HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 253, February 13, 1940NO.. Proceedings of of ^o_^.:iaaionevs City of Paducah February 13, 1940 At a rc�minr meeting of the Board of Corni3aioners hold in the Com- ..r•13sioncrs Chmnber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 otclock P.M., on the 13th day of February, 1340, !'a. -or Lackey presided and upon cnll of the roll the fol - lo -In- ans^•creO to their names: Co_".mi3sionnrs Palter, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and :[mutes of the previous moetinja were a9opted as read. Resolutlor. 11Commissioner Dorian offered motion that a resolution entitled, "A RE3OL- provvidinz _0:. PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION % THE DRIVEJAY Oil PARR AVHKUE for const_7.� t ion of Pa -1: ME :TEST PROP55TY LIN,, OF DIN STREIT i0 THE EXISTING PAVING AT 10TH STREET III THE —sue -9th to 10th OF P.ADUCAH, MOCRACKEII COUNTY, KEI UCKY, 711 711 .U,L NECiZvA.RY 2.IASHOLES, INTAKES, .CATCH BASINS, SE•,7ER AND DRAIN PIPES AND ALL NECESSARY ENGITLERING, ADVEMM;ING AND -LS;AL A14D CLERICAL SERVICES IPI CO:;;iECi.ON THERE"IITH, AS PROVIDED BY LA17f;, AND 'iITH TIE AID Of' TIE :70:,73 PROJECTS AD:'I.N.1ISTRATION OR OTHER AGENCIES OF THE FEDBRAL OF. STATE THE Z. CLUSIVE COST OF, THE O;YNERS OF' REAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SAID TO BE A: PORTIOIIED ALONG AM A33ESSED UFON TH2 LOTS OR PARCELS 0 Il ^_l:T3 I:=U"TING ON SJCH Ew.PROVEMENT ACCORDING W IIIE !:MMER OF FRONT OR A.BUTTIN ; T, :?:' :::C':.i ;_::'= TH.W A TA:: SEALL BE LTVIED UPON SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE :'0:, ^•IM- PAY!,: -':T OF T71E CO3T ASSESSED THEREON, AND LITICH COST S14ALL BE TIIE DI-PvIEREHCE _-_.. N 'I;fE TOTAL COST OF CO!IPLETI!IG SAID I:!P3OVE.Fr•IIT ARID TILE TOTAL M.IOUH^a OF THE 0? SAID i3D3i:rZ OR STATE A,,_ ^,133 •....AGED III I'=:i{I2:G OAID I ,PROVL.iE1?T, AND I :�dICH ^_.:X SHALT. BE DUE AM PAYA3,E AT THE OFFICE O;' THE CITY TR?:1.;UF.ER, OJM-HALF THERliO f'••:EE!I THE CIORK OF CON_37uuC^_Icil Bi GINS AND THE RZ::AfNDER TH,'_Re;OP ':dtEi: OTE -HALF OF SAID ^.:TALL ,',Vc -, .3N CO.'1PL--- ='D, :,'IIICH TIME WALL BE DEPEr.MINMJ BY THE BOARD OF i i�jC01'!'I; .Oi7Ba OF -1-"ID CITY ',IUI THE ADVICE 07 THE CITY EaGI;H3 FII", be adopted. Adopted On cnll o: the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Liayor Lar -key (5). Commionion�.r Bo'cer offered motion that the deed granted to Roy Dailey - nr wife for Lot ::o.7 in Block lio.4 on Hannan Street in Oak Grove Cemetery, Faducah, upon proper payment to the City Troanuror of ,40.00, be a!;proved. cn cell of the roll: Yo -7; Co �i331ona•s Zakef, Blackburn, %orlan, Pulliam and I Cc:"' .. c_ r. notion that the report of ;. E. Bryant, dated 13.10, _.. In It ._..p;i form the ox onsos of the Police Department -- :•)r thl p.` J.-'unry, 1340; the articles reported stolen, Including J .. .• -., t:: =» +..-- c,3ntl, of anuary, 1040, be roc:ivo:' .md filed. Mackbnrn, Dorian, Pu1113m and I that the rai ort a. Ray r forth is 1tu zed toms itij q. i -rty dostro_red by Sire. durin II n 9 nn 01112 al' the roll Yoan; i - .. .. .. ..... , .. _ ... .,, that a rcaol- f ..;T UCTION Or ,HE . _ ;:.5^ TROP- I No. 954 Proceedings of Board of Core losionera City of Paducah Fobruary 13, 1940 , PROJECTS AD1,fI:II37eAT1ON OR OTEER AGEICIES OF THE FEDER.L OIt STATE 'IOVERN&IENT AND AT THE EXCLUSIVE COST OF T!IE 9.711TERS OF 13;EAL ESTATE ABUTTING ON SAID STR3RT, SUCH IMPROVE:k,:IIT TO BE APPOR'10;F"D ';"ONCI Ai?D ASSESSED UPON THE LOTS Olt PARCELS OI' REAL EdTATE ALUTTING ON SUCH II1PROVENEIIT ACCORDING TO THE NW,1BER OF FROIIT OR ABUT''CING 1'E1,,T, AND PEO`:IDING THAT A TAX SHALL BE L3VIED UPON SAID LOTS OR PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST A33Ej3ED THEREON, AND 711ICH COST SHALL BE THE DI-E'_I; :ICS 3.T*, -d_, l TI13 'TOTAL COS OF COMPLETING .;AID IVPROVEIIENT AiID THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE CONTRI BUTION OF SAID FEDERAL OR •STATE AGENCIES ENGAGED IN 1.u1:0G SAID I .PROVEI.