HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 221, November 17, 1939NO.. :1 !'roceedings of __ City of Paducah IIOV1c7:., R 1;j, 1_:13V.__—__-_ _ P,t a rof.1:lar tacetin:-, of the Hoard of ComiLocioners __•; in the Comnisoioners' Chanber at the City :Tall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock F.>:. on the 13th day of Ilovenbor, 193,3, Cocmiissioner link presided as mayor pro tem and upon c-1 of the roll the fo lowinC answered to their names: Cor2::isaioner0 Bulliam, �'ta:.lofield and 7ayor pro ten Hank (3). i;inutes of the previous mootinga were adopted J j ass read. I� Mayor pro ten Hank offered the follonin motion: .. -:`ion r:I nov^- that a resolution entitled, "A i?E30LUT'IOII AUTdORIZEM `.;IE i.IAYOR TO L,:':CUTE, FOR zln, to +.-:D 0;: E._..,..-: OS :'HE: CITY 09' P6]UCAiI, KEI:TUCL'Y, Al; AGREE-74ENT DBT':: ;iII ME 13-1171 ME - 4• .....i: CO?",^:T ;;;:D ":-.Ji CITY Cis p;,DUC::I III COhRMCTION PSIT11 TM ACnUT:iITZOII OF A Rl(�i'P-OF- .. _.rli :;;,Y ; :•1:71."3I: ."P� PRC:.'�i^Y OF T:IB INTS- Q.'A^IOPIAL sl-m4c07.P�LIi' Pop ^.,3 CONO TiiJCPIOII 0'r A Si3A -.:.',LL C.. OD F710TEC^_IDN .7 ALL, AiID prESC;tIDIhG T,I-' T.SpuJ AND CO:T^ITIOII3 TO B CO'_:TAIRBD be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Conunissionors Pulliam, aeficld and Biayor pro ten Hank (3). On motion neotinZ adjourned. ADOP=D �� 1T�i' - 7�0 ,1939 APiROVX CT"Y ERY. 1 A call meetin,^ of the Hoard of Coaaslssloners was held in the Co=lsatonors' Chsaber at the City hall, Paducah, i:c'ntucky, at 10:00 o'clock on '.he 17th 0-y of :Iovezrbery 1939. Conralsoioner Hank presided as mayor nrot=ra in etsenre of :'e. or +nshbu-n and upon call of tho roll the folloain maseerod to their ....aea: '7or_-i^-Innora :'Alton, Pullinn, :,tub.lefiold and Y.nyor pro t^.m Hank (I). I.'nyor pro ten Mink stated renaon for call, to-„lt: r thA r:r sne of allow - 7,njroll for first half of Novrmbor, 1939, an,I to tranaact ny other �-...,_ncss tl:nt may morn before the meeting. i Vayor pro tem Hanl: offered mol.lon ti.-�t tw payroll for rat F•e It .. 0'.-n. - Ir, 1:139 to ..1I nwed in the am ^unt of 0301.56 an,'' that the � 7'.Y _wno by the-,cs drawn on the G:n: rnl :'t:nd. I :: .. 1 :: ,,.cli:on, rullir. , .ItuL lefiel' and 1 0" %y,1