HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 228, December 11, 1939No- 2"8 Proceedings of -onrd of Com-losloners City of Paducah 'eccnL•or 11. 1939 _ i rater rain extended on Zinn:ville 'oad- -.sn, "athia, etc Commissioner Stubblefield offered the follwAnZ motion: 'The proporty owner:, abutting the Meadville Road on the North aide of said road, betaccn _one Oak Road and aycataore Drive in the City of Paducah, have submitted to the Eonrd of Coraission�rs their petition dated December 8, 1039, recuesting that the Siayor and Donrd of Com:.icsionors nuthorize the Paducah .Yater '..orks and its Commisnioners to lay a 12" water main r.lonr the blandville iron%, bo_-inninr at the 24" main on the Lone Oak 1:or:d and extending Y;eatward to .;ycamorc Drive a distance of rpproxirately E75 feet rind connc�t`»n^ ::Sth an 8" water main nt the intcranction of J;cc_.oro :rive an,: the :,ane'. Jaid petition was nnrroved an,! by the CO:..nInOlarlern of 2 now hove that said prti.tlon be received an -3 filed an:1 that the oris, anti its Comciooionor;:, to dirortol to lay and construct a l^" raAde all necensary wntcr connectl"ns cion^ lair. :'landvillo Road - _r: of the Lone Oak gond and the I'lor•lville 1?oad .:cab::r:rrl along the _ to +.... _.a-msectlon of Jyca"Ore Stivo and tl.e miler villo load. .;nil oxton.:l^t: is to be made on co.:: iunr, t: at the o'.:n•:ra o: said ..J p^,.< nl ., fo:r ..aid ortc•t:Sion shall t.•.. , ....., nr,. - fn• w,: tar service at a gate for a t"rm r,. 1, .. t!;ra'i two yearn, co:c:cacin- 3O rirys alter anid Alpe "I r1ete'' a nv , .• ..•Vice . o;. . tl r. to and n.:` tr.-;t to the t,:rna r:nrl Ln ani' p>t:tion rcfguentl;, :r:'..', It is urdt rstood L .'..: ?!:.. t r.: .ac".rcnh a. ;•a_ a and t.?..,,; , r . ;•.el. to !rent rz•,ntal on' water minUm n rental, as Froci.'od ir. t' tee now MR Le to :aid w":wn Boil water Main has beer lair' ,.-, :•nvt:?rid :dr, n," l the roll, ^a _�iB: Irnr•ra Hank, Melton, 1t a re -:lar noetin* of the Board of Co:vtissioncra hold In the • i Comaiasloncrs- Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3:00 o'clock P.V. on the 11th day of Deconbor, 1930, Kayor '•:ashburn presided and upon call of the roll the followin.^, answered to their names: Connisaioners Hank, Lfelton, Stubblefield and Mayor '.':ashburn (4). .Unutes of the previous moctinCs were adopted as rears. Consisaioner Kan]: offered the following notion: 1 move that C. R. C. R. oaon Civcr.' Hutchison be to occupy, for a of five (5) months, that portion of the parnisnision tto use permitted period i city property for public grounds fronting upon the Ohio River botween Broadway and Jefferson Jtroata cor.:.truction of ,oat and lost of an old brick wall which extends from Broadway to Jefferson Streets, the said r. R. Hutchison to use said public property for the purpose of conatructinc a tow- boat and for no other purpose, and he is permitted the right to use said puulic groLmd with the understanding that he :•rill vacate the same at any time when notified to do no. The right and privilege to occupy the aforesaid public I;rounda Is :ranted to C. I.R. Hutchison upon the condition that he exocuto and deliver to the City i� of Paducah a bond, with surety approved by the City I.:anager, by the terms of which up it is agreed that he will indemnify the City of Paducah against any and all damages which nay be recovered against said City on account of any accident which nay occur on said public grounds while they are occupied by him. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hanle, 1lelton, Stubblefield and Mayor t7a--hburn (4). i rater rain extended on Zinn:ville 'oad- -.sn, "athia, etc Commissioner Stubblefield offered the follwAnZ motion: 'The proporty owner:, abutting the Meadville Road on the North aide of said road, betaccn _one Oak Road and aycataore Drive in the City of Paducah, have submitted to the Eonrd of Coraission�rs their petition dated December 8, 1039, recuesting that the Siayor and Donrd of Com:.icsionors nuthorize the Paducah .Yater '..orks and its Commisnioners to lay a 12" water main r.lonr the blandville iron%, bo_-inninr at the 24" main on the Lone Oak 1:or:d and extending Y;eatward to .;ycamorc Drive a distance of rpproxirately E75 feet rind connc�t`»n^ ::Sth an 8" water main nt the intcranction of J;cc_.oro :rive an,: the :,ane'. Jaid petition was nnrroved an,! by the CO:..nInOlarlern of 2 now hove that said prti.tlon be received an -3 filed an:1 that the oris, anti its Comciooionor;:, to dirortol to lay and construct a l^" raAde all necensary wntcr connectl"ns cion^ lair. :'landvillo Road - _r: of the Lone Oak gond and the I'lor•lville 1?oad .:cab::r:rrl along the _ to +.... _.a-msectlon of Jyca"Ore Stivo and tl.e miler villo load. .;nil oxton.:l^t: is to be made on co.:: iunr, t: at the o'.:n•:ra o: said ..J p^,.< nl ., fo:r ..aid ortc•t:Sion shall t.•.. , ....., nr,. - fn• w,: tar service at a gate for a t"rm r,. 1, .. t!;ra'i two yearn, co:c:cacin- 3O rirys alter anid Alpe "I r1ete'' a nv , .• ..•Vice . o;. . tl r. to and n.:` tr.-;t to the t,:rna r:nrl Ln ani' p>t:tion rcfguentl;, :r:'..', It is urdt rstood L .'..: ?!:.. t r.: .ac".rcnh a. ;•a_ a and t.?..,,; , r . ;•.el. to !rent rz•,ntal on' water minUm n rental, as Froci.'od ir. t' tee now MR Le to :aid w":wn Boil water Main has beer lair' ,.-, :•nvt:?rid :dr, n," l the roll, ^a _�iB: Irnr•ra Hank, Melton, NO - Proceedings of J,nc'-fl __City of Paducah :cc-mbcr 11, 1039 Mayor :.Vshbburn offered the follo'.71n;• TOti0a: I novo that an ordinan- -,,cizleo: 1111:: CLO.-::�; A F�; LTC ALLEY THROU(NI THE ULOCK .',:.;T LINE OF 13TH 3,rj-, 'A 2 T To THE L X LINE OF �YLI' THE FLOCK BLT`,7E21 STT*.! -.T AND Z Ob' 14'ITI STPLET; ,LSO OF 13TH TO Tide. EA:;T LIZ,T -,tc 1 r-, 25 FEET IiiDEPTif CO;'.:.';.'!.'ClrG IC A POINT IN TIlE ::EST 7. '2 93 FEET SOUTH OF THE 3OUTWII-;3T CORN22 OP IRIE INTERSECTIOIT OV 13TH AT RIGHT A.TGLES AIND TO'-VARD 14TH STREET 25 FSET 10 FEET, THE'.Cr AT RIGHT ME!', ',.T ;.'IM 13TH All 25 13,71 3171 .:T; AT -30 TE.11 PUFLIC VROUGH 711E ii 0 r. I" I T:`2: -'1T AND OTH %T :.:0:: '"[Z SOUTH LIM OF OHIO 3.M - C TO '11 - VOT11111 ;.:7:. THE CCHPOJIATIOJ� COUANTO-L TO 1113TITUTE IN THE Cj::CUIT COURT A --UIT :'OR 1111E PURPOSE OF HaVING SAID ALLEYS CLOSED", be Adoptod on coil of the roll. -fees; Co=iiooionc-,rs Hank, Molten, 3tubilefield and ?.:ayor viashburn (4). 7'.0yor �.ashburn offered the followin,,. motion: The hook Amusement -.ny having permitted a nu, bar of charitable and civic organizations to use without On lonal; cost its Park for the purroue of raising funds for charity and other purposes bene- 'Icinl to the public N,;elfare,- in consideration of the favors which have been extended to the City of raducah and its citizens by the Hook Amusement Company, I move that the aUM of ;100.00 be accented by the City Treasurer as satisfaction in full of all occuPational licenses due the City of Paducah up to and including the year 1039. .'.=onted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comiazionera Hank, 1.1alton, Ltublulofiel('. and. Vayor (4). Cn motion the rnc-atin,: adjourned. i