`,ENT, AND 411CH TAX SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF TdE CITY TREASURER, ONE=HALF VaR OF :'+ilEtd T11L•• ':iOR1C OF COIL= STRUCTION BEGIIIS AND 71IE RE:'AINDER THEREOF F:101 ONE•IIALF OF SAID IMPROVEI,,'ENTS SHALL 11AV BEEN COL:PLI3TI:D, V,11ICH TI= SHALL BE DETEPJIINED BY THE BOARD OF C01.4.:IS3IOII::;1?S Ci' SAID CITY '.7IT11 THE ADVICE 00.' THE CITY E:IGINP:ER", be adopted. Adopted on call of the case, If, in nt o: It ul•. . city of is.'.ucah . t pAyrwnr ;r. i:•.::i;:, r, br:;is or elan ot:: yitat srd 1Ph in ,rani°.. f, r. t!:ot the City be •hest full lCc,,. ar,. tc^ma rx:. :ut t o3 inatelius-.ts y 1 f a '. in ._ .. so ®c^ .. - ,roll. yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Lis` of signed cks- ✓ Cbmsmieaioner Dorian offered motion that the report of I:irs. Bass Jangary 5 to Jan.16 '.aahnrm, City Treasurer, showinC in ite-uized form all checks issued on the General :'und received and filed. �between January 5th and Januaryl6th, 19408 both inclusive, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). a 3t. Light tb be in- i j Commissioner Dorian offered motion that the City lZanager be stollec. nt Sth F: F.y `directed to have installed a new street li_ht at the intersection of 5th Street and Xentucky Avenue. Adopted on call of the roll.: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, I �,Dor±an, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). L tter from 1:edical ✓I Commissioner Pulliam offered motion that the letter of the Society:^.enCaoflBoard McCracken County Modlcal Society, signed by Dr. J. Vernon Pace, Secretary, expressing for operation of •:cw�itsviews onern±the appointments of persons to carve as members of the Municipal Hoan±tal reed & ccne file%. ::oonitsl Cosission, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the troll: Yens; V �Co-nissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and sayer Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: The City of Del4rquent 1 tares to 1"aadopted haulm- bheretofore ado ted mots ons authorizing the Lo; a1 Depart"nt *o .institute e a9Justed by City i' t �asrc_nr 'and nrosecuta suits for the enforcemont of the cityta liens for delinquent taxes and ;public improvement assessments, provided such delinquent taxpayers did not, on or before FaLruary 13, 1940, mako a payment of one -twenty-fourth (1/24) of all delinquent taxes then owlnf, and, at the time such pa minnt 13 rade, a]I`ee with the City Treasurer to nny 1/24th of said delinquent taxes on the 1st flay of each rionth therenftor until the . sn�u^ ar^. nni,i in full; aid, It apnearing from the report of the City Treasurer that very 'few f -gonna 4'%Ix"^tr: xrs n_•e ,Iellnquont have ta:;on a vaztago o- t;ie oiv,ortunity to pay th"Ir taxes Sr. ±nr:tn2'ril%tc r,', . ,•ovi:;od under the ter -ns of said -nylons; :hqt the Lo. al Ln a 1 i,-.- -1y inotltu,to and tr, :' c.. 1n these a..... ' t ;'cr ..rut h:n • -_n :-.� n.. .. . .. case, If, in nt o: It ul•. . city of is.'.ucah . t pAyrwnr ;r. i:•.::i;:, r, br:;is or elan ot:: yitat srd 1Ph in ,rani°.. f, r. t!:ot the City be •hest full lCc,,. ar,. tc^ma rx:. :ut t o3 inatelius-.ts y 1 f a '. in ._ .. so ®c^ .. - Proceedings of. of Cor -j,-' o3ionors City of Paducah 1'obruary 13, 1940 Lackey offered motion that the City Manager be instructed to accept insurance setUcrient of 0,233.80 on building and $2,805.70 on contents at nt on: Kos- Riv-raide Hosnital. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co.wq133ioners Banker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and 'Payor Lackey (5). Imyor Lackey offered motion that Foul Iverlett's leave bd cancelled and he be re.-tored to active duty in Fire Department. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Conjiiocioncr3 Faker, Elackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and ,:nyor Lackey (5). Mayor Licicey offered motion that the report of 'N. F. Anderson, Super- -i-, for lntcnr'cnt of the Street Department, for the month of January, 1040, be received and Sled Adopted on call of the roll: Year; Coia:isjionar3 _Ekcr, Blackburn, Dorian, ?ullinm and ?,'nyor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the followinC motion: I move that a renolution entitled: "A :'ESOLUTION APPROVING TrM LOCATION, WIDTH, ELRVATION AND TYPE OF CERTAIN CLOSURE STRUCTURES TO BE ENCLOSED IN SECTION "B" OF ZiE PADUCAH FL( OD WALL, A M AP- PROVING THE LOCATION OF CZ!!'AIN RAMPS TO BE ERECTED OVCR ME PADUCAIi FLOOD WALL", be adopted. Adopted on onll of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). ✓ Payor Lackey offered motion that the City 'Treasurer be authorized and empo*7cred to withold the payment of all accounts to persons who have permitted their ad valorem taxes and occupational licenses to become delinquent, and that no settleneni of said accolmts be made until such delinquent shall have raid in full all taxes and 'Icense fees, or unless ordered to do so by judgii:nt of the Court. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cormmissionorm Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Fullinn and Payor Lackey Mayor Lackey offered the folloviinZ motion: I :-:ove the: an ordinance '.led: A:' ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR U12 OF 'JiPEE CL:R. TO BE M'.PLGYED A::-,) RADIO OP'-RATOR3 IN ME OF. ICE OF THE POLICE DUART'MNIT 0' TIN, CITY T ::!N'S 0.- 2UCH CL?rJi3 'JID FIXI;.'G '111E I,WUNT Or COMPF,13AT- ,R M NTWE I L.;O rh0l.11,1:10 170 E APPOI I T Or AS 3% REQUIRED TPEI- T L` Al IC OP:'HATION Or Gr. ICE 0!' TM r0r.1-E1 -::j ALL Y.01.17LUOIL; OF O4MINA'; "C';. _.ICT onte'!. on call of the roll. YOE11; CO.. and 'ayor Lnc%ey (4). Nays; 'Co-xni331oncr lulllrcr (1). -,orInn offered notion that the City of Fn'-v_,rh ap;rop.­iate 1:crh 1, 1040, for the use an? Lenerjt 01, tno the :',. o! en`,,cah, url the amount set a3i,,,o ror said to rr,! In 1% %h, n-,-,v0pr1ntinn to ehnrity upon the a,.!,-ntion 15,10. on (111 01 'l, �C. roll: n, requesting of frena ',rd and .3 at -00, r0V sell alleged F., NO.2SS Proceedin s o --'o^rd of Commissiono-a i`ebruary 13, 1040 g f City of Paducah y Adopted on cell of the roll: Yens; Coim:iasioners bal:or, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam � and ".!nyor Lackey (5). i n • 0-_ ,1940 AFrP0VP:D: ( CtiPC,�ce-u� At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Com- haissionors Chamber at the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 1:45 o'clock P.M., on the 16th day of February, 1940, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the fol- lowing answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and mayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of authorizing ac,eptance of Federal Food Stamp Plan of the Federal Surplus Commodities gCorporation, and to transact such other business as nay come before the meeting. At ar. r: the ._ ari' of l Co .last o n ra h%+1•.i In at 2:00 o'clock P.0 .r. «7'::. , ,, .... .•c7 n1..0,`1 rrll nY t: -,n a•ni 1. the tun, .. :., i'ti111am Commissioner Baker offered the followinc motion: I move that an - ... to sign - ,al rood agreement between the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, the State Department of - Public ielfare, the City of Paducah, Kentucky and 1;cCrao'_:en County regarding the deal, - nation of the City of Vaducah and McCracken County as a possible area in which the JFederal rood Stamp Plan may be inaugurated, which aC.reenent is dated February 15,19110, be approved and that the Vmyor of the City of Paducah, Kentuc'.:y be authorized and cm- o:rered to sign said a; -regiment for and on behalf of the said city of Paducah. ?opted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Piker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and 1Sayor -arkey (5). d Commissioner Blackburn offered motion that the Mayor of the City of to act, in ai: c :ally, to Paducah be authorized and empowered to act, in conjunction with one member desigaated r",=.'r -'' - - ';by the 11cCracicen County Fiscal Court, to aelect a ;uporvisor of the Federal Food Jtcanp Plan i•ro•ject, and also to rent and equip au:taele quarters. ai:.optca on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bal:cr, Blackburn, .:onion and iulliam (4). Mayor Lackey r.rlsent %ut not voting. On notion moetinc adjourned. J e,^'._- e= Pt..C- -- --,1940iG At ar. r: the ._ ari' of l Co .last o n ra h%+1•.i In at 2:00 o'clock P.0 .r. «7'::. , ,, .... .•c7 n1..0,`1 rrll nY t: -,n a•ni 1. the tun, .. :., i'ti111am