HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 231, December 26, 1939Proceeding's of - of ^on•-1:,s_^nor:• City of Paducah ✓acc:,;br 28, 1039 _
t a raCular mcetin,, of the board of Comnisat one ra hely: in the
t'harab-r nt the City ]:all, Paducah, 1{ontucky at 3:00 otcloelc P37,on the
of '-ec^.nber, 103J, or •;ncJ'.burn presided and u. on ca] 1 0± the roll the fol-
1 _'n^71 to their nanen: Co •nirr ioncrs Hank, Helton, Pullian, Aul—lo'ield and
... :.rn (5).
;•inutcn of the pr0vious meatinra r:ero adontecl as road u:on call of the
:'a lora; Yean; Coru-inaionora flank, Yelton, Pulliatn and Htub lcfield ,
Con-:isnion:r Hank offrrec9. the follor'in notion: ss. br.nie Llanuin !
- I
_ _ submitted to the ward of COMMi3ZIoners for approval a deed of conveyance
. - 1
c:cceutod and ..ellvered to her by 'rs. Anna Beat Kennedy, a widor, and Earl ':illiama,
and under vhich dead the ,ranters thereto convoyed to her Lot #406 in
..1�c% ;;2£3 in Oak Grove Cemetery in Paducah, L:eCracken County, Kentucky;
I move that the aforesaid dead of conveyance be approved and the
^sfcr of said Conotery lot be nhorm of record upon the Cemetery lie^inter of the City
_.-,',ucnh. ;:doptc,. on cell of the roll: Yana; Cot•mtissionera P.ank,
lton, Pulliam, ,tut:_lcfield and 1:ayor ashburn (5).
Co.^cais ioner H-nk offered the folloe:in- motion: 'Phe City of Paducah
'- _.n- heretofore authorized the :cccution, delivery and snlc to the Oicaater Loan
of .•-stein ncvn;uc ioncn for the purpoce of nrovidInC funds Cor use in the
a.n74::-uc'._cn o. o nevi hos-tital, ..:.i.; bonds Lein, deai•nated as "Cit,• of P, '11cnil
.c;l ,.evcnua=on-:n", crated July tat, 1033; and,
t-h•.,re now rcnaino unsold and as yet not ::elivercd Lancs in the
mt of 13,000.0O3 the same beinC numbered and maturin.- in t'ha ; aunts
... or: - ns followa:
:..ot.ritg -ate Principal .a:tount
to 91, inclus_ve 1-1-59 6,00C.00
4 35 to 100, inclnc:ivo 1-1-60 6,000.CO
X—, .• 0^ )n:uoah h a hcrotofore nrintod for c'ellvery
ova n'.: c. v' ton -la .1,.cn tho same ..:•o
0: ..a1 a:a,lartl, i:.. -0 1,
_. rlll c- ry for the City of Paf,uanh to incur
- - -e - -- ._.. n :nt0, 1: the ai-n,Gurc e:
..e.ic, bonds ..Lich are to u_ to !
_. _. ylet, 10.10; i
.. _ - ot•. a.: ,...... ? . , ... -:C, ane
NO- 23?_
Proceedings of L oar,i oi' City of Paducah 2C, 1033
Conn-dasioner Fullian OITODCd notion t ,,t the application of
Jash F: poor Conaany for exemption frau tn:ten for a period of five (5) yer:r.
rece;.v.d and filet'.. ::optac. on c:ll oI' the r311: :!oas; Comdaalouo:s
, :'tlton, Fullian, Stu:-.lc:'ir•lr and Knyor',.aahb.:rn (5).
Comilsoion-r eullian offcrod motion that the ;.-Ilt .e..�m.•+: of
the Paducah ';pater :corks for the fiscal year ending- October 31, 1J;;0, a; ?r.: nr-.i,-d by
9otton e- _a%cw, Certified Fuclic .,cnoimtantn, be recn..vod and filed.
.:0:,te:2 or. enll or the roil: Yeas; CorW::la:ionersIIar.'.c, .;^lion, ulliva, :.tu::,lcfioid
;an,'. :',-.-jor '.:arhburn (5).
- :ryor '.,.,shLurn off-trc i notion that this re. ular ^,ectln3 be
purred until ;•turcay, =oce;fiber 30, 1930, at the hour of 10:00 o'cloc?: l..:.,
oate' on call of the roll: Yera; Co:vaiardonera IIank, I:elton, Pullian, ;tub-lefield
and I,ayor ashburn (5).
;-oPm30 -,,e — ,1959 l.FF°P.ov;J: