HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 216, October 30, 1939216 Proceedings of Board of COrrnisalonera City of Paducah October 30. 1939 A regular mcoting of the Board of Commissioners was held in the Co^issioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3:10 o'clock P.M., on the 30th day of -ctobor, 19599 1layor •.ashburn presided and upon call of the roll the followint• answered to their names: Commissioners dank, L'elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield And Vayor -+ashburn (5). Mnutes of the previous meetings vroro adopted as road. Corraissioner Pulliam offered motion that the financial report of 'zer, the Paducah dater Jorka for the month of jeptember, 1939, be received and filed. 4dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, dalton, Pulliam, d:tubclefield and Mayor 'V:aahburn (5). ,' Commissioner Melton offered the following motion: C. T. Farrier C. T. Farmer to connect -:ith rater main owned having petitioned the Mayor and Board of Commissioners and the Commissioners of Later Ecll & Seamon on 36th -r-�ct '•:orks of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the privilege to connect a private water line described as being a" inch in diameter and approximately 225 feet in length to a rater line privately owned by Henry Seamon and T. E. Bell, lying along 36th Street .outside the City Limits sb as to provide orator service for the residence of C. T. Far fronting on 37th street. ... cSOCti�f:- R� The Commissioners of Mnter ''.orks approved the petition of C. T. Farmer, subject to the approval of the i•iayor and Board of Commissioners, and C. T. Farmer, having filed with said petition the written permission of Henry Dannon and T. E. Bell, granting to said petitioner the right to make said connection to the pipe ,line privately ovmod by henry Seamon and T. E. Bell; I move that said petition be reocived and filed, and that the Cornissioners of Nater 'Works be permitted to authorize said C. T. ?armer to tap the privately ovmed water line of Seamon and Dell at a point on 36th Str-et, opposite the property of said Farmer and to extend said connection from 36th Street southward throu'rh the property of C. T. 'Farmer or to the property of C. T. Formor, for the purn000 only Of supplying water service to the residence and property of C. T. Farmer, the size of said line to be constructed by Fanpar to be A inch pipe. No other taps may be made on ^nid privately owned pipe lino so conatructod by T. E. Bell and Henry 3omon and water service provlCad through said pipe line may be discontinued at any time by the Com- I niaaioners of anter .forks. ! 1 further move that permission to makd said tap be granted in i the a,grotiments set forth in said pet't.ion. Adoptofl on call of tho -• -. :;.:I!! iIn,norn Hrnk, ::elton, Pulliam and .Itubtlefiel d (: ). ::tys; winrhburn(l ). Cc -r,1:, loner Stubblefield offered motion that the Cortlficntion of ha cr,rtifyine the re3ulta of the City Lloction held Oct"Lor filed a�n!I spread upon the ;.inutes: r.. "at. ped, INP . -On I gang J r•'.Jr., and r , A 5 r! L and r t it'le!I C-, o! .�. ty, ye =y, t w„ ,let a the ! ,art tad a + t,t,4 ,ise in cCrccen,r6antucxy,4andn cant at t+ , City .r Primary :•lection Iteld October c ✓ ,n: n&i i, r, :•reef total of votes cast for said card- iva:! 1716 votoe j f Pr vc�d 1.41 votes f, 12,3 •rites 337 votes •. yil:;• 'rotes le�-5 Votes i i fNo. -1-- Proceedings of %oard of Cos :±sa.ionora_City of Paducah October 30 1339 :red Duff received 843 votoa A, Sid Gardner received 279 votes Robert L. }lardy (Bob) Hardy received 532 votes ,Edgar Houston received 447 votes T. Lockett received 875 votes Herbert S. Helton , received 1122 votes John ':;, Polk received 1240 votes >:r. S. B. Pulliam race ved 9373 votes Chas. C. Rieke received 1144 votes John S. Riploy received 594 votes Bobbie (Bob) Stubblefield received 1557 votes 7. R. Treadr'ay received 841 votes Edgar T. 7.ashburn received 851 votes Bernard Looldridge received 