tin,r to In " :7n1fy the City o' Paducah r :,-_Rinat any loan,
,rn It 1 nl2o t,�in or Pave to pay In consequence of any nccidnital
..y n art an off the cons true td on and r7, r.......,co of onid
71r.. "'r ..'once nn I!,!! of the roll. Yer-,;
rn, n., :,I! "n, nn -1 -.e L. Ilcoy (5).
:-ntfcj!, 01 lo^at in i--2nning
to to -":ity
ln,'. the
NO. "7'
Proceedings of '' of ''or'•'ll iono:•a City of Paducah Amll ^. 19R0
2.^yor lackey offered motion that the rcaort of Dr. Adams and Dr. Polk,
ty 1ayc:icians, for th9 rionf of T'.arch, 19 I0, be ruc ived and I'll od. Adopted on
�11coll of the roll: Yeas; Coizi1..81on-ra ::alter, Uac;_burn, Dorian, Pulliam andj!ayor
I—Ivey (5).
On notion meetin adjourned.
,1940 API -ROVED;
_ l:1 lR :LhRI
iFiYt?F-iFiFi}iii}i:iF iF:i ii{E+.} •-:Fit• iF:}:}:•.:r•� •:FuiFi}i}
At a call meeting of the Board of Commisnion^rn hcl6 in the Com-
;Iminsioners Cha^.ber at the City IInll, Paducah, Kentucky, at 4 o'clock P.:L. on the 8th
of April, 1940, l,tayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the following
^.nolerod to their names: Comiasione:,s Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pullism and Nayor
Mayor Lac}_ey stated reason for call, to -reit: For purpose of instructin
the City aanager to ascertain the cost of erecting and conntructin,a modern. li_,ht
and porer plant for the city of Paducah.
Corporation Oo-enscl .irec Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the City Sollcitor be
a'_ to nr-ogre Llcctric
:.:ction lost directed to prepare an Electric Light and Power Franchise for sale and sub:.,1t same to
this Boar,', at the earliest practical time. Said Franrhise to be so drawn that the
city's int --rest shall be safe[unrded as to rates and termination,
Lost on cell of the roll: Yeas;JBokcr and Blackburn (2). hays; Commisaloners Dorian,
?ullirm and "nyor Lackey (5).
toi .'nyor Lackey offered motion that the City i'analcr be instructed to
;._'c thls Board with estimates on coat of reproducing the present facli_tics
llStiea Company, and further the coat of erecting, a:td constralctino
a of sufficient capncity to adequntely supply the City of .._•_lucah
v or onev,-,y. n_,i;,'. on Ball a, t}c• roll: "ieaa;
and 1.syor-•nc'.toy (3) .:n; , Co, ^n rs _,.rerand