HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 208, September 18, 1939NO "00 Proceedings of : card of rOMUSSlOner." City of Paducah Jeptembor lb, 1J59 ,t a reralnr meetint; of the Board of Commissioners held in the Cormilsalono•a -hnnb r at the City Hall, Paducah, lentuc'ry, at 2:45 P.I•:. on the 10th day of Jeptember, 1939, Cornissioner Blank presided as T•'avor pro tem in the absence of i•'ayor ,;asnturn and upon enll of the roll the foll.owln;, answered to their names: Commis"oner, 1,:elton, 1 Pulliam, .;tubblefield and Eoyor pro tem Hank (4). I;inutes of the previous meatings yore adopted as read. 1 Conuniscionor Ilpnk offered motion that the payroll for the first half of Payroll -first half of -optember, 15 9 li3opte:nber, 1939 be allowed in the amount of X9174.70, and that the City Treasurer be uthorized to pa, some by checks drawn on the Goneral Bund. :optcd on Call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Velton, Pullism, Jtubtlefield and Major pro tem Hank I4). Orr:innnee prohibiting" parking of livestock in City .-ater main extcnded on &onroo Street- 25th to 27th Mayor pro tem Hank offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance 9 entitled: "Aid ORDINANCE DEFINING AS A NUISANCE THE PAMIW, _TN QJY FUL•LIC :;'itthhT, PUELIC ':.AY OP, ON ANY PRIVATLU O:iNED PROPERTY IN ANY REJIDEJTIAL DISTRICT .1T1:1N "LHE CI'Y OF PALUCAH, MUTUCKY, OF MOTOR TRUCKS OR OTHER VEHICLES IN ::1JIC11 CO:73, JfiEcP, HORSES, F10CS OR Ai:Y ITF., LIVESTOCK ARE9EI:;f3 TRAidJi'OP.'iLD; AND PROEICITI:d^ 1,.Y PF.I;3CN, Ii FIR'.: OP, CORPORATION ENGAGED IN •"IJE _L'SI:[ESJES OF RAISING, MA1,16PO4TING, LUY11:G, ZLLLI:JG V li OE 01:I3Pi :.Z.. DSnLING IN LIVEJ•fOCK FROM, JTOPPING OR PARKING THEREIN ANY 'MUCK OR ':i;JC':J d N I11 '.:J:Ici: LIVE.;TOCI: I3 13"ING:', iYSPORTED, AND PR:•:SCiII Siic`, •THL, PEIJALTY FOR VIOLATION CI .1SiR's0?"', be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: 'ion:; Commissioners "ielton, �jPulliam, .,tubLlefield and I.:nyor pro tem Hank (4). Corird: oloner '`elton of'fored the followirg motion: The prorerty ormora on Yonroe Street between 25th street end 27th street having sutmltted to the Loard of Commis:loners their :etltion requesting an extension of vatop rains on Vonroe totrroen said streets, and the Cormaiasioners of '.:r,tcr •corks having reco:m:.cnried that such request be granted: - F I now move tl.nt said petition be rocetved and filed anJ t. [it the Fuducah '.rater 'Oorks extend its G inch main :end provide nll rater connections alon.-, i:onroe str,:^t botween 25th and 27th streets in the City of Faducah, Said cetcr.aion to be mado an the c.•ondition that the owner! of -,aid • rop,irty t;,'ao, use and pay for mater ragas 1(,t the flx,sd rr.to Lor a term of not lent than t..o yc.ra, co.:;.rnrin-• :.itl:ln thirty drys after :vch nice extennion is conplete and aervic,i connecticn ra.d AloptFd on, -11 cf the roll: yeas; rors.tisalen yr ' elt^n, Full.i::m,-tuli'llefielO nnd. i .. . .. .. .... a ,j-urneC,. d AA