470 votes 11. Aredell _oung received 274 votes !'lint wathis received 1 vote the undersigned Election Corn- issioners of McCracken County, Kentucky, do cetify the above to be true and correct. Given under our hands, this October 21st, 1939. ( H. L. Coker Election Commissioners ( J. E. ',Alliamson, Sr. ( Chas. A. Rottgering .. _.,TE OF KEi:TGCK'f ) )Set. OF IScCRiCILEN) I, Sarah I::iller, Clerk of the County Court of the County and State aforesaid, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of same as it !appears on record in my office. Given under my hand this the 21st day of October, 1J39. Sarah Miller, Clerk By Jess G. Mercer, D. C. -ted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, L'elton, Pulliam, Stub:.lefiold ,or ' ashburn (5). -..inanco Co=.issioner Hank offered the follwrinr .-action: I move that an ordinance T':'. ::CE ArrRoyiNG THE FINAL REPORT OF 7E3 CITY PLANNING AND ZONING or 7IE ZOI:ING OF CERTAIN r'hOPERTY A:,JOI::IlIG THE PACE AD7iTIOli _ aCLY, EQULT,ITT ON THE NORTH BY 28TH ;TP:,FZ, 0'.I THE EAST AND ::::D 0:: THE uEST BY GEORGIA STREET, ,,.i A RI:;:IDi?:,TIAL DISTRICT OR :.::A?,T'ITO BE I!'POS'D POR VIOLATION 0r' THE RESTRICTIONS SET •'F'7 Ti EI CITY PLta:::I::G AND ZONING C0124I3SION ON OCTOBER 0, '_ :>5 adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, i'vii±acl, Stub'.,le_ield and Mayor Mashburn (5). Con-iscion,r Pullis.n offered the following motion: I move that an or:lin-:ncc T.: :i,'1, REPORT Or TP.. --TY :l•. .ING A:'.D .-:G C::.T POP,TION OF (,L.. .COD , Oil :C OF .._ .. _ A U: .til PLAN - G':. be adopto•:. .'opted Un call Of r_on ra :ani:, .:!ton, fulli:nn, :;tub-lci'icld and Mayor '•-ashburn •ed the following motion: I move that an PIIIAL REPORT OPi:L: ' '7 i'LAd.:I'la f,N) ::RAIN PROP;nTY 0:; .PJLIET NILLUt CITY Ol' PArucxI :Y, 1Rc SA1E PLAT Oi•` SAID SUB- _ . nr l H?tLD .. .. .. :... . ..i:;; -'-TIAL DIS,xICT PItE- (�'-' THE E Ri-;TRIrTIO ' - RBftII; A J COl'::I :IeII 02I ... .. .... , rGr..ilaa.�ti„i•s if•.,.. ..-_tan, % lo: I move thnt a.. 00.2 "?: OP at •a re" lr 1 ... 1�•, than one (1) 06" - ter. _. o: 210 Proceedings cf .oe;rd of Co^oaiasi.ncro City of Paducah October 30, 1:39 _ ooncra of said property take, use and pay for said crater at a fixed rate for a term not lass than two years commencing thirty days after said pipe extension is completed and service connection made and subject to the terms and cond'tiona set forth In the (petition filed for said.first extension under date of October 4, 1939, and the petition for said second extension dated August 30, 1939. It is understood that the City of raducoh agrees and binds itaolf to pay the �!hydrant bental provided in the franchise and to pay the water :pinimum rental provided ';for in said franchise. Said sums to be paid when said wiator main has been laid and c.,ntor provided in said extension. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Covnisaloners ;;Funk, Velton, Pu:.liTri, Stubblefield and Moyer '•ashburn (5). On motion meatong adjourned. ADOPTSD�P_.�o._ ,1939 APPROVED- ' 51'_Y CLl'.TiIi A call meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held in the Commiaaioners ':hamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10:00 o'clock A.K. on the 3rd day of !Iovember, 1939. TLayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, rtubblefield and iayor '7aahburn (5). Myor "iashturn stated reason for call, to -wit: 2or the purpose of passing the payroll for last one-half of October, and to transact any other business that ray come before the meeting. Commissioner Hank offered motion that the payroll for the last half of moll -:not October October, 1939, be allowed in the amount of $$9092.51, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks drawn on the General fund.. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, T,:elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and L'myor 11ashburn (b). On motion meeting adjourned. 1 ADOPIG:) Y\ �:5 �p __-_-_--'1939 APP"M"'I— _ 't41 - ."Z -