HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 267, March 19, 1940NO—
Proceedings of of co -- :ii sionevo City of Paducah Morch 15, 1040
.,:or Fro tory Pullimn (4).
On motion mectin adjourned.
ADO T -D —M__,,� vn&, ,1040 APVROVED: �
i:.n tOR
At a re alar meeting of the Board of Covmissionars held in the
"oa .13:,ien rs� Chambor at the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the
19th clay of Torch, 1940, Payor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the foliwainG
answc,re to their names: Conr.:issioners Eager, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor
lackey (5).
ttinutes of the previous meetinG3 dere adopted as road.
-roll st Commissioner Baker offered motion th:it the rayroll for the first
if of T:areh, 1940 be nllowed in the snount of w9, 326.23 and that the City Treasurer
be nuthorizcl to nay same by checks dravm on the General Fund. Adopted on call
of the roll: Yens; Cornissioners Balxv, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and T-ayor Lackey (5)
i Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the statement o. the
:City 'dreaaurer setting forth in itemized form all checks issued between February 21st
-vrch 12
and I4arch 12th, inclusive, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll:
Yoa3; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5).
it of („ Commisaloner Pulliam offered motion that the Audit of Improverien!
?L"ounts dated December 31, 1939, prepared by Ycagor and '.:hits, Certified Public
...r.tnnts of Louisville, Kentucky, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the
roll: Y`ru; rorLa:nioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and i?avor Lackey (5).
r.....-. ?.layor Lackey offo ed the folloving motion: The terms of office
c=1 n.::bcrs of the --onra of Ttusteos of the Public Library having heretofore os-
__ , _ r,:reiy apno'nt,-
1:z•. R. !<eycrs
:�.r::. I 1;10;ardnon
?:ra. !:c1en Rialto
::r. -red lloumnn
.:,rbort .7allorsLein
. of four (4) years frim this data.
^ -orc,i the followln^
..:anon: I novo the
:... 31eY_e
t:. is roves:. ;.o@ on
NO fT,:8
Proceedings of 1 of ^ :_.iscleucra City of Paducah ria -ch 10. 1940 ,
:.:r. c;cor cc .',llis ton
Jim Sable, Countj L•'nl;inocr, Ex Office l e:nbcr
CCti::`L'.✓ i.a•SiSEIi '
Chsrles E. 3lchon
And all of said menl••era shall serve v;ithout conrensation no provided in the BtaCutec.
Commissioner Dorian offered notion that the appoint,aent of 1:r. L
D. :Hannon, t: r. Ocorge Alliston and Kr. Ed Fancock as City liembcro of the City PlanninS
nd Zoning Cozminsion, said mcmiz.rs•to serve for a term of four (4) years, �.^ apl,rovad.
Adopted on call of the roll: Yew:; Conn:lssionerz Laker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pullias, and
,tayor Lnelcey (5).
.{.ayor Lackey offorcd the.tollowin- notion: I novo that the resolut-
::eoplutior. of Board of i
tting tax I. ion of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, b_arin- date of !.larch 19, 1940,
fpr school purno3es�
for,''D40 specif,,ing the rate of taxation necessary to produce an adequate amount for the support
and maintenance of public schools for the year 1940, to�.zthcr with a like reaol:alon
adopted by said EoarC of _:ucation on said date, requenting a tax levy for the
Teachers Retirement Fund, both of -which resolutions have been presented to the :2ayor
and Board of Commiscioners, be now received and filed and that said resolution be
spread upon the ;:inutes of this meetingO
"Parch 19, 1940
Honorable Y.ayor and
Board of Co^.rissionors
City of Paducah
Paducah, Kentucky
The folloviln!- resolution is a part of the minutes of a caller: neotir.,- of the Hoard of
Education held 14onday night, '':rch 13, 1940, at which all nenbars were nronent.
i -F 1T Board of Z-l;:cation o :aducah, '.Ccr.tuelcy,
tint t. - and levied by the tax levyln;, authority
a^ t, Ity oz�:`:-ucah, Eontucky, an ad valorem tax of one
cc'" ;1.00) on each ,^,100.00 of real and ner3onn1 rronerty
o: .ty of N(hinnh, L'ra:nc`cy, subject to taxation far the
�'0, the sa. .rry in the opinio: r;1
n� cn of - to nroducc for -
c'. dr.: ry to be
:, the els of the Clty c; rh,
:. ..... d _'rat^
:':.D by the Board of '::ducat: on of Pnducah,
be ir;poacd and levied by the tax levying
of Paducah E,n f ..,'•y, an ad valorem
i,,✓) on each b100.t •✓rluntion of real
.. to
_zld . :u :.,;
of the tear!
f... ..rt and na int ,
- Jc :o boin in zccor..
...-. .. .,i lac P.
Attest: at:»1 U.:tiee,3 ^t
«card of G1uca,1,t:
f o�,:,ch 30, 1040
Proceedings O -'mrd of City f Paducah
I _c or Lackey offered. motion that an ordinance entitled.
C -IV.,,
1, VI! D R..TEL 0. TA:.AT.!0N O�- .LL 1-:01, IZTIC IN TIE CIT( 0.-
I 7.
n: �c 7 .-- -�3 ,
7 ...... :7- 1,7C- d7'.V, SUB.T.CT TO TAXATiOl., :,CR i'LZIUrcir,�L rU::EO.;::S FOR X11001, BUIR?03ES
IM, AIID 717E RATE- OF POLL TAXI '..1711 Te - -0313 OF 1'All , .) TA;.ES 11IL
be adopted. Adooted on call of the -all: Yeao; CorsainUonern
_n BlaalkLurn, Dorian, Pulliam and T.'ayor Lackey (5).
i:caoL•ainn a_- I-Iqyor. Lackey offered the following motion; The board of _klucatii
oz, in- !-.nvinz subn-Itted t- the r-oard of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, its r000li;tlon
ra to 1�308.97 to G. Randy JmIth, Jr., in settlement of
.7nndy �;rilth requesting the payment of the sum of
�7.7, con -
act the city's portion of the expense incurred for architectural services rendered by the
said 1. Tandy .:=ith, Jr., In the construction of high school buildings under Public
orks _,1ninistration Docket 110. TY.1219-DS;
I move that pursuant to the resolution of the Eoard of Educf.tion it
a?opted on Varch 7, 1940, that the City of iaducah pay to G. Tandy anith, Jr., for
services rendered the amount of ',308.97 which in to be in full settlement and satis-
faction of all tuns duo the said G. Tandy Smith, Jr., for his services as Architect in
t1ne construction of the aforesaid buildings. Adopted on call of the roll:
Co=nisslon�rs Poker., Blrckburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Layor Lackey (5).
I:ayor Lackey offered motion that an on".1nance entitled:
�ro;;E 11, be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor-missi n -
--r -3
a Ballcer, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and I:ayor Lackey (5).
Comminnioner Dorian offered the following notion: Douglas
havin- applied to the Board of Commissioners for cancellation of his leave
abo-ence from the Police Department, which leave of absence was ;ranted on January
17th, 1340, for a period of 90 days from said date;
1 move that the leave of absence of the jaid, DouClai Beasley be
and t%.at he be :'ir ".ted to return to the Police Dcreri.-n;ont for active duty
Adoptcc'. on r. r.11 of the oil: 'fess;no of r'Oth, 1D40.
Dorian, F,,.Illtiri and Payor Lackey (5).
7 !j C "nr,,' the folloning
y a-- motion: I move that a
PADJJCjrH 01, 7 :,IC LL. 7 1 LI 71
w: ':_C' f;LD% be wlopto
Elac'Cbw.-n, 1.1i...'.