HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 23, February 7, 1938_� NO-4-4-- Proceedings o._a1 -3Proceedings of Board of Cowmisslone rs City of Paducah February 7„ 15:,8 At a regular meeting of the board of Co:amissLoners held in the Coi:u.;iszionars' Chariber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.61. or. the 7th day of February, 1558, :.1ayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the followln:g answered to their names: Co:a,ais:.ioners Hank, :lclton, Pulliam, :i Stubblefield and .layor Washburn (5). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. i Cocnissioner Melton offered the following motion: That application Beer License slay cat over: or license to retail beer and light crines from the following applicant be received Snappy Tavern lay over. g b P, sand filed and held until next regular meeting for final approval: i B. id. Vandevalde, 2605 Bridge St., Known as 118nap?y Tavern" Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, 6tubule- 1•Leld and liayor Washburn (5). Board of hqualization�' ayor Washburn offered the fol.low.ng motion: The Board of Fqual- ti^e extenaed to _:arch 1, X508 ization having requested an extension of time in order to properly arrive at the ',fair and equitable valuation of the property In the City of Paducah at their ypresent session and suggesting that an extension be granted of not less than two Np(2) weeks,- I move that the request of the Board of Equalization be received and ^^filed, and that the session of said Board of Equalization be extended to the lst day of ;larch, 1908, in which to complete their work and hear all complaints and dispose of all matters to be presented to said Boar . Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Conmicsloners Hank, aclton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Washburn (5). 9a or Washburn offered the following City of Paducah audit Y g motion: I move that the for year 1937 received report of audit of the Cit of Paducah for the and accepted P Y year 1837, as prepared by Yeager & White, Certified Public Accountants, be received,accepted, riled and made a part of the per;nanent records of said city. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, 3lelton, Pulliam, 8tubolef.ield and Uayor Washburn (5). ✓ Cot-tclssloner offered he following motion: Ethel L. ';rs. !,tre1 fia_.,.in Ar.;it to re_ove :-on- Hannin, as the owner of a burial lot In Oak Grove Cevetery, and being lot: 1 _1;::t Iro ; Oalt Grove Cer;ot:ry Section 8 or, Pest %venue in said Cet;etory, havint, petitioned the Board of CO_.113clorers to persit the Paducah Granite-1arble & Stone Com any to re,Love fro.: sal:: lot and the have thereon a lettered !norulent and :;artier ,,hlch ,,as cv: 0.: ti,a grove o:. Slid lot in April, 1.104, and John Crldcr, Super - of Oak Grove Ce..;etery having in writing cors2s:ted to such removal,- t:. -a potitlon of Ethel L. Haanln, and the writ -en consent th"r'AQ i,y Jrr;: .,, C"Wer, Superintatdent of Oak Grove Ce::;etery, • . - .... -., .hat .;ursuart to said debt. ion :u:n reque-st that Linc P.•......_., c:r:_:..�.. _ r<�:_...e.mu, Co...;,y, for ..nal o:n b,n:,lf of sc',id unci h. lot, be: ,t J. .1t Len to r..;ove snld Let t. red a:.c ...ars'-r ,rave a:. ....ld :.ot, to be coaducted w,u�r the ob_..::vatwn ax.d r;:ervicie:. cf the a: -id Jahr, ;i. Cri,t­r .. .., i. t. ;.;i:t of salt] O:,k Grove, C•: =e ._ry. t ::o .te:-. n,. r0 c : .., it t.:, !ton, Cash Gracery .i,6yor AaL Lure ('..�:.: i' : J 1 o .l::t the W. li.cerse ch-rc"-_ .r .. h9alst B......, ,a.:I .or rave ..0.. 0 r..a_...i0.:. .. _;c. .st al:,:.i,,1 uy .. , _atz&r, hr.. ..•:.SV : _ ..c.✓1 iiaZfOr: ..-00ry,,e 4J.. -d & G.<.r: , :.y :i _ d.j• nay, :.,a:.m, :.z reCb;.�:_. _'lied, tient the NO. - __ 4;1 � __ Proceedings of Board of Co:atsstoners Ciry of Paducah February 7, 1938 Board of Coz;•lssloners proceed to hear and dispose of said charged. Ado;ted on tail of the roll: leas; Co:a:ilssioners Hank, 'Melton, Pulliam, StuOoiefield and :5ayor 7:asbburn (5). 4ayor Washburn offered the following ,notion: The Board of Com- 'cobdy Cash .:issloocrs having had u::der coosideratio:_ application for revocatlou of license to Grocery license' engage in business by ."oody's Cash Grocery in the City of Paducah, and having heard revoEed'! evidence offered "both by the City and the respondent, and having heard argu:ent of counsels for the parties, and being sufficiently advised thereform, fLnd from the evidence that the respondent has been shown to be guilty of violating the city ordinance authorizing the granting of said license, and because thereof,- I now move that all licenses heretofore issued to ;doody's Cash Grocery for the year 1938 be hereby revoked; and that all said license fees paid to the city of Paducah be forfei to the said city. Aaopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Layor Washburn (5). 2ayor Washburn offered the following motion: I :cove that the charg Drink- ard preferred against B. B. Drinkard for revocation of his license signed by L. V. Bean, hearing, on City _Maaager, and served upon said B. B. Drinkard by Holland 'a Green, patrolmen, on lice-sel post- the 2nd day of February, 1938, be received and filed and that heaving th reon be pas pored polled until the text regular meeting of the Board of Comwissioners on February 14, 1 1938. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, :Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Washburn (5). On motion m•:etln-b adjourned. 0 ADOP1ii:. \, 19, ,1938 APPROVED: //Aayor Cx y Clerk !./ I —1