HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 27, February 21, 19389
Proceedings of Board of 'r :: i City of Paducah ' o brunry 21, 1938
Ay a reLltlar nectin- of the Doard of Com,•ni pion-rs held in the
Commlc7.ion^rn' Chamber :•.t the C_'ty Ilnll, 11a'ucah, I:ent::cky, at 2 o'clock P.I?., on the
^1 t day of Yc_ruary, 1:38, I:ayor 7:ashburn presided and upon cell of the roll the fol-
louin: enswercd to their names: Comcdasionero ilank, Nelton, Pulliam, Stubblofield and
1.7ayor :Cashburn (5).
l::inutes of the previous meetings were adopted an read.
Commi.sr:ioner IIcnk offered t're foll:c:ing motion: I :^.ova that need
George Denker - deed6, in Block ,rQ on holt Avenue In „
to lot in Oak Grove = ••te to Yr. Geo. Denker, for Lot _
ldition in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, I{y., upon proper payacnt Of 200.00 to the
City Treanurnr be a -proved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Comrisaionors
(lank, Yolton, Lulliam, Jtub::lefiold and i.:cyor Washburn (5).
::_in extended Commissioner Stubblefield o'fered the follovdn� motion: Ethel
on '.forth 12th 3treet�.,
3:arriaon to Clay DuBois Smith and numerous other petitioners, having petitioned the City for an
extension of crater main along 12th Street from Harrison street to Clay street, approx-
imately 410 feet, and it appearing from said petition that the petitioners agree in
writing and bind themselves to pay for water at the price equivalent to three i3)
consumers for each 300 feet of such nater main for a period of two (2) years,- I now
move that said petition be received and filed and that the Com^:iasionarz of i:atcr
::orks be authorized, empo:•rored and instructed to extend said Gator Iain by the wo of
a six (6) inch main on 12th street from Harrison street to Cla7 ntreet a distance of
aporoxirntely 410 feet, and the City of Paducah a-ree❑ and bin:'a itself 1'y the
+� alortion of this notion to pay the crater main rentals an provided tor In sold franchise
sate; paytments to cotrmenco when said water main has been lnid and cr:.ter han boon
turned into some. A,:opted on cell o! the roll: Yonc ; Conniss:onera Innk, L.olton,
Full.7am, Stub.lefioll and Iioyor ::ashbtrn (5).
cial elocd :olice ;!ayor :,anhburn Orferod the follo:•rinr motion: D. Thurgan, Garry
on ::ones
Ucndren, Stanley E. Phipps, A. G. heGrennahan, Lee hart, C. ,:. Robertson,
Car; enter, Joe Dickey, J. Riddell, llobert Itorkoy, T. 1.. Parker, Geo. ?tannin, Jr.
A. A. Herdt', E. Brandt, C. Ritchia, T. Adams, :ar cn larc, Joe t?hollrzn, Joe
Swinney, .:11 ron ;lcaveo, I.% Hogan, Obie Ficl1:;, i:ollrtrrl Lryon, John Folk, :ioscoc
Houser, .-.U-1 al ...eCarty, Lar;ec Dos sett, Uko Lanc, ... Y.cCas'..ill, IAtltc 1.'orc:an, ; Oacoo
Food, ,._..rley Prttor, Jane.. :.ilton, C. A. i}ap•:raon, T. Hcn icr con, :larry :men, G.
Yr.r:• :all, j.JOr,a� , '.:cit :r Vaughn, H. ', u Olph, .^,u- lcc, I:erl Lovvc, Oscar
•Inca•., -p, nyrc ._ail, :nrr, :?nitor :alis, De•aoy :'ayno and Lteve COlthr,rp Iwvin;,,
n F'Y the. _. y t. Cn^unity Company of I;ew York as rer,Inl oliacr:en du:•1.n :
the floc_ in .lr,Z7, :.r. „.,:ices havin ee:;ied in 201-ruary, 1J37, rrn:' thore t_lr:
no ... ::.::; t'..,. r.n such 2pecial polieenca,- I r.:r,vn thv L' tt:
r., .t hu . I. one, as s, oily in t,ho re; pOctivvc
.. t,..rt ! r• :r be and the on.no oro *c.: by cancc lie•:'. v.
....np i; :ht.... r l L• oaa; r e:-. Sea. ra:a•s . , 1.r i
Proceedings of : oar' of Cor -Ai :, Lonna Ciry of Paducah F ebruary fl. 1939
yO^ sLburn o:forar� the fells^in;; motion: Tuaco u9olph,
J. L1. i rch, re Youn , ?:cCollum, Alfred liarr3�;, Jake Rosenfield, A. '!'.
;:-3th, J. 7.. ' eyor, Linn --oyd, :I. T. I:cCa:tle, Paul Po113s, Byers staton, Chas. C.
aese, ;te•r:art Johnson, Euticr ::c?arvey, Jac% f:shby, L. L. Dexter, J. T. Patterson,
J. Riddle, Roy 'obertson, �iltc l:orCan, E. E. Chitterden, Coo[•ge i.Ock, Rusnoll iSnynos�i
Linn, Oren Creon, A. Adam3, IT. J. Eeanett, ud. Re33, j, -,pt Eroem, Lloyd Houser,
... Isonan, C. '.. ?t bertoon, 11. L. :oody, C. C. :orison, Oliver Thibodeoua., A. J.
- Ott,>. i:u-�lcs, "ercy .^.coves, Ray Vance, lienciron Ysncy, Virgil Harris, J. II. Camp -
ell, L. ?. Proem, L. R. Truitt, Glenn Oliver, U. Evans, T. P.Jones, J. N. Cassibry,
J. P. hiller having b^.cm bon -]cd by the :leer Amsterdam Casualty Company as Special
Iolicemen Aurins- the flood in 1937, and their services having ended in February, 1357,
ane' there bcln� no occasion for continuing them as such onecial iolicemen,- I move
c.t the nese Amsterdam Casualty Company be released as surety in the respective bonds
of sai? Onocial policemen; that said bonds be and the same are herein cancelled and
'd7 hold for n3u7ht. %4optee on cell of the roll: Yeas; Comairrioners Ranit, Yelton,
Fullian, Stul•lefield and ?'ayor aashburn (5).
Payor "lashburn offered the follo:rin: motion: I move that an
ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINA?:CE APPI:OVING Tl::. :;G:._,:., 0. A CSRT..I; �,.._..,_,�,, Diw_:',ICT,
A':=:IUE :RCS.: rF07.ML STP.E" TO SO::.:1:L . R -1:.T, A£ r, LiiSI?;':^,T- ICT I
ss.; ...PI
C_' P:-_liC:»:", be adopted. A"opted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co::.missl^ners
:.� Iton, Pulliam, 3tubt:lefield and I..ayor :7ashburn (5).
On motion meatinE adjourned.
•- --. '1.-�`''^ ,1933 AIFPROVED:__..%1G.%!��_/�,j,;..sj:->rr11